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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
Creating YOur Own Country

Creating YOur Own Country

This booklet allows student to work together to form their own countries. By look at British law, human rights, elections and government as well as research country's names, flags and national anthems
A Working Life

A Working Life

This booklet allows students to study themselves to identify job they would enjoy and the different route to it. They are shown how to write a CV, cover letter and prepare for an interview. Wages and types of pay are studied along with tax and National Insurence
Relationships And Differences Between People

Relationships And Differences Between People

This worksheet allows students to investigate the meanings of prejudice, discrimination and ethnic minorities. Also to discuss discrimination they may feel from adults as teenagers. Cultural differences, their impacts on relationships and society and their benefits.
Christmas Kindness Calendar

Christmas Kindness Calendar

Christmas seems to arrive earlier each year and become more frantic to-boot! I saw this idea a few months back and thought it could be a fun activity with a tutor group or clubs – Especially as my partner pointed out that so many advent calendars appear to have no reference to Christmas apart from the twenty-four little doors. The idea is a fun and selfless way to celebrate the countdown to Christmas Day, giving us all time to pause and think about the season’s true and original meaning. I have included twenty-four ideas of my own, however you may have some of your own personal ones to include. Your students may wish to make their own up as a class, in group or individually.
Predjudice And Racism

Predjudice And Racism

These worksheets begin by looking at how teenagers may feel they are suffering from prejudice from adults. Cultural differences are looked at as impacts and benefits and racism is tackled.
Crime In Your Local Area

Crime In Your Local Area

This lesson allows students to use information and statistics shown on local police sites to write a report on types of crime which happen in their local area. They also have the opportunity to 'design&' their own criminal
Band Aid And Africa

Band Aid And Africa

This worksheet allows students to read the lyrics to 'Do They Know Its Christmas Time?&' and link the statements to Africa to see how they really relate
Selling Yourself

Selling Yourself

These worksheets allows students to understand how to sell themselves within the job market. They are taken from how to write a covering letter and CV to how to prepare for an interview from dress to planning the journey, company research and questions they may be asked to what they should ask.
Personal Awareness

Personal Awareness

This worksheet allows students to study how they see themselves and why we may change round different people. Social awareness allows students to see how others have helped them recently and how their diet can effect their mood
Tea And Coffee

Tea And Coffee

These worksheets look at how our tea and coffee are made and produced as well as where. The history of how they were discovered are also looked at.
Russian Matryoshka Dolls

Russian Matryoshka Dolls

Matryoshka dolls are wooden stacking dolls originally painted to look like a traditional Russian woman or ‘babushka’ wearing a sarafan. They are a popular souvenir and over time have become a symbol of Russia itself. These worksheets discuss the history of the dolls and the story believed to be behind it which the students up date to a modern day and design their own dolls
Who Makes Up Russia?

Who Makes Up Russia?

These worksheets look at the Russian language and the others which are spoken within the country as well as the religions and ethnic groups which make up the people
The United Nations

The United Nations

After the atrocities of the Second World War (millions of Jews were killed and many others) some countries got together and decided that something like that could not happen again. They formed the United Nations. The United Nations drew up a list of basic Human Rights (1948) that everyone should be entitled to – this is called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These worksheets help the students to discuss what they consider essential to living and compare their thoughts to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In addition they look in detail at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and discuss whose responsibility it is to uphold these
Creating Your Own Tribe

Creating Your Own Tribe

Here is a chance for your students to get a little creative. In groups they need to use information they have gathered from studying tribes to create their own. A spider diagram is provided to help them include as much information as possible
Russian Cuisine

Russian Cuisine

Just as with its history Russian cuisine keeps you warm in the winter and helps you stay fresh in the summer. Food is made with simple, naturally grown ingredients but is surprisingly comforting. These worksheets give students the opportunity to try five different foods from Russia and to use their sences to describe them
Thankful February - Poster

Thankful February - Poster

February can appear to stretch long into the distance: there’s the afterglow of Christmas and hopeful New Year’s resolutions, but it’s grey and cold outside. It can often be a struggle to last until the first blooms of spring so why not take a short time each day to think about all the things we are thankful for and can look forward to, to help melt away the winter blues…
New Year's Resolution - Worksheet/Poster

New Year's Resolution - Worksheet/Poster

New Year is a great time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new one. This worksheet/poster helps the students to look back over and share what they are proud of from 2022, look forward to 2023, and set goals and achievement they wish to accomplish. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Why Do People Move To England?

Why Do People Move To England?

There are lots of reasons why for many centuries people have chosen to come to the England to live. These worksheets explore the different terms used to describe their reasons, it looks at a stowaways story and how the media portrays their stories.