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Over a 1000 purchases! Designed with a deep understanding of the classroom dynamics and curriculum requirements, my resources inspire engagement, promote critical thinking, and foster academic growth. Join me on this transformative learning adventure and discover a treasure trove of resources that will empower both teachers and students to thrive in their educational journey.




Over a 1000 purchases! Designed with a deep understanding of the classroom dynamics and curriculum requirements, my resources inspire engagement, promote critical thinking, and foster academic growth. Join me on this transformative learning adventure and discover a treasure trove of resources that will empower both teachers and students to thrive in their educational journey.
Victorians - Victorian  Inventions- Lesson 12 - KS2

Victorians - Victorian Inventions- Lesson 12 - KS2

Victorians - Victorian Inventions (KS2) This lesson discusses the major Victorian inventions and inventors that helped fuel the industrial revolution. It includes a Victorian timeline of inventions. 5 British Victorian Inventors, Alexander Graham Bell, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, James Starley, Sarah Guppy and George Jennings. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 13 slides. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson, Children can choose two pictures of Victorian inventions and then fill in a detective/investigative worksheet. Now updated to include a research article to save time. Learning objectives • To learn about Victorian inventions and how they have impacted our lives today
Victorians- The Rich and Poor Children and their Differences - Lesson 3 - KS2

Victorians- The Rich and Poor Children and their Differences - Lesson 3 - KS2

Victorians - The Rich and Poor Children and their Differences (KS2) This lesson focuses on the differences in lifestyles and jobs of the poor Victorian children. The lesson demonstrates how rich Victorian children were raised compared to the life of poor Victorian children, who needed to work to survive. The job environments discussed are chimney sweeps, coal mines and factories. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 16 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a Venn diagram task that encourages children to compare and find similarities and differences. Learning objectives • To learn about the jobs Victorian children had • To compare the lifestyles of the poor and rich Victorians
Victorians - Victorian Schooling - Lesson 8 - KS2

Victorians - Victorian Schooling - Lesson 8 - KS2

Victorians - Victorian Schooling (KS2) This lesson discusses Victorian schooling such as subjects, classrooms, resources (blackboards, inkwells, abacus, bell, and writing slates), timetable, Victorian school teachers, laws, and the issues with enforcing the compulsory education. it reviews the different schools the poor and rich Victorians went to like Eton College, Harrow School, and free charity schools. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 17 slides. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a report activity. Learning objectives • To learn about Victorian Schools • To compare Victorian schools with modern schools
Victorians - William Morris - Lesson 10 - Art- KS2

Victorians - William Morris - Lesson 10 - Art- KS2

Victorians - William Morris – Art (KS2) This lesson has slides with different patterns and what makes a pattern a pattern, the history of William Morris and his patterns This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 16 slides. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is block printing by making a block stencil using potatoes. Learning objectives To create art using block stencilling To Learn about William Morris
Victorian Era - History Unit

Victorian Era - History Unit

15 Resources
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a set of high-quality history lessons with tasks attached about the Victorian era. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. Each Lesson Pack Contains: A Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides). The 15 lessons are broken down into the following: Biography of Queen Victoria Victorians Timeline The Rich and Poor Children and their Differences Children at Work Notable Figures Workhouses The life of Rich Victorians Victorian Schooling Victorian Toys Queen Victoria’s Portrait - Art Victorian Decoupage - Art William Morris - Art Industrial Revolution Victorian Inventions British Empire - Geography Learning Objectives; To learn about the changing power of monarchs To find out about the life of Queen Victoria To Gain an understanding of Queen Victoria To learn about key Victorian dates To order key Victorian dates To understand how these key events affected Victorian Life To learn about the jobs Victorian children had To compare the lifestyles of the poor and rich Victorians To learn about the jobs Victorian children had To learn about the risks of working in dangerous environments To learn about key Victorian figures To continue learning about the risks of working in dangerous environments To learn about Workhouses To compare your daily routine to a child in a workhouse’s To compare lifestyles of the rich and poor Victorians To learn about rich Victorians To learn about Victorian Toys To compare Victorian Toys with modern Toys To analyse Queen Victoria’s Portraits To create Decoupages To learn about William Morris To create art using block stencilling To learn about the Industrial Revolution To learn about Victorian inventions and how they have impacted our lives today. To learn about the British Empire To learn of the benefits and disadvantages of the British colonialism To learn about the Commonwealth Some Key Terms Covered Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, Victorians Timeline, Factories Act (1848) Drainage and sewerage systems, Railways, Workshops Act (1872), First FA Cup Final, Alexander Graham Bell, Elementary Education Act (1891) , rich, poor, chimney sweeps, coal mines, factories, work , mill work, street selling, mud larks, domestic servants, notable figures, Britain’s law, Dr Barnardo, Charles Dickens, Lord Shaftesbury, workhouses, uniforms, meals, jobs, rules, punishments, lifestyle, food, diet, schooling, writing slates, bell, blackboard, Eton College and Harrow School, Boris Johnson, Prince William, Victorian toys, train sets, dolls, portrait, setting, materials, posture, decoupage, history, instructions, cut outs, craft, William Morris, symbols, patterns, block printing, block stencil, Industrial Revolution, Victorian society, working conditions, living conditions, Victorian Inventions, inventors, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, James Starley, Sarah Guppy, George Jennings, British Empire, indigenous people, trade, slave trade, India, Canada, Australia and Egypt.
Ancient Egypt - Farming - Lesson 3 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Farming - Lesson 3 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Farming - KS2 - Lesson 3 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on Ancient Egypt’s farming, the black land, the Ancient Egyptian calendar (the three seasons: Ahket, Peret and Shemu), farming tools and the benefits of the river Nile. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 14 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a worksheet that encourages children to answer questions on farming Learning objectives To learn about farming in Ancient Egypt.
Ancient Egypt - The Rich and Poor - Lesson 7 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - The Rich and Poor - Lesson 7 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - The Rich and Poor - Lesson 7 - KS2 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on the differences of the rich and poor lives of the Ancient Egyptians. This lesson discusses the different jobs, houses, food, furniture and clothing. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 20 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a Venn diagram. Learning objectives To learn about the difference in lifestyles of the rich and poor.
Ancient Egypt - Religion- Gods & Goddesses - Lesson 4 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Religion- Gods & Goddesses - Lesson 4 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Religion- Gods & Goddesses - KS2 - Lesson 4 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on Ancient Egypt’s religious belief, polytheism, worship through life and the afterlife. Some of the gods and goddesses that are discussed include Ra (Atum), Bastet, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Neith, Anubis, Nephthys, Geb, Nut, Bes and Tefnut. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 18 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a fact file on one of the Ancient Egyptian god/goddess. Learning objectives To learn about religion in Ancient Egypt. To learn about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
Ancient Egypt - History Unit

Ancient Egypt - History Unit

10 Resources
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lessons with tasks attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians Each Lesson Pack Contains: A Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides). The 10 lessons are broken down into the following: Introduction to Ancient Egypt River Nile Farming Religion- Gods & Goddesses Pharaohs Life After Death - Afterlife The Rich and Poor Inventions Hieroglyphics Pyramids & Ruins Learning Objectives; To learn about Ancient Egypt. To learn about Ancient Egypt’s geographical properties. To learn about the River Nile. To learn about the importance of the River Nile to the Ancient Egyptians. To learn about farming in Ancient Egypt. To learn about religion in Ancient Egypt. To learn about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. To learn about ancient Egyptian pharaohs To learn about life after death in ancient Egypt To learn about the difference in lifestyles of the rich and poor. To learn about ancient Egyptian inventions. To learn about hieroglyphics. To learn about ancient Egyptian ruins. To learn about the ancient Egyptian Pyramids. Some Key Topics Covered: Ancient Egypt, its geographical properties (the land, climate. River Nile and its location), when? (timeline) and what is left behind (ruins)? The role of Pharaohs, Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and art. The River Nile, Ancient Egypt’s climate, the benefits of the river Nile, the black and red land. The farming, trade and the reason why Ancient Egypt’s civilisation choose to live next to the river Nile. Ancient Egypt’s farming, the black land, the Ancient Egyptian calendar (the three seasons: Ahket, Peret and Shemu), farming tools and the benefits of the river Nile. Ancient Egypt’s religious belief, polytheism, worship through life and the afterlife. Some of the gods and goddesses that are discussed include Ra (Atum), Bastet, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Neith, Anubis, Nephthys, Geb, Nut, Bes and Tefnut. Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, how Menes started a line of succession, with an in-depth focus on Djoser, Khufu, Hatshepsut, Akhenaton, Tutankhamun, Ramses II and Cleopatra VII. With a mention of we know about ancient Egyptians through discoveries made by archeologists. Ancient Egyptian’s life after death (afterlife), the process of mummification, canopic jars, natron salt, shroud, amulet, the book of the dead, inside the burial chamber, tombs, scenery, spells, Howard Carter, and the mummy’s curse. The differences of the rich and poor lives of the Ancient Egyptians. This lesson discusses the different jobs, houses, food, furniture and clothing. Ancient Egyptian inventions such as Cosmetic Make-up, Jewellery, Wigs, High Heels, Toothpaste, Medicine, Surgical Instruments, the Police, Lock & Key, Clocks (Obelisk & Clepsydra), the Calendar, Chairs, Tables, Senet, Throw stick, Shadoof, the Sickle and Ox-drawn Plough. Ancient Egyptian system of writing, hieroglyphics, the Invention of writing, Scribes, the use of hieroglyphics in temples, the use of hieroglyphics in tombs, the use of Record-keeping & the Government, the discovery of the Rosetta Stone and the writing materials (wood, papyrus and limestone) and examples of hieroglyphics. The Karnak Temple Complex, Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings, Kom Ombo Temple, The Philae Temple Complex , Edfu Temple, and the Abu Simbel Temples. The focus them shifts on the Construction of the Pyramids, their importance, Types of Pyramids (step, bent, and the straight pyramid). Pharaohs Djoser, Sneferu, Khufu, and Khafre. Also covered are the Step Pyramid, Bent Pyramid, Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza
Ancient Egypt - Pyramids & Ruins - Lesson 10 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Pyramids & Ruins - Lesson 10 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Pyramids & Ruins - Lesson 10 - KS2 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on the ancient Egyptian ruins such as the Karnak Temple Complex, Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings, Kom Ombo Temple, The Philae Temple Complex , Edfu Temple, and the Abu Simbel Temples. The focus them shifts on the Construction of the Pyramids, their importance, Types of Pyramids (step, bent, and the straight pyramid). Pharaohs Djoser, Sneferu, Khufu, and Khafre. Also covered are the Step Pyramid, Bent Pyramid, Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 24 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete an evaluation sheet after creating a pyramid with the materials provided. Please note materials can be changed or altered to your class’ needs. For this task materials needed are mini marshmallows, Blu tack, PVA glue, cocktail sticks, paper straws and craft sticks. Learning objectives To learn about ancient Egyptian ruins. To learn about the ancient Egyptian Pyramids.
Ancient Rome - Introduction - Lesson 1 - KS2

Ancient Rome - Introduction - Lesson 1 - KS2

Ancient Rome - Introduction - Lesson 1 - KS2 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on introducing Ancient Rome, Ancient Romans, Rome’s geographical properties (the climate, river Tiber and its location), when? (timeline) and what is left behind (ruins)? The role of the emperor, Ancient Roman writing, Ancient Roman Numerals and art. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 15 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a worksheet that encourages children to complete information on Ancient Roman. Learning objectives To learn about Romans and ancient Rome
Victorians- Biography of Queen Victoria - Lesson 1 - KS2

Victorians- Biography of Queen Victoria - Lesson 1 - KS2

Biography of Queen Victoria (KS2) This lesson focuses on the biography of Queen Victoria, it gives a background on who she was and how she came to power after her uncle. Also discussed in this lesson is her husband, Prince Albert, and their children. in addition to the Queen Victoria’s relation to the current King Charles III. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it it or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 11 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a biographical worksheet that encourages children to research about Queen Victoria. Learning objectives • To learn about the changing power of monarchs • To find out about the life of Queen Victoria • To Gain an understanding of Queen Victoria
Victorians - Victorian Decoupage - Lesson 10 - Art - KS2

Victorians - Victorian Decoupage - Lesson 10 - Art - KS2

Victorians - Victorian Decoupage - Art (KS2) This lesson has slides with the history of decoupage and instructions how to, step by step. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 13 slides. There are many free online Victorian decoupage cut-outs that can be printed. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is creating Decoupages. Learning objectives • To create Decoupages
Victorians- Children at Work - Lesson 4 -  KS2

Victorians- Children at Work - Lesson 4 - KS2

Victorians - Children at Work (KS2) This lesson focuses on the reason why many poor Victorian children had to work. The lesson introduces the different jobs children worked in chimney sweeps, coal mines, mill work, street selling, mud larks, domestic servants and factories. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 19 slides. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a differentiated worksheet. Questions to answer. Learning objectives • To learn about the jobs Victorian children had • To learn about the risks of working in dangerous environments
Victorians - British Empire - Lesson 13 - Geography - KS2

Victorians - British Empire - Lesson 13 - Geography - KS2

Victorians - British Empire - Geography (KS2) This lesson discusses the British Empire and why the Empire expanded, the benefits and negative impact it had on the indigenous people. Trading in the British Empire and how it helped grow the demand for British goods, it also includes a slight mention of the slave trade. It also Introduces the commonwealth and analysis a few countries that were part of the British Empire and information on when they joined (India, Canada , Australia and Egypt). This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 13 slides. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson, Children can choose 4 countries that were part of the British Empire and research them. Next step is also included. Learning objectives • To learn about the British Empire • To learn of the benefits and disadvantages of the British colonialism • To learn about the Commonwealth
Victorians - Industrial Revolution - Lesson 11 - KS2

Victorians - Industrial Revolution - Lesson 11 - KS2

Victorians - Industrial Revolution (KS2) This lesson discusses the events before, during and after the Industrial Revolution. It also analyses the impact the Industrial Revolution had on Victorian society. In addition, the working and living conditions of the Victorian workers is discussed. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 18 slides. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a sorting activity and has a challenge card. Learning objectives • To learn about the Industrial Revolution
Ancient Rome - Roman Empire - Lesson 4 - KS2

Ancient Rome - Roman Empire - Lesson 4 - KS2

Ancient Rome - Roman Empire - Lesson 4 - KS2 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on the expansion of the Roman Empire. It discusses the Roman Empire in 210 BC, 44 BC, 14 AD and 117 AD. Also discussed in these slides are the Roman Empire & Trade, the Silk Road, trading by Ships and Ancient Goods. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 17 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is answer a research based worksheet using the article provided. Learning objectives To learn about the expansion of the Roman Empire
Writing  - The Great Fire of London Story - Lesson 1 - KS1

Writing - The Great Fire of London Story - Lesson 1 - KS1

Writing - The Great Fire of London Story - Lesson 1 - KS1 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the 1666 Great Fire of London. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on the Great Fire of London Story, what happened? Children will listen to the story first with pictures. Children are encouraged to follow along the story line. Children will learn about when the Great Fire of London occured 1666, and where it happened Pudding Lane, London, England. Thomas Farriner’s bakery is also mentioned. Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to sort the timeline of the Great Fire of London Story in the order of occurrence. There are two variations of the task, one to sort the pictures in order of occurrence and the second to also sort the pictures and then add a few sentences describing what is happening in each picture, There are 10 slides. Learning Objective: To learn about the Great Fire of London
Writing - Samuel Pepys Diary Recount - Lesson 4 - KS1

Writing - Samuel Pepys Diary Recount - Lesson 4 - KS1

Writing - The Great Fire of London - Samuel Pepys Diary Recount - Lesson 4 - KS1 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the 1666 Great Fire of London. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on Samuel Pepys’ Diary Recount. Children will listen to 3 different diary entries about the Great Fire of London inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary Recount. Children will discuss what a diary is used for and how we know about Great Fire of London. Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to identify a number of diary features such as date, feelings, verbs, adjectives, names, and the past tense. There are 8 slides. Learning Objective: To learn how history is recorded
Writing - What happened after the fire? - Lesson 6 - KS1

Writing - What happened after the fire? - Lesson 6 - KS1

Writing - The Great Fire of London - What happened after the fire? - Lesson 6 - With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the 1666 Great Fire of London. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on learning about what happened after the Great Fire of London. The slides include the story of the Great Fire of London. Why the fire spread quick? Due to the flammable material used in construction. What happened after? The new rules that were implemented after the fire. A few examples of how construction changed. Building Changes that are discussed are London Bridge and Pudding Lane. Also discussed is King Charles II’s efforts to stop the fire. He appointed Sir Christopher Wren to lead the reconstruction of London. King Charles II’s proclamation. Sir Christopher Wren is also introduced. Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to design and make a reconstruction of London after the 1666 fire. There are 19 slides. Learning Objective: To learn about what happened after the Great Fire of London To design non-flammable housing structures