The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
In this resource you will find ready to use ‘concern cards’. These are cards which can be used by staff and by students to ‘log’ concerns with form tutors or heads of year.
Cards can be kept in a space outside an office alongside a lockable box or safe space.
Students or staff can then complete the cards to refer a concern.
These are then picked up by head of year and they decide who can deal with the concern.
These can be used by staff or students to refer other pupils or by pupils to self refer.
These have been used successfully and with impact.
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This resource is a blank character profile sheet - perfect for use when creating character or trying to understanding character better.
I have had great success using this on multiple different occasions with a wide variety of different texts and characters and it has worked every time.
Best used when students are really pushed to complete in detail.
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In this bundle you will find resources which will be useful form tutors and for form time.
This bundle includes:
a powerpoint of an 8 week numeracy challenge
a powerpoint of 20 literacy form time activities
2 literacy booklets with over 60 pages of literacy activities
a growth mindset form time
an organisation skills development form time
a form time/lesson on success and how to start the year right
a document full of ice breaker activities to get to know your form/class
a behaviour contract - for targeting those key students early!
Set 1, 2 and 3 of my ‘Little Inspiration Cards’ - these are perfect for printing and handing to students to inspire them throughout the day
100 lesson behaviour challenge to get your form started right!
a self esteem check in board
an anxiety check in board
an emotional check in board
…all 3 perfect for targeting students emotional well being and encouraging them to reflect on their emotions as we return to school.
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This resource includes an hour long session (at least!) on how to stretch and challenge students as well as how to support them. This includes loads of ideas on how to differentiate for a variety of different learners and has plenty of quick strategies for staff to implement.
staff discussion about what diffentiation is
staff reflecting on their current use of differentiation
addressing misconceptions
a video focused on supporting more able students
20 quick ways to support low ability
20 ways to stretch high ability
suggestions for further reading
ideas of for long term support and stretch
This CPD also includes an editable booklet for staff to use during the CPD and I have included many of the templates referenced in the CPD which can be shared directly with staff to edit and use themselves.
A complete CPD ready to use!
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This resource is a complete and ready to use introductory session. It explores the concept of success including:
an image starter linked to success to open discussion
a discussion about success and what it means to students
exploration of 5 quotations about success
group discussion about what students have learnt
students complete an interview with their future selves
students then complete a ‘success contract’ for the year ahead
ends with a plenary pyramid to reflect on student learning
Perfect for new teachers, experienced teachers or for form time.
Complete and ready to use!
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In this bundle, you will find four reflection worksheets.
These are focused on four different areas:
emotional check in
self esteem improvement
anxiety improvement
behaviour reflection
All of these boards were created to help students self regulate their emotions and to become aware of their thoughts and feelings.
All of them seek to challenge negative thoughts and to help adults supporting students gain a better understanding of student feelings as well as students gaining a better understanding of themselves.
All of these have been designed using research in the specific area and pull on research to ensure tasks are appropriate and effective.
At £4 - these sheets work out at just £1 each.
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This worksheet is designed to be used with students to help them reflect on their anxiety and to manage feelings of anxiety also.
The tasks are not designed to be completed in any specific order. Students may complete in whatever order they like.
This works well with my other ‘check in’ boards on emotional wellbeing and self esteem. These can be found in my TES shop.
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This check-in board is designed to be used with students to help them reflect on their self esteem as well useful for adults to help students reflect with them.
The tasks are not designed to be completed in any specific order. Students may complete in whatever order they like.
This works well with my other ‘check in’ board on emotional wellbeing. This can be found in my TES shop.
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This check-in board is designed to be used with students to help them check in with themselves emotionally as well useful for adults to help students reflect on behaviours and mood.
The tasks are not designed to be completed in any specific order. Students may complete in whatever order they like.
This may be particularly useful to help students self regulate. This works well with my other ‘check in’ board on self-esteem. This can be found in my TES shop.
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This resources includes all three sets of interview question from my shop - this includes 45 questions you may be asked on a Head of Department/Faculty or Curriculum Area interview.
These are compiled from much research and experience of middle leadership.
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This resource consists of an additional 15 questions you may expect to be asked on an interview for head of department/faculty/curriculum area etc.
Set 1 and Set 2 can also be purchased from my shop.
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This resource consists of an additional 15 questions you may expect to be asked on an interview for head of department/faculty/curriculum area etc.
Set 1 and Set 3 can also be purchased from my shop.
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This resource consists of 15 questions you may expect to be asked on an interview for head of department/faculty/curriculum area etc.
Set 2 and Set 3 can also be purchased from my shop.
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This resource contains 3 pages of advice for new heads of year or heads of house.
This includes top tips for the role and answers to key questions which are frequently asked by new pastoral staff.
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In the role of head of year or head of house, perhaps one of the most confusing things I found was wrapping my head around the various different abbreviations and acronyms.
As such, I thought it would be useful to compile the ones that are most common into one PDF.
Please note, these are not exhaustive - they are the most commmon ones in my experience.
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In this resource there is 2 example head of year or head of house application letters/supporting statements.
These are different styles of letter but are both made using my experience of head of year interviews.
They are great for reading in preparation for writing your own letter.
Please remember - these letters are frameworks for your own. I do not recommend sending blanket letters to schools and I would always tailor letters to fit the specific role you’re applying for.
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This resource is a second example of a Head of Year or Head of House application covering letter which I have collated using my knowledge of the role and my experience of previous pastoral applications.
This template is 3 pages long as is full of ideas which you could use including:
parent-carer partnerships
building positive ethos
leading a team of tutors
reading data
working with external agencies
celebrating student achievement
being a strong teacher
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This resource is a compiled list of FREE courses and CPD opportunites which can be found from Free Online Courses, funded by the Funding and Skills Agency.
These are not my courses - I have simply compiled a list of the websites for development.
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This bundle contains resources for new Heads of Year/House/KS. It has lots of great resources for new pastoral staff to hit the ground running.
This contains a massive 20 resources including:
2 form time activities focused on developing skills for being great learners, growth mindset and organisational skills
A compilation of literacy and numeracy form time activities including a numeracy challenge and 20 literacy tasks - great for tutor time
15 frequent pastoral scenarios and what to do in them - ‘5 Big Pastoral Questions’ x 3
attendance tracking spreadsheets to help you track attendance effectively
3 easy to use, ready to go assemblies on confidence self esteem, the effect of random acts of kindness and the importance of choices and responsibility
a ready to edit weekly assembly template
a 14 slide back to school September expectations assembly and student success contract for your year group
two sets of pastoral development courses for your own professional development
an example improvement planning document to help you effectively plan improvements for your students and the year group
3 attendance posters for form boards
a form time activities booklet - easy to use and focused for students
E-booklet ‘40 Ideas for Improving Behaviour and Attendance’ to help you smash your year group goals!
This resource is Set 2 of potential SENDCo interview questions. This includes another 20 key questions you are likely to be asked on a SENDCo interview.
Please leave a review if you find them useful.
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