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The Petite Primary Teacher's Shop

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(based on 7 reviews)

Passionate about providing teachers with the tools they need to work smarter, not harder. Changing the world, one tiny mind at a time! Please do review and rate my resources below if you enjoy them, I love seeing your feedback!




Passionate about providing teachers with the tools they need to work smarter, not harder. Changing the world, one tiny mind at a time! Please do review and rate my resources below if you enjoy them, I love seeing your feedback!
EAL Flashcards- Albanian collection

EAL Flashcards- Albanian collection

This download provides Albanian EAL students with mini flashcards with key terminology in both their home language and English language to improve their BICS (basic interpersonal communication speech) and CALP (Cognitive academic language proficiency). There are 36 cards including everything from sharpening pencils to story time with school subjects , questions and conversational comments. Top Tip #1- Laminate and pop these cards on a keyring for easy access. Top Tip #2- Ask the child to draw depictions of the comments on the cards to make them more memorable. Please do review and rate below. AM x
Learning Theories and classroom application

Learning Theories and classroom application

These handy flashcards provide an overview of key learning theory and how they can be used within the classroom. Theories included- Behaviourism Constructivism Social-Learning Theory Humanism Montessori Approach Attachment Theory Metacognition Bioecological model of development Discovery Learning Theory Anchored Instruction Zone of Proximal Development Cognitive Development Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs Experiential Learning Bloom’s Taxonomy Mindset Theory These are the perfect companion for trainees, NQT’s and ECT’s to ensure a variety of teaching techniques are deployed within the classroom. Top Tip #1- These cards last longer when laminated and are put on an easy to grab keyring! Top Tip #2- These cards could be used as a stimulus for criticality when writing assignments by discussing contrasting theory. Please do review and rate below! AM x
PE Warm Up Games

PE Warm Up Games

These handy flashcards are great for any primary school teacher to get children warm and ready for their PE lesson. There are over 30 wonderful games, which can be used indoors and outdoors. These games offer opportunities for teacher customisation too so that they can perfectly march your class and their ability. Top Tip #1- Pop these cards on a keyring and place them on your PE whistle so that they are easily accessible and you’re ready to go! Please do review and rate below! AM x
Calm QR Codes

Calm QR Codes

Are you looking for a new addition to your calm corner? Then this is the perfect download for you! This download contains 30 cards each with a different QR Code on linking you to mindful breathing exercises, guided meditations and videos to calm your pupils down. All you need to do is grab a device such as iPad and scan the QR Code using the camera and you will be taken to the video. These cards are a great way to encourage independent self-regulation and for children to select their own strategy to calm down and ensure that they are in the right head space to learn. In a world, which is sometimes so busy and overwhelming, these cards could be a great addition to your classroom to ensure children are in their best headspace. Top Tip #1- These cards are also great to load up a quick brain break activity. Please do rate and review below. AM x
EAL Flashcards- Romanian collection

EAL Flashcards- Romanian collection

This download provides Romanian EAL students with mini flashcards with key terminology in both their home language and English language to improve their BICS (basic interpersonal communication speech) and CALP (Cognitive academic language proficiency). There are 36 cards including everything from sharpening pencils to story time with school subjects , questions and conversational comments. Top Tip #1- Laminate and pop these cards on a keyring for easy access. Top Tip #2- Ask the child to draw depictions of the comments on the cards to make them more memorable. Please do review and rate below. AM x
EAL Flashcards- Arabic collection

EAL Flashcards- Arabic collection

This download provides Arabic EAL students with mini flashcards with key terminology in both their home language and English language to improve their BICS (basic interpersonal communication speech) and CALP (Cognitive academic language proficiency). There are 36 cards including everything from sharpening pencils to story time with school subjects , questions and conversational comments. Top Tip #1- Laminate and pop these cards on a keyring for easy access. Top Tip #2- Ask the child to draw depictions of the comments on the cards to make them more memorable. Please do review and rate below. AM x
The Colour Monster- Book Talk Map

The Colour Monster- Book Talk Map

This FREE download contains two fantastic resources to use with your class! 1-The first document contains a ‘Book Talk Map’. This is the perfect document to guide your discussion after story time with questions to encourage children to think critically and imaginatively to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the colour monster. High quality book talk is imperative in supporting a reading for pleasure attitude in our pupils. These questions provide a prompt for rich discussion questioning children’s perspectives on the book and what they like or dislike about it. 2-The second document provides an ‘Activity Map’ with a variety of activities and tasks you could set your pupils based around The Colour Monster. Reading for pleasure and children’s literature is a passion of mine so I hope that you enjoy this resources as much as I have enjoyed making it! Please do rate and review below. AM x
EAL Flashcards- Lithuanian collection

EAL Flashcards- Lithuanian collection

This download provides Lithuanian EAL students with mini flashcards with key terminology in both their home language and English language to improve their BICS (basic interpersonal communication speech) and CALP (Cognitive academic language proficiency). There are 36 cards including everything from sharpening pencils to story time with school subjects , questions and conversational comments. Top Tip #1- Laminate and pop these cards on a keyring for easy access. Top Tip #2- Ask the child to draw depictions of the comments on the cards to make them more memorable. Please do review and rate below. AM x
QR Code Digital Library- Julia Donaldson Collection

QR Code Digital Library- Julia Donaldson Collection

Are you looking to introduce your pupils to a new author? Do you have a focus author for each week or half term? If so, this download is perfect for you. This download contains 21 linked audio books by Julia Donaldson. Expose your pupils to a wide range of beautiful stories. Books include- The Gruffalo, Superworm, Monkey Puzzle and others. Please do rate and review below. AM x
Phonics Snakes and Ladders- /igh/ trigraph

Phonics Snakes and Ladders- /igh/ trigraph

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to engage your pupils in practicing phonics rules? If the answer is yes then look no further than this phonics snakes and ladders download. This download comes with 2 different game boards for children to practice the /igh/ trigraph. All you need is a dice and counters. This is a lovely way to encourage children to support each other with their phonics knowledge and application to verbalise a variety of words to increase their language acquisition. Top Tip #1- Laminate the game boards so that they can be reused year after year! Top Tip #2- If you want to challenge your pupils and get them embedding the words within their speech after each roll of the dice challenge them to come up with a sentence that includes the word they landed on… After all a child will never write the word if they haven’t read and spoken the word first. Please do rate and review below. AM x
QR Code digital library – Stories from Space Collection.

QR Code digital library – Stories from Space Collection.

Are you teaching the Space and Earth topic in your class at the moment? Or do you have some budding astronauts amongst your pupils? If so, this is the perfect download for you to engage children in the love of space exploration and reading combined. This download contains 14 QR Code slips which when scanned take you to a video of astronauts on board the Space Station reading story books. This would be the perfect starter or end to your lesson on space or to end the day with a fun, unique story time. Top Tip #1- Print and pop these out in your classes’ reading corner or school library to enable the children to access these unique videos whenever they wish. Top Tip #2- Have these ready to go for British Science Week to promote astronomy as a career path for your pupils. Please do rate and review below. AM x
Times tables and multiplication games flash cards

Times tables and multiplication games flash cards

These pocket-sized flashcards list all the times tables up to 12 and can be printed and provided to pupils who may need a bit of extra support with their multiplication facts OR kept on your teacher desk for quick recitals or checks. As a bonus with these flashcards, 20 games are listed on the cards to promote fluency and engage pupils in fun maths activities. Some of the games use resources such as dice, Lego bricks and playing cards. There’s even a quirky variation on the well-known game Rock, Paper, Scissors! Please do review and rate below. AM x
QR Code Digital Library- Year 2 Collection

QR Code Digital Library- Year 2 Collection

Do you need to improve, diversify and increase the number of books in your class library? Then this download is perfect for you! This download contains 60 QR codes linked to a variety of different read aloud books aimed at Year 2 aged children. All you need to do is open up your camera or QR code scanner and scan the QR code which will take you to a read aloud of the book on the card. Please be aware that sometimes laminating the cards can effect the way the QR Code works. Top Tip #1- Print a few of these cards at a time and rotate them on a weekly or half-termly basis to keep your reception classroom library fresh and interesting. Please do review and rate below. AM x
QR Code digital Library- Reception Collection

QR Code digital Library- Reception Collection

Do you need to improve, diversify and increase the number of books in your class library? Then this download is perfect for you! This download contains 60 QR codes linked to a variety of different read aloud books aimed at reception aged children. All you need to do is open up your camera or QR code scanner and scan the QR code which will take you to a read aloud of the book on the card. Please be aware that sometimes laminating the cards can effect the way the QR Code works. Top Tip #1- Print a few of these cards at a time and rotate them on a weekly or half-termly basis to keep your reception classroom library fresh and interesting. Please do review and rate below. AM x
QR Code Digital Library- Oliver Jeffers Collection

QR Code Digital Library- Oliver Jeffers Collection

Are you looking to introduce your pupils to a new author? Do you have a focus author for each week or half term? If so, this download is perfect for you. This download contains 16 linked audio books from author JOliver Jeffers. Each one of the linked stories has a lovely moral or meaning to take from the story. Not to mention, lovely illustrations! Books include- The Day the Crayons Quit, Up and Down, What we’ll build and Here we are. Please do rate and review below. AM x
QR Code Digital Library- Back to school Collection

QR Code Digital Library- Back to school Collection

Are you setting up your classroom ready for a new school year? Have you got new pupils? Do you work in EYFS? If yes, then this download is perfect for you! This download contains 12 QR Codes linked to read alouds of the perfect books for a smooth start to September. The collection includes books covering themes of friendship, what to expect in school and dealing with first day nerves. Some of the books included are- The colour monster starts school Mr Men and Little Miss go to school The smart cookie Please be aware that sometimes laminating the cards can effect the way the QR Code works. Please do review and rate below. AM x
Feeling angry? What can I do to calm down? Strategies.

Feeling angry? What can I do to calm down? Strategies.

Every child has moments which are overwhelming and can cause feelings of anger and distress. This download contains the perfect mini key ring pack of strategies on how to calm down when children feel angry, including strategies such as breathing, visualisation and many many others. This is a great addition for any classroom to encourage children to take positive control of their emotions. Top Tip #1- Pop this download in a crate with my other ‘Feeling…? What can I do to calm down? Strategies’ downloads to create a calm corner in your classroom! Your pupils will thank you for it! Please do review and rate below. AM x
EAL Flashcards- Urdu collection

EAL Flashcards- Urdu collection

This download provides EAL students who speak Urdu with mini flashcards with key terminology in both their home language and English language to improve their BICS (basic interpersonal communication speech) and CALP (Cognitive academic language proficiency). There are 36 cards including everything from sharpening pencils to story time with school subjects, questions and conversational comments. Children could even point to the phrases to support early English communication. Top Tip #1- Laminate and pop these cards on a keyring for easy access. Top Tip #2- Ask the child to draw depictions of the comments on the cards to make them more memorable. Please do review and rate below. AM x
Phonics Snakes and Ladders- Year 3 and 4 common exception words

Phonics Snakes and Ladders- Year 3 and 4 common exception words

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to engage your pupils in practicing the common exception words? If the answer is yes then look no further than this phonics snakes and ladders download. This free download comes with 6 different game boards for children to practice words which are phonologically difficult or impossible to decode. All you need is a dice and counters. This is a lovely way to encourage children to support each other with their phonics knowledge and application to verbalise a variety of words to increase their language acquisition. Perfect as a quick warm up game, plenary or pre-prepared activity for fast finishers. Top Tip #1- Laminate the game boards so that they can be reused year after year! Top Tip #2- If you want to challenge your pupils and get them embedding the words within their speech after each roll of the dice challenge them to come up with a sentence that includes the word they landed on… After all a child will never write the word if they haven’t read and spoken the word first. Please do rate and review below. AM x
Dear Worry Monster... Note paper.

Dear Worry Monster... Note paper.

This free download contains the perfect note paper for children to write their worry down on ready for their class worry monster to eat. The cute design of this paper sits beautifully next to your worry monster or in your class calm corner for children to use independently. Please do review and rate below. AM x