iGCSE Edexcel History (Specification code: 4HI1) Paper 1: Depth Studies [Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918–45]
Learning Outcomes
To analyse the successes and failures of the Weimar government
To evaluate the role of Stresemann in this recovery
This lesson examines the legislative process in the UK, including key vocabulary.Pupils are encouraged to independently research a piece(s) of legislation they are interested in to use as contextual examples in exam answers.
Introductory lesson for German Depth Study introducing pupils to the basic geography of Europe and Germany, an giving pupils an idea of who Wilhelm II was and his personality traits. Pupils also briefly exaine what makes a country great. Textbook references to SHP Germany textbook (white).
MODEL ANSWER; Which is the most accurate description of US government: 'separated powers' or 'shared powers'?
15 mark exam question for Constitution topic at A2 (Edexcel Unit 4C; Governing the USA)
Y8 Citizenship SOW; Unit 1 - Why are civil liberties worth protecting?
Lesson 2 - How are free speech and hate speech different?
*Activities focused on examining case studies to determine whether they are examples of free speech and hate speech*
Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe?
Lesson 2 - What causes people to commit crime?
Learning Objectives
To explore reasons why people commit crimes
To sort these reasons into categories
To apply this reasoning to case studies
Lesson encouraging pupils to examine the different newspapers (you will need to provide a recent copy of each newspaper) focusing on both content/price/target audience as well as the political bias of the major newspapers.
Lesson examining life in Nazi Germany for young people examining both boys and girls and the types of activities they would complete. Pupils can be challenged to hyptothesise about what this might mean in the future e.g. what age would these people be by the time WW2 breaks out?
iGCSE Edexcel Paper 2: A2 Russia 1905-1924
Learning Objectives
To describe what Russia was like in 1905
To explain why the rule of Tsar Nicholas II faced problems
To analyze the extent of opposition to the Tsarist regime