iGCSE Edexcel History (Specification code: 4HI1) Paper 1: Depth Studies [Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918–45]
Learning Outcomes
To analyse the successes and failures of the Weimar government
To evaluate the role of Stresemann in this recovery
Quick plenary game used asking pupils to recognise some of the more well-known MPs and ministers - used when teaching AS Government and Politics (Parliament topic)
*NEW AQA GCSE - Thematic Study - Power and the People*
Learning Objectives
To describe problems between King Henry III and his barons
To identify and describe the roles of Simon, Eleanor and the Henry III
*NEW AQA GCSE - Thematic Study - Power and the People*
Learning Objectives
To describe the actions by rebels and the government
To explain the consequences of the Peasants’ Revolt
*NEW AQA GCSE - Thematic Study - Power and the People*
Learning Outcomes
To describe the problems with voting rights before the early nineteenth century
To explain the forms of protest for voting reform
To analyse the impact of the Great Reform Act
Y8 SOW - Unit 1; Why are civil liberties worth protecting?
Lesson 4 - What is racism and how can we stop it?
*Activities focus on defining racism, and exploring an allegory "The Sneetches" by Dr Seuss, before a role play exercise encouraging students to give advice in response to real ChildLine calls about racist bullying*
A lesson introducing democracy and soveriegnty in relation to the British Constitution examining which forms of democracy and sovereignty are most evident in the UK political system.
*NEW AQA GCSE - Power and the People*
Learning Outcomes
To explain the reasons for immigration to Britain after the Second World War and the experience of immigrants
To describe how the government reacted to immigration
To evaluate the significance of immigration to the UK since the Second World War
*references to textbook are A.Wilkes' AQA Power and People textbook
End of topic test for Parliament topic - using staged and levelled questions that relate to the levels of the mark scheme for exam questions e.g. level 1 - identifying, level 2 - context, level 3 - explaining - this can be developed for other topics and further levels/stages added depending on the skills needing to be developed.
IB History SL/HL Paper 2; Authoritarian States
Recommended textbook: Access to History for the IB Diploma: Authoritarian states Second Edition (Michael Lynch)
Learning Objective
To construct a hypothesis to explain why dictatorships flourished in the 20th century