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Amarsinghy's Shop

A digital comms. manager that in his spare time tutors GCSE, A-level and Degree level subjects. This ranges from GCSE English, Maths, Science and History to A-level English, History and Philosophy to Degree level History and Law.

A digital comms. manager that in his spare time tutors GCSE, A-level and Degree level subjects. This ranges from GCSE English, Maths, Science and History to A-level English, History and Philosophy to Degree level History and Law.
Othello English Literature A-Level PPT - War and Tragedy

Othello English Literature A-Level PPT - War and Tragedy

A 18 slide PPT covering the following, according to the AQA English Literature A-level syllabus: Slide 1 - cover Slide 3-4 - victory and its place within tragedy Slide 5 - war within Othello / victory of war Slide 6 - Greek / Shakespearean tragedy Slide 7- Why is tragedy important? Slide 8 - Aristotle / Greek tragedy Slide 9 - Task for students to answer questions in relation to concepts of tragedy and Othello slide 10 - Shakespearean tragedy Slide 11 - Comparison of victory / Lewis Hamilton vs War Slide 12 - War within Othello Slide 13 - War within an historical contemporary context Slide 14 - War as a literary device Slide 15 - Task for students to watch a detailed summary of Othello and make notes Slide 16 - Task for students to rank parts of Othello in relation to certain criteria Slide 17/18 - Quotes worth learning
Tort Law - Defences in Tort

Tort Law - Defences in Tort

This goes through all defences in tort and related case law and notes. This document includes - contributory negligence volenti non fit injuria illegality
Weimar Germany Introduction

Weimar Germany Introduction

A two page document outlining the following in relation to Weimar Germany. - The abdication of the Kaiser, the temporary rule of Ebert, Ebert's action during this temporary period. - Elections of 1919, Ebert's government - Breakdown of the constitution of the Weimar Republic - Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
Criminal Law Case Notes

Criminal Law Case Notes

Criminal law case notes: for: - Accessories, attempt, conspiracy and incitement - Homicide, Degrees of Murder, provocation, diminished responsibility - Insanity and automatism, self defense, duress and mistake - Introduction to criminal law, basic concept of liability - Introductory cases - Liability for omissions - Non fatal offences against the person - Sexual offences - Varies of fault - intention, recklessness, negligence, intoxication
Law Judicial review Exam Revision Diagram

Law Judicial review Exam Revision Diagram

A 7 slide powerpoint presentation including exam revision diagrams for Judicial Review as: - Excess / Absence of Power - Excess / Absence of Power 2 - Fettering Discretion - Abuse of power - improper use - Abuse of power - relevant and irrelevant considerations - Abuse of power - Wednesday Unreasonableness - Bias
Contract Law (entire module) Colour Coded Revision Sheets

Contract Law (entire module) Colour Coded Revision Sheets

This is a super concise and colour coded set of notes created with the help of a few fellow students when I was studying law. It covers: - Breach and damges - Consideration Theory - Implied Terms and Construction of Terms - Misrepresentation - Mistake and Frustration - Mistake Theory - Offer, Acceptance, Intention, Certainty & Third Parties - Privity Theory - Terms of Contract These notes will be more than sufficient for any A-level law student as they are degree level notes.
Criminal Law Notes (Full Set)

Criminal Law Notes (Full Set)

A combined total of 175 pages of notes covering every single sub-topic within the criminal law module sat at most universities across the country. This includes: - Actus Reus - Mens Rea - Complicity - Homicide - Voluntary manslaughter - Non-fatal Offences - Offences against Property - Inchoate Offences - Rape and the criminal justice system - Defenses - Nature and purposes of criminal justice In addition there is an essay for the following question: "Critically examine the impact of the decision of the House of Lords in R v G & R (2003)."
1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964. The emergence of Communist dictatorship, 1917–1941

1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964. The emergence of Communist dictatorship, 1917–1941

A 171 slide presentation that covers: - Political authority and government: new leaders and ideologies; Lenin's Russia, ideology and change; Stalin's rise, ideology and change - Political authority and government: the consolidation of Bolshevik authority and development of the Stalinist dictatorship - Economic developments: Lenin's decrees; the Stalinist economy; collectivisation and the Five Year Plans - Social developments: effect of Leninist/Stalinist rule on class, women, young people, religion and national minorities; propaganda and cultural change The presentation includes questions, quizzes, numerous source based questions and detailed explanations of the relevant topics.
Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern World.

Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern World.

A 127 slideshow covering everything necessary from 1945 to 1960s and a brief look at detente. It covers: 1) What is the Cold War? 2) Soviet perspective post-WW2 3) The Three Big WW2 conferences 4) Soviet expansion into the East: Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Baltic States 5) Truman doctrine & the Marshall Plan 6) Cominform & Comecon 7) Berlin Blockade & the Berlin Airlift 8) Developments in 1949-55 9) Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia (1960s) 10) The aftermath of the 1960s; key moments for detente during the 1960s It includes detailed explanations of all the key events in the module, numerous source based questions, exam style questions and a couple of quizzes.
Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern  - 10 Slide Preview

Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern - 10 Slide Preview

THIS IS A FREE 10 SLIDE PREVIEW The full paid version covers - A 127 slideshow covering everything necessary from 1945 to 1960s and a brief look at detente. It covers: What is the Cold War? Soviet perspective post-WW2 The Three Big WW2 conferences Soviet expansion into the East: Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Baltic States Truman doctrine & the Marshall Plan Cominform & Comecon Berlin Blockade & the Berlin Airlift Developments in 1949-55 Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia (1960s) The aftermath of the 1960s; key moments for detente during the 1960s It includes detailed explanations of all the key events in the module, numerous source based questions, exam style questions and a couple of quizzes.