Short lesson about the UK's marine ecosystems. Example of an interrupted marine food chain, video link and collating activity on marine uses and misuses. Ends with a poster activity to pull together multiple marine ecosystem misuses
Begins by locating TRF with a global context, and then looks at TRF climate graph. Student independent research worksheet covers TRF soils - questions are very specific and guided (internet required)
Introduction to the 4 ecosystems of the UK. Students get more familiar with the term "Temperate"; definition and mapping. They then have the opportunity to collate guided research into the 4 sub-ecosystems of the UK (internet required)
I have had to remove several school specific slides showing school policy on behaviour - it's be easy to slot yours in! This presentation is good CPD, particularly for NQTs, or as a general reminder about consistent expectations and some strategies for good behaviour management
Really good to get teachers thinking about more effective marking strategies. Looks at DDI (Data Driven Instruction) and RAG rating to assist in more effective and meaningful feedback to students. I've had to remove some images of students from the presentation, but am sure you could add your own to personalise this presentation!
Fully resourced. 9 lessons covering Tectonic Hazards. These lessons cover the introductory element of this unit; Structure of the Earth, Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift, Plate Boundaries, structure of both earthquakes and volcanoes, Nepal earthquake, 2015 and Chrustchurch earthquake, 2011. Causes, effects and management. Includes review lessons. Student activities and resources are provided in the accompanying booklet. PART 2 “Atmospheric Hazards” available in the same format. THIS IS A ONE STOP SHOP
Fully resourced. 7 lessons covering rivers. These lessons cover the introductory element of this unit; what is development, measuring development, DTM, uneven global development, consequences of uneven development, closing the gap; trade & aid & tourism. Student activities and resources are provided in the accompanying booklet. PART 2 and PART 3 also available in the same format. THIS IS A ONE STOP SHOP
Fully resourced. 7 lessons covering hot desert ecosystems; case study the Thar Desert. These lessons cover abiotic and biotic characteristics (including hot desert distribution, climate graphs, links to the Hadley circulation cell), adaptations or plants and animals, uses, importance and sustainable management practices. Includes review lessons. Student activities and resources are provided in the accompanying booklet. PART 1 “Small Scale UK ecosystem & TRF” available in the same format. THIS IS A ONE STOP SHOP
AQA A-Level; Natural Hazards. Part 3; Vulcanicity; spatial distribution & temporal distribution, Form of Volcanic Hazards, Classification of Volcanic Hazards, Volcanic Risk Management, TONGA; recent volcanic case study, ICELAND; recent volcanic case study
7 lesson Ppts with accompanying student work booklet. Includes practice questions and a marking proforma, Wider reading links to support this section of the course.
AQA A-Level; Natural Hazards. Part 2; Structure of the Earth, The Crust, Plate Movement, Plate Margins, Processes & Landforms, Magma Plumes
6 lesson Ppts with accompanying student work booklet. Includes practice questions and a marking proforma, Wider reading links to support this section of the course.
AQA A-Level; Natural Hazards. Part 1; Nature & Form, Perceptions, Responses, Management, Park Response Model & Hazard Management Cycle.
5 lesson Ppts with accompanying student work booklet. Includes practice questions and a marking proforma, Wider reading links to support this section of the course.
AQA A-Level; Natural Hazards. Part 4; Nature of Seismicity, Forms of Seismic Hazard, Seismic Risk Management, Haitian Earthquakes
5 lesson Ppts with accompanying student work booklet. Includes practice questions and a marking proforma, Wider reading links to support this section of the course.
AQA A-Level; Natural Hazards. Part 7; Multihazards; TOHOKU, Multihazards; PORT-AU-PRINCE, exam practice
3 lesson Ppts with accompanying student work booklet. Includes practice questions and a marking proforma, Wider reading links to support this section of the course.
AQA A-Level; Natural Hazards. Part 5; Wildfires; introduction, Wildfires; causes, ALBERTA 2016
4 lesson Ppts with accompanying student work booklet. Includes practice questions and a marking proforma, Wider reading links to support this section of the course.