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Spanish Revision Guide
A Guide to help revise all contents in Listos 2, with Vocabulary, Verbs and useful Expressions in all topics. Ideal for Revision and Exams Skills.

Imperfecto / Pretérito in the context Holidays
Worksheet to practise the use of the imperfect and preterite tenses in Spanish in the context of holidays.

Spanish School & Subjects - Mi colegio
Text about school in which some words have been changed for pictures. Students need to change the pictures back to words.

Mi instituto
Writing frame to prepare answers to questions about school. This resource includes model answers and an example of a top grade piece of writing.

Spanish School Writing Frame - Mi instituto
Writing frame that sums up the whole of the topic school. It contains a few useful sentences to help pupils describe their school or add a few structures that may be more complex.

Spanish Chores - ¿Cómo ayudas en casa?
A Worksheet in Spanish where students have to match up verbs and activities they do to help around the house. It can be used as a starter.

Spanish Hobbies - Los pasatiempos
Spanish exercises about hobbies using past, present anf future tense, followed by a reading activity.

El uniforme y las normas del instituto
Worksheet which can be given as homework to revise adjectival agreement and phrases followed by infinitive.

Spanish Transport & Time - Cómo vas al instituto?
Powerpoint presentation to introduce means of transport to say how you get to school and what time. It's related to pages 54-55 in Listos 1.

Spanish Family - ¿Tienes hermanos?
Powerpoint presentation to introduce the question ¿Tienes hermanos? and all the possible answers, both in Singular and Plural. Linked to Module 2, Unit 3 of Listos 1. Good to use for Speaking skills activities in class.

Spanish Revision - Opinions - Expresar opiniones
List of different ways to express your opinion. For Speaking or Writing activities.

Spanish Crossword: Preterite
Wordsheet with a Crossword to practise the Preterite / Pretérito Indefinido Tense.

La oficina de turismo
Presentation to introduce the structure "se puede + infinitive" and "ir a + infinitive" in the context of tourism and sightseeing. This presentation is linked to pages 28/29 in the GCSE AQA Mira/Edexcel textbook.

Eurocopa 2024
This booklet is designed for Year 9 students to revise key grammar points learned during the year while discovering interesting facts about the upcoming Euro 2024 competition.

Spanish Holidays: 'Mis vacaciones'
Powerpoint presentation about Holidays with Questions in the Preterite Tense that students have to answer. This PP leads to a Writing and Listening activity.

AS Speaking Questions (AQA) - Family & Relationships Model Answers
Model answers to questions about Family & Relationships

Adjetivos de personalidad
Exercise to practice different adjectives to describe someone’s personality.