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Early Years / Foundation Phase 💜

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Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...




Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...
Musical Elements for Early Years

Musical Elements for Early Years

I cut these pictures out and my class worked in groups to create sound stories. They choose which order to put the pictures in. Each picture represented a different musical element. Lion - Loud Mouse - Quiet Cheetah - Fast Snail - Slow Children then took it in turns to close their eyes and guess the musical elements used in the sound stories.
Design a  'Friendship Stop'

Design a 'Friendship Stop'

My Reception children designed a sign to go in the yard. Our topic was about friendship. The children wanted to make a ‘Friendship Stop’ for those children who didn’t have anyone to play with at playtime. If they stood near the sign, other children would notice that they didn’t have anyone to play with, and would invite them to join in with their game. I took their designs to a company that made the sign for us.
Toys KS1 - Old and New

Toys KS1 - Old and New

As part of our topic on toys, we planned our explanation writing about how a toy car works. We used the skeleton to help us with our ideas first. We also focused on adjectives to describe old and new.
Describe woodland animals

Describe woodland animals

We spent the morning watching videos on BBC clips, and reading facts about woodland animals. We then talked about WOW words to describe how they looked etc. We used this worksheet to record our answers. Sort woodland & non-woodland animals into a Venn diagram.
Story Writing - Planning your story

Story Writing - Planning your story

Differentiated sheets Early Years/Reception/Year 1 A skeleton table to help children to plan all elements of their story. Word mat included to help children generate ideas. An editable Word document is included, as well as a PDF copy.
Dinosaur Poo Experiment

Dinosaur Poo Experiment

Includes a powerpoint to introduce herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. I then made dinosaur poo using oats and brown paint. To make herbivore poo, I added leaves and twigs. To make carnivore poo, I added pasta shells as bones and fur. To make omnivore, I added leaves twigs, pasta shells and fur. I left 6 foil wrappers around the classroom for children to work in groups to investigate. They used magnifying glasses to investigate further, and they had the worksheet on a clipboard.
Pom Pom Christmas Tree

Pom Pom Christmas Tree

Make a pom pom Christmas tree in the enhanced provision. Use tweezers to put pom poms on the Christmas tree. Measure the pictures using cubes/counters/lego. Predict how many first, then measure.
Number Bonds

Number Bonds

Number bonds to 10 Number bonds to 6 Blank cards for new number bonds Flashcards for the maths provision Early Years Year 1 Year 2 Foundation Phase
Discuss Rules in EYFS

Discuss Rules in EYFS

My reception class discussed rules and what was ‘fair’ and ‘not fair’ / ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. We cut out the sentences and matched them to either ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. We discussed each one first and re-wrote them to be fair.
Easter Card Message

Easter Card Message

Easter Card Message - When my Reception decorate Easter cards, I always use this template on the inside of the card so they have a form to follow. To ____ Happy Easter! Pasg Hapus! Love ____