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Smoking - PSHE resource
In this lesson students will look at how smoking affects our bodies, the consequences and what cigarettes contain.

School Trip - Parent Consent
Parent/Guardians consent letter for a school trip. Available in both docx and pdf format.

Photographs and Video Consent Form
Consent for parents/guardians to sign to agree for the use of their childs’ photographs and video consent form to be published by their school/organisation.
This resoucrce is available free of charged, a doc and pdf format are available for this resource.

Working with suppliers
Lesson plan teaching parts of the Working with Suppliers element of the Edexcel specification.
Starter questions/activity
What a supply chain is and how it works
Procurement and logistics, there functions and what they do
Supplier relations and its importance
How businesses choose suppliers

This lesson gives students:
The knowledge of different types of euthanasia and what euthanasia is
Alternative options to euthanasia
Non-religious arguments for euthanasia
Non-religious arguments against euthanasia
Christianity & Euthanasia
End of lesson task about Euthanasia

Christian Marriage
Marriage in Christianity/Christian Marriage lesson for GCSE students.
Explores key concepts of Christian marriage, Christian marriage process, why is marriage important to Christians. At the end of the powerpoint, there is a match vows to their meaning task and a exam style question.

Year 4 Maths - Powerpoint Worksheet
Suitable for Year 3/4/5 students. Powerpoint includes questions on timetables, fractions and two small challenge questions at the end of the powerpoint.
Suitable for home learning.

Shahadah & The Five Pillars of Islam
A useful lesson powerpoint exploring the Shahadah and the Five Pillars of Islam.
This lesson includes questions and knowledge checks with answers on seperate slides.

The Imperfect Tense
This lesson gives a step-by-step guide to understanding and forming the imperfect tense in French. The slideshow can be used for pupils to make notes from in order to form accurate grammar and take note in their books.
In the slideshow, there are different exercise to complete allowing lots of practice and can also be used to check comprehension.

The Generator Effect
The Generator Effect GCSE powerpoint lesson with worksheet and answers attached to the lesson plan.
Suitable for AQA GCSE Higher Physics.

St. Augustine and the Problem of Evil
The Lesson focuses on students evaluating the theodicy, considering its strengths and weaknesses. Also, students should be able to analyze the way Augustine uses ‘privation of good’ to solve the problem of evil.