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Zombie Map Skills Booklet

Zombie Map Skills Booklet

A 6 hour scheme of work to teach students key map and atlas skills. Lesson 1 - Locating cities Lesson 2 - Latitude and Longitude Lesson 3 - Choropleth Maps Lesson 4 - Map symbols, 4 figure Grid References and Describing Routes (can also include scale) Lesson 5 - 6 Figure Grid References Lesson 6 - Interpreting Maps For the rest of the resources visit https://mrshumanities.com/2016/11/15/zombie-apocalypse-atlas-and-map-skills-sow/
Megafauna Extinction and Climate Change

Megafauna Extinction and Climate Change

Lesson on the decline and extinctions of mega-fauna as part of a study on climate change. Can be done as two lessons or one lesson and choose between the two tasks offered in the powerpoint. When I've taught this students have enjoyed taking the role on the wall sheet home with them to decorate to suit thetheory of climate change or hunted to extinction.
Mini-test on Rivers

Mini-test on Rivers

Mini-test on rivers with answer sheet to aid self or peer assessment. River Features Key Processes Types of Erosion Long Profile Transportation Processes
Me and my World - Map Skills, & Sense of Place

Me and my World - Map Skills, & Sense of Place

Introduction unit of work to introduce year 7 to geography - looks at locating places, personal identify, scale of place & maps skills. Ideal for finding starting points of year 7 in their geographical knowledge. Can be used with lower year groups as well.
Global Connections Workbook and Lessons

Global Connections Workbook and Lessons

A complete unit of work on global connections - based on clothing. Looks at Transnational Companies, Trade, Globalisation, Worker's Rights and Fair Trade. Cross-Curricular, some differentiation. Suitable for Key Stage 3
Climate Change Scheme of Work

Climate Change Scheme of Work

Powerpoints and resources for a Scheme of Work on Climate Change Planned for 2012-2016 Edexcel B specification but suitable for other GCSE specs. I'm sharing these resources to support others in their planning for the new specs. Some of the resources have been adapted from resources I've collected over the years. Please feel free to ask for credit where credit is due.
Population and Megacities Need to Know Learning Matrix

Population and Megacities Need to Know Learning Matrix

Need to Know Learning Matrix Topic - Population Growth and Megacities Linked to AQA GCSE Geography I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Food and Farming Need to Know Learning Matrix

Food and Farming Need to Know Learning Matrix

Need to Know Learning Matrix Humanities Topic - Food and Farming Covered aspects of local history, farming and agriculture. Key skills - source analysis. I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Exploring England and the British Isles Need to Know Learning Matrix

Exploring England and the British Isles Need to Know Learning Matrix

Need to Know Learning Matrix I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Exploration and Adventure Need to Know Learning Matrix

Exploration and Adventure Need to Know Learning Matrix

Need to Know Learning Matrix I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Dangerous World Need to Know Learning Matrix

Dangerous World Need to Know Learning Matrix

Need to Know Learning Matrix This learning matrix is for a project based topic on natural hazards. I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Antarctica Need to Know Learning Matrix

Antarctica Need to Know Learning Matrix

Need to Know Learning Matrix I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Humanities Need to Know Learning Matrix - The Romans and Pompeii

Humanities Need to Know Learning Matrix - The Romans and Pompeii

Need to Know Learning Matrix I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Need to Know Learning Matrix - Extreme Environments - Tropical Rainforests

Need to Know Learning Matrix - Extreme Environments - Tropical Rainforests

Need to Know Learning Matrix I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. Hope it's of use.
Humanities (Geography & History) Assessment Objectives for Grades 1-9 at KS3

Humanities (Geography & History) Assessment Objectives for Grades 1-9 at KS3

This is a work in progress and has been created through collaboration with a number of teachers from both geography and history as part of online collaboration. Criteria may well change once the new GCSE grade descriptors are produced fro Geography and History but this is a starting point for others in the blue. This isn't definitive and is just an outline for assessment until greater detail has been provided by exam boards.
Plate Boundaries Playdough Activitiy

Plate Boundaries Playdough Activitiy

Instruction sheet to help students to understand tectonic plate boundaries - the movements, hazards and landforms. Requires playdough and cardboard - photos included of an example taking place.
Romans and Pompeii

Romans and Pompeii

Fully resourced Humanities Scheme of Work on the Romans and Pompeii. Differentiated resources included. Not all my resources - they've been collected over the years. Please feel free to claim credit and I will add credit for resources here.