All resources

50 Spot the Difference Pictures
Can be used as a bell task to develop speaking and listening skills or extended as a writing task.
You could also give pairs one of each image and they have to work out the differences by describing the picture they have.
These images are from a range of online sources including Twinkl and bogglesworldesl.com

Phonics Toolkit A4
An A4 booklet to support students learning phonics using the RWI scheme.
To be printed double sided containing set 1, 2 and 3 sounds for students to revise as well as a selection of green and red words.

EAL Toolkit
An A4 double sided booklet I created in Google Slides, using symbols from thenounproject.com, with key vocabulary for new learners of English.

Talk for Writing display (letter/email)
Display resources to support the Talk for Writing process of teaching how to write a formal letter and email. For an editable copy on Google Slides click this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dHgo5cyWktO7PZaoY_8rKghP26KiNS1hOpgeWeQVAFQ/copy

Book Tasting
Host your own ‘book tasting’ with different genres of books for students to taste!
A3 poster and table placemats and an A4 leaflet template made on Keynote.

National 4/5 Scottish Wars of Independence, William Wallace, Robert Bruce
Power points with an overview of the sub topics for the National 5 unit on Wars of Independence

Emoji Book Quiz
Guess the titles of the books using the emoji clues!
Credit to slidesgo for the slide template: https://slidesgo.com/theme/sketchnotes-lesson

Higher History- Russia- Causes of the 1905 revolution
Basic notes on a power point of the causes of the 1905 revolution. With past paper question at end.

Writing Toolkit
I developed this writing toolkit for helping my EAL students with the writing part of their Cambridge Key for Schools A2 English exams
It includes an example and checklist for the features of an informal letter, formal letter, report and email.

Complex Speed Sounds Chart (dyslexia friendly)
Complex speed sounds chart with pastel background and dyslexia friendly font.

Gandhi Workbook
A short booklet I quickly made up for a lesson on Gandhi for RME or History with s1-s3
I can't take credit for the twitter part that is one I got from TES!

Marking/feedback templates
Whole class marking/feedback templates for a range of subjects and situations.

Additional Speed Sound Posters
Posters made on Google Slides to support teaching additional phonics sounds.
23 x 23 cm size to be printed on A4 for a phonics display

Digital Connect 4 SPaG
A digital connect 4 game using SPaG questions.
Divide the class into two teams
Each team takes it in turns to choose a ‘number’
Click the number to reveal a SPaG question
If the team answer correctly they get to ‘place a counter’
Click the bell picture to go back to the first slide
CLICK HERE for the Google Slides copy: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pt1PhwC_8YwCDdzCmb5V6sbO4amXIfbyWifJPog6xKM/copy

A powerpoint and short booklet and worksheet for teaching Rights of animals- also the national geographic website is great for showing food consumption- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/what-the-world-eats/
I used this with an S3 class but it could easily be adapted for higher or lower age groups.

Psychology and health- Adherence to medical advice
Slides I created to support revision of the CIE A level topic Psychology and health- adherence to medical advice.

Psychology and health- Patient practitioner relationship
Slides created to support the teaching and revision of the CIE A level Psychology and Health topic- patient and practitioner relationship.