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What was life like for Medieval women?
A stand alone lesson on what life was like for medieval women aimed at Year 7. This worked well to expand their knowledge of the lives of women in this period and they enjoyed the content.

What was life like for women during the Industrial Revolution?
A lesson aimed at KS3 students to learn about life for women during the Industrial Revolution and to compare the lives of women from different classes.
The lesson uses several interpretations to get students to learn about the lives of women and then to assess how convincing an interpretation is.

History Command Words Display
A display to explain command words common in history. I have used the AQA definitions.

Norman England Knowledge Organiser
A clear knowledge organiser aimed at KS3 students to consolidate their understanding of the impact of the Norman Conquest and the strategies used by William to control England.

Stone Castles Worksheet
A worksheet on stone castles where students can identify and describe the features of stone castles. Could be differentiated by adding a gap fill for lower ability students.

Hitler's Consolidation of Power Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser aimed at KS4 to consolidate their understanding of the steps Hitler took to consolidate his power and led him to become dictator in 1934.

LBJ's Personality Lesson
A detailed A Level lesson (could be used for GCSE) on LBJ’s personality and his use of ‘the treatment’. Including source analysis and a guided reading to support learners.
Fact file resource and guided reading worksheet included.

Why did William win the Battle of Hastings Worksheet
Two activities focused on why William won the Battle of Hastings. The colour code gets students to analyse evidence and then the diamond 9 gets students to evaluate that evidence.

'Why do we study history?' Posters
5 A3 bright and colourful posters to explain to students the importance of studying history and the skills they build.