Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 13 - Target Markets Competition
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 13 - Learning Aim B
Target Markets
Size, structure and trends in the market
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 14-15 Primary Research
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 14-15 Primary Research
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 16 Secondary Research
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 16 Secondary Research
Lesson 16 - Learning Aim B
In line with Scheme of work provided by Pearson
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Learning Aim C 15 lessons (Business BTEC, New Spec 2017)
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Learning Aim C
(Business BTEC, New Specification 2017)
15 lessons for Learning Aim C including full lesson and activities
Scheme of Work
Mark / Assessment Grid
Business Terminology
Kahoot quiz which tests all content in final lesson
This is for the new specification for Unit 2 (Controlled Assessment).
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Unit 2 Create a Marketing Campaign Template
Unit 2 Create a Marketing Campaign Template
This is a template we have created after cross-referencing the mark scheme, sample work and SOW.
CV Curriculum Vitae and Employability (3 Hours - PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Resources)
CV Curriculum Vitae and Employability (3 Hours - PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Resources)
Well planned generic resources - no further planning required
Please visit our shop on TES for a link to all teaching resources
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