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About Jill Murphy
Short powerpoint about Jill Murphy. Designed for a y2 introductory lesson for the 'narrative' unit.

Franz Ferdinand
Some resources I have made to inform my Y5 class about one of the causes of World War one. They are absolutely fascinated by this and as a result I have had some incredible writing back. We have written a non-chronological report, a newspaper article and sequenced events to create a stop frame animation in ICT. Please leave feedback.

Mean and Mode bingo
This is a fun and interactive way to help children find the mean/mode of sets of data.I would like to stress that this is NOT my original work and was kindly uploaded from this website.However, I have edited this for use in my classroom. This version focuses on the mean and mode as it will be used in an introductory lesson with lower ability y6. The bingo cards look fantastic when laminated, but again these are not my own work. I would appreciate any feedback you may have. This is
my first attempt at a maths lesson, so feedback's greatly appreciated :-)
NB The Second ppt is a longer version

Diary of a Victorian Workhouse Child
Highlighted useful vocabulary and worksheet includes a list of vocabulary children can use to write their own diary entry.

Gender Stereotypes
This is a powerpoint of images designed as a stimulus for discussion within the classroom. It questions gender stereotypes and roles in the workplace/society.
Some questions included to guide teachers/group discussion.
This has been designed for an UKS2 class but could also be used with older children as it contains some thought provoking slides.

Toy Story - Finding totals of money
Differentiated worksheets for children, aimed at y2 but can be adapted to suit any age. Please leave feedback, any comments are greatly appreciated as I am a student teacher. Thank you :-)

Finding percentages of money amounts
This worksheet is designed for use with upper ks2. I have an extension group but it is adaptable. Images of the latest craze toys to capture their interest. Children cut and stick images into their books and calculate/record the reduced price of each toy, showing their method. Children could also use this as a calculator exercise. Please leave constructive feedback as I am NQT, many thanks!

WW2 declared Newspaper report Goodnight Mr Tom
A model of a newspaper headline announcing the declaration of WWII following Neville Chamberlain's wireless broadcast and considering the viewpoints of several characters from Goodnight Mr Tom.You could look at this article and highlight the key techniques used (WAGOLL) before guided or independent writing. Please note that not all historical content may be entirely factual in this text - I have used a lot of this information from guided writing/drama with my y6 pupils and have made this resource to uplevel their work.

Biography and Autobiography
This is a powerpoint presentation about the features of biography and autobiography.
I am a student teacher and have created this as a starting point in my very first literacy lesson for year 6, to distinguish between the two types of texts. I feel this is a good introductive presentation, or revision aid. We will later be focussing on biographies of Malorie Blackman, hence her photograph featuring on the opening page.
Please feel free to add any comments about this resource as it is my first attempt and any feedback is greatly appreicated.

The functions of the human skeleton
Differentiated cloze procedure exercise for children to think about the role of the skeleton.
The images of the skeleton were produced for children to stick into their books and label the skull, rib cage and spine.

Writing a Letter of Complaint
guidance for pupils to revise the features of a letter of complaint. Particularly helpful prior to SATs writing or a Big Write, or even as an introduction to the features.

Capacity measuring jugs worksheet
Children required to colour different amounts on measuring jugs. Of course practical work is better for instilling the notion of capacity, but this can be a good visual representation of varying amounts.

Rainforest balanced argument
Image prompts for discussion to be used as part of planning a balanced argument about whether the rainforest should be saved, including reasons for why it is destroyed by humans. Mostly images without text to get children thinking, but there is a slide of facts and 2 links to useful websites. Feedback appreciated thank you!

Biased Newspaper Report based on book Holes
A biased report about Kissin' Kate Barlow. Used as an example text for UKS2 to write their own biased report

Maths Magic Trick
Classic maths mind reader trick presented on powerpoint. Can be used as part of a starter.

Plant hunt checklist
Children can use this worksheet to look at plants around their school environment. Ideally aimed at year 2 - write a sentence about the plant's living environment e.g. shaded, sunny, damp etc.

Counting ducks
A simple powerpoint with ducks in a pond. Chn can estimate, count in tens and units, and can even use this for partitioning or rounding. Feel free to add, edit etc this was just used as a basic activity for my year 2s.

Pyro the WW2 cat
An extraordinary tale about a cat who accompanied his owner on his duties as a Marine Air pilot. Article for children to read and discuss.

Olympic maths problem solving
A chance for children to solve a problem about the arrangement of team competitors in a square formation. Children may use multilink or counters to visualise the problem and work in teams to solve it. Great fun! Please leave feedback as I am NQT and any constructive feedback is much appreciated. Thank you!