
KS2 science LIGHT & SHADOWS 2 experiments coloured shadows & multiple light sources EAL differentiat
Here is a presentation and resources for two science lessons on light and shadows.
The first experiment is to find out what happens when multiple lights are shone on an object.
The sceond experiment is to find out what happens when different coloured lights are shone on an object.
I carried this out with my year 6 class, I have a high number of EAL and New to English children and so there is resoures to support their learning included.
Each test has a scaffolded write up for NTE children. My HA children were expected to write it up independently, including the same sections as the NTE children. The MA chidren were able to look at the NTE write up sheet as a starting point to supprot them in their independant write up.
Also included is a NTE word mat with pictures and a scientific vocab mat that is relevant to this science topic.
The last slide on the powerpoint has lots of extension questions to do with this topic. These could be used in many ways for example; as an extension for the HA children or a class choice on what to explore next.

NTE N2E EAL LA electricity vocab/vocabulary cards with symbols and real pictures UKS2 LKS2
Set of eight vocabulary cards for use in electricity science lessons in upper and lower key stage two.
Each card shows not only shows the word and symbol but also a picture of what the item looks like in ‘real life’ to help especially EAL and NTE children during these lessons.