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KS2 Sentence Structure Posters

KS2 Sentence Structure Posters

4 posters for KS2 English/Grammar Using a Co-ordinating Conjunction Using a Semi-Colon (in place of a co-ordinating conjunction) Using a Subordinating Conjunction (in the middle of a sentence) Using a Subordinating Conjunction (at the start of a sentence)
Subitising Flashcards

Subitising Flashcards

Flash cards showing numbers 1-12 in different ways. To help children to recognise/subitise numbers. 150 different cards (in a pdf) the numbers are represented in: Numerals, number in words, tallys, dominoes, tens frames, picture of playing cards, addition and subtraction calculations. How to play ‘subtising war’: Divide the cards evenly between the players. Keep cards face down in a stack in front of each player. Players turn over their top card at the same time and see who has the higher number. Whoever’s number is the highest, takes both cards and puts it in their “win” pile. Continue playing until all cards have been used. The player with the most cards in their “win” pile is the winner!
Visual Timetable - Log Style

Visual Timetable - Log Style

A set of log effect visual timetable cards on pdf. They have been made to look like real log slices with colour images. Also included a blank copy on PowerPoint to add own images/text with your own school font and pictures. I’ve included all the main subject areas for KS1/2. More can be added or changed by request - ukprimarylearning@gmail.com
Year 1 Non-Chronological Report 2 week plan - Plans and Resources

Year 1 Non-Chronological Report 2 week plan - Plans and Resources

2 weeks planning and resources for writing a non-chronological report about lions. Week 1 a weekly plan. A model text of a non-chronological report about lines with finding features labels. Reading comprehension questions about the model text. 2 videos about lions and a template for note taking. conjunction word mat. lion facts for sorting into subheadings. Week 2 A weekly plan. openers word mat lion template. Note: the unit relies on adults modelling on whiteboard/flipchart so there are no powerpoints. See list above of what is included.
KS1 Drawing Skills Unit - 4 PowerPoint Lessons and MTP

KS1 Drawing Skills Unit - 4 PowerPoint Lessons and MTP

A 4 lesson unit with a medium term plan. All the lessons are in one large PowerPoint (editable) and the MTP is on word document so is editable also. Learning Intents: LI: to create different types of lines. LI: To explore line and mark-making. LI: To experiment with different forms of media. LI: to draw using observation. The unit covers objectives from the National Curriculum Art and design. To ensure that all pupils: -> produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences -> become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. -> evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design -> know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Word Class Posters (Botanical themed)

Word Class Posters (Botanical themed)

A set of 12 A4 posters with different word classes for KS1/2. noun proper noun verb adjective adverb pronoun preposition using Co-ordinating Conjunctions using Subordinating Conjunctions x 2 determiner fronted adverbial Can add more via request - e-mail ukprimarylearning@gmail.com
Visual Timetable - Log Style

Visual Timetable - Log Style

A set of log effect visual timetable cards on pdf. They have been made to look like real log slices with black and white images. I’ve included all the main subject areas for KS1/2. More can be added or changed by request - ukprimarylearning@gmail.com
KS2 Art Unit - Katie and the British Artists (5 lessons & medium term plan)

KS2 Art Unit - Katie and the British Artists (5 lessons & medium term plan)

A unit of art suitable for KS2. 5 PowerPoints with resources and medium term plan Lesson 1 -LI: to compare British Artists. Lesson 2 - LI: to explore the theme of landscape art inspired by John Constable. Lesson 3 -LI: to explore the theme of seascapes inspired by J.M.W. Turner. Lesson 4 - LI: to explore the theme of animal portraits inspired by George Stubbs’ paintings. Lesson 5 - LI: To paint a portrait inspired by Thomas Gainsborough. The unit starts with reading Katie and the British Artists as a hook. The artists in the story are the basis of study through the unit. The unit involves sketching, painting with water-colours and painting with acrylic paint or washable paint.
Morning Greetings Door Cut Outs

Morning Greetings Door Cut Outs

A set of seven door greetings to display on your classroom door to welcome your children inside. Available as pdf, includes: wave smile dance thumbs up hug fist bump handshake something new (child choice!) To use as a strategy to build up positive and trusting relationships with children in your class. Can edit or change items upon request - ukprimarylearning@gmail.com