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A-Level sociology [AQA]- Theories of education revision

A-Level sociology [AQA]- Theories of education revision

This is an A-Level sociology [AQA] lesson focusing on theories of education. This lesson is designed to be a revision lesson, it should last a 90 minute lesson and the power point contains 10 slides. Included: Starter, key concept bingo. Title page- students to identify which sociologist they would associate with each concept. Mind map of each theory, including: Marxism, feminism, functionalism, The new right, Postmodernism and liberal perspectives. This idea is that students add the key information from the board to their mind map (provided as a separate worksheet) whilst the teacher goes through the information. Practice theory exam questions which students should have a go at planning, includes a 10 marker and 30 marker. Board game- students to assess their understanding of key studies and theorists.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Stratification & differentiation. Authority and power.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Stratification & differentiation. Authority and power.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on authority and power. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, retrieval practice - education unit. Answers on pp. Title page- students to start to think about who has the most power in school. What is power? Feminist view on power in society. Explanation of social control. Links between social control and theory. Who has more power and authority why? images on board- discussion task. Do some people have more power than others? student task- worksheet provided. Explanation on power point. What is authority? Weber three types of authority. Student task- what type of authority do the people in the images have? Plenary- key question on pp slide.
GCSE sociology- Roles and status

GCSE sociology- Roles and status

GCSE sociology Eduqas/ WJEC. This lesson focuses on roles and status, with reference to identities. The lesson is designed to fill 90 minutes and has a total of 10 slides. Included: -students should try to work out the missing words (recap activity)- includes key concepts such as, sanctions, primary and secondary socialisation. -students to look at some images of celebrities and discuss what roles they think they have. -student task - draw an image of themselves and write down what roles they play. -explanation of roles and role conflict -explanation of status, ascribed and achieved -student task- have a look at the images and decide whether they have an ascribed or achieved status. Students should then rank these images in order of importance in society. -explanation of status and identity, referring to Howard Becker. -fact file task- encouraging students to use key terms in order to describe a celebrity -game of guess who (instructions on the powerpoint)
GCSE sociology [eduqas]- Class, ethnic and national identities. Cultural transmission.

GCSE sociology [eduqas]- Class, ethnic and national identities. Cultural transmission.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the cultural transmission unit. The lesson goes through class, ethnic and national identities. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 14 slides on the power point. Challenge and extension tasks provided throughout. Included: Starter, sociology bingo. Key words included on the pp slide. Title page, encouraging students to think about what things make up their identity. Introduction to key concepts which will be covered in the lesson- prior knowledge check. Outline of the class system in society- introduction to class identity. Short video clip outlining national identity. Video link on the pp slide- questions for students to answer. Explanation of the role of families in creating identities- questions for students to consider. Explanation of the role of schools in creating identities. Knowledge check- key concept match up. Provided on a separate word document, answers on the pp slide. Explanation of the role of the media in creating identities. Explanation of the role of the peer group in creating identities. Short answer exam questions- differentiated task. Plenary- students to think about what they have learnt. Homework task- slide can be deleted if not appropriate. Extension task- students to fill in key concepts sheets. Provided on separate document.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Class differences in education.

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Class differences in education.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on class differences in educational achievement. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity- recap of methods. Title page- students to think about who performs better in education and the reasons for this. Explanation of how class is measured. Reasons for inequality- cultural and material factors. Introduction to cultural capital- quiz for students to have a go at. Attached as a separate document. Explanation of cultural capital. How is cultural capital different to cultural deprivation? Introduction to language codes. Restricted and elaborate language code. Student task- facebook statuses attached as a separate document. Language codes summary- fill in the blanks task. How does the nature of schools favour the middle class? Outline of material factors and class differences. Plenary- practice exam questions. 5 marker and 8 marker.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Feminism and social stratification

GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Feminism and social stratification

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on Feminist views on stratification. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 9 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, retrieval practice of the education unit. Students to work out the missing words. Answers on pp. Title page- encouraging students to think about the key ideas of feminism. Quick recap of stratification so far- quiz. Questions and answers on pp. This replies on students having learnt functionalism and marxism. Discrimination in a patriarchal society. The feminist view of patriarchy. Sylvia Walby and patriarchy- fill in the blanks task. How does gender affect life-chances? - reading task. Provided on a separate word document. 9 mark exam question practice. The power point outlines how the question should be answers and provides some ideas of what students could include. There is also an example/ model paragraph provided.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Marxist views on stratification

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Marxist views on stratification

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the social stratification and differentiation unit. This lesson focuses on the Marxist view of stratification. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, theories of education recap. Title page, students to start to think about what Marxists would say about stratification. Quick quiz on stratification/ differentiation basics. Answers provided on the pp. Marxism overview. Marxist history- links to Ancient society and medieval times. Stratification in the Victorian era- Marx times. Connections between the industrial revolution and capitalism/ class divide. Communism and capitalism- questions for students to think about. Capitalism and exploitation- tasks for students to complete on pp slides. Summarising Marxist views- student task. Write a snapchat message. Template provided on a separate document. Plenary- Marxism reading. Provided on a separate document, key questions for students to answer using the reading.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- gender and differentiation

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- gender and differentiation

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the stratification and differentiation unit. This lesson specifically focuses on gender and differentiation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. Students to unscramble the key concepts. Title page- encouraging students to think about Feminism and stratification. How does society present gender roles in the UK today? Male and female roles- image, students to discuss what the image shows. Socialisation- reference to Ann Oakley. Labelling and gender. How have men been affected by changes in society? short video clip. Link on pp slide. New roles for men. Men and life chances. The crisis of masculinity. 9 mark exam question, example structure provided on pp. Plenary- articulate.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Mind maps for each topic

GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Mind maps for each topic

This is a power point which includes a mind-map which summaries each of the key topics taught in the GCSE sociology eduqas specification. The mind-maps include key concepts and studies where necessary. The topics included are: Cultural transmission, Families & households, Education, Crime & Deviance, Social stratification & differentiation.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance, Merton: strain theory.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance, Merton: strain theory.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson specifically focuses on Merton’s strain theory, within the functionalist perspective of crime. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, recapping social differentiation. Title page, encouraging students to think about the motivation for why people commit crimes. Quick quiz- assessing students knowledge on the functionalist perspective. Answers and questions provided on the pp. Explanation of what Merton means by the word Anomie- links to the American dream. Explanation of Merton’s strain theory- short video clip showing how society is not meritocratic. Link included on power point. Explanation of Merton’s reactions to strain. Drawing task- students to create a storyboard which represents each reaction. Template for this included as a separate document. Explanation of Marxist criticisms of strain theory. Student task/ instructions on power point. Consolidation task- students to add what they have learnt to their worksheet. Students come back to this each time they learn about a new theory. Provided as a separate worksheet. Short answer exam questions, differentiated. Students choose which questions they want to answer. Mark scheme for 5 marker provided on the pp. Plenary- match the deviant reaction to its definition. Answers provided.
GCSE sociology [wjec, eduqas] - Feral children and socialisation

GCSE sociology [wjec, eduqas] - Feral children and socialisation

This lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson, there is a total of 13 slides. The lesson focuses on discussing feral children, socialisation, agents of secondary socialisation. This is aimed at GCSE sociology eduqas. Included: Starter activity- match up the key concepts. Answers provided. Title page- encouraging students to start thinking about what feral children are. Explanation of socialisation and the different types. Introduction to secondary socialisation. Worksheet provided. Students add key details to their worksheets whilst teacher talks through each agent of secondary socialisation. Introduction to feral children. Short video clips to watch with questions for students to think about. Video links provided on the power point. Short answer exam question- 4 marks. Encouraging self assessment. Homework task- instructions on pp. To make a revision resource.
GCSE Sociology [WKEC]- Research methods. Planning successful research.

GCSE Sociology [WKEC]- Research methods. Planning successful research.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on ‘planning successful research’. The lesson covers pilot studies, triangulation and designing your own research. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 7 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity, retrieval practice- families and households. Key studies match up task- answers provided. Using mixed methods in research. Explanation of triangulation. Reasons for using mixed methods. Reading task- provided on a separate document. Students to complete the reading and answer the questions on the power point. Explanation of what a pilot study is- evaluation included. For the rest of the lesson students are encouraged to design their own research project. This is where they can apply their knowledge about everything covered in the research methods unit. Included, what method they will use, aims/ hypothesis, who their sample will be and how they will obtain them. All instructions are included on the power point.
A-Level sociology [AQA]- Answering 30 mark questions in education.

A-Level sociology [AQA]- Answering 30 mark questions in education.

This is a A-Level sociology [AQA] lesson which focuses on answering 30 mark exam questions in the education unit. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. all resources are provided on separate documents. Included: Starter, overview of sociological theories and what they say about society. Title page, show students an example 30 mark question. Key information about 30 markers. Including an outline of how they are assessed (AOs) Model answer. Provided on a separate document. Students to have a go at planning an answer to a question. Question provided on a separate document. Some key points to get students thinking are included on the pp slide. Examiners report for the question which students have planned. Key sociologists/ studies which students could include in the question. Students to have a go at answering a 30 marker. - the same question as they have already planned. From the 2018 ALevel paper. Question sheet provided for students to write their answer on, including reflection space (teachers name will need to be changed). Plenary- key concept task.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Feminist and subcultural view of crime and deviance.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Feminist and subcultural view of crime and deviance.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This lesson specifically focuses on the Feminist view of crime and deviance, the lesson then moves on to how subcultural theories explain crime. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, retrieval practice of the social stratification and differentiation unit. Title page, encouraging students to think about why men are more likely to commit crimes compared to women. Overview of the feminist perspective. Social control and gender- Heidensohn. Fill in the blanks task, provided on a separate worksheet. Examples of criminal females. Differences in types of women- with a focus on Ladette behvaiour. Pollak’s chivalry thesis- reading task, provided on a separate document. Overview of the subcultural explanation of crime. Student creative task- instructions on the pp slide. Students will need access to the GCSE textbook to complete this task. Plenary- students to fill in the theory overview sheet, this can be completed as and when theories are covered. Attached as a separate document.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Functionalist perspective of stratification.

GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Functionalist perspective of stratification.

This is a GCSE Sociology lesson which focuses on the social stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson is about the Functionalist perspective on stratification. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and the power point has a total of 10 slides. Included: Starter, retrieval practice of the education unit. Crossword. Attached as a separate document. Title page- students to remind themselves what is meant by social stratification. Why is there social stratification? - video clip task, link on the pp. Question sheet to go with it, attached as a separate document. Overview of functionalism and stratification- questions for discussion. Functionalism and rewards. Why do some jobs lead to more status and privilege? Social stratification and role allocation. The New Right and stratification. With references to Saunders. Evaluation. Overview quick quiz- questions and answers on power point.
A-level Psychology [edexcel]- Learning theories, Bandura et al. Bobo doll experiment.

A-level Psychology [edexcel]- Learning theories, Bandura et al. Bobo doll experiment.

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on learning theories. This lesson includes Bandura et al (1961)- original Bobo doll experiment along with their follow up studies. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. This lesson is designed to come after students have learned about Social Learning theory. In order to complete the lesson successfully students should have access to the ALevel textbook, Edexcel book for year one and AS level. Included: Starter activity based on recapping social psychology. Title page- encouraging students to think about what they can remember about social learning theory and what they already know about the Bobo doll experiment. Recap of social learning theory- students to work out missing words. Short video clip, link on power point slide. Questions for students to think about as an introduction to the study. 3 slides which goes through a brief run through of the original (1961) Bobo doll experiment. Challenge questions provided throughout. Includes aim, procedure, findings and conclusion. Evaluation of the original experiment. Worksheet for students to complete. Attached as a separate document. reading task- will need access to the textbook pages. Short answer exam question provided. Bandura et al, additional studies (1963 & 1965). Two slides which briefly runs through each experiment, students should then use the textnook pages to make sure they understand the studies. Plenary- bringing everything together. Mind map task- provided on a separate document. Students to summarise everything they know about SLT, Bandura (1961) and Bandura at al’s additional studies. Textbook pages have not been attached. However, please email me at amyfo7@live.co.uk if you need any additional attachments.
A-level psychology- [edexcel]- Factors affecting prejudice

A-level psychology- [edexcel]- Factors affecting prejudice

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the social psychology unit. The lesson consists of situational and personal factors affecting prejudice. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes, however I would imagine it would take longer so a homework task is also included. The majority of the lesson requires students to work in pairs- they then teach their pair what they have found it (mainly student led). THIS LESSON REQUIRES USE OF THE A-LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY TEXTBOOK 1 (EYE BOOK). Included: Starter task - unscramble the key words, answers provided. Title page- encouraging students to start to think about how and why our personality could lead to prejudice behaviours. Outline of how individual differences can lead to prejudice. - teacher led Outline of how situational and cultural factors can lead to prejuduce. - teacher led Instructions about how the paired learning task is going to work. Questions for students to answer based on individual and situational factors- textbook is needed for this task. If you do not have the textbooks in school, please email me at amyfo7@live.co.uk and I can send you over scanned copies. Question sheets for students to complete based on situational and personal factors- attached as word documents. Homework/ extension task. Summary sheet which includes all factors students need to be aware of- students to fill in using their notes/ reading/ knowledge and understanding. Attached as a separate document.
GCSE psychology- lesson 5- understanding amnesia.

GCSE psychology- lesson 5- understanding amnesia.

This is lesson 5 of the memory topic (topic 2). This lesson goes along with the booklet which i have included in my shop. This lesson focuses on ‘understanding amnesia’, including cases such as Henry Molaison. The power point consists of 11 slides in total. The lesson is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. The starter activity focuses on recapping the social influence topic, this acts as a retrieval practice activity. The lesson explains the difference between Anterograde and Retrograde amnesia, students are also required to complete a 2 mark exam question, mark scheme included (self-assessment). The lesson goes on to explain the case of Henry Molaison- including a video clip with questions for students to answer. One of the main activities of this lesson includes a nandos peri-meter task. Students choose the level of task they wish to complete. The plenary requires students to recap their knowledge of the short term and long term memory.
GCSE psychology- development, Lesson 4- Piaget's theory of cognitive development

GCSE psychology- development, Lesson 4- Piaget's theory of cognitive development

This is lesson 4 of a series of lessons covering the development topic. This lesson focuses on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and the development of intelligence. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is available in my shop. This powerpoint has a total of 11 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. a slide outlining the key words being used in the lesson with their definitions. Piaget’s explanation of understanding the world, referring to key concepts such as ‘adaptation’. an explanation of schemas, including two video clips showing how schemas are formed. student task- a fill in the blanks activity. This outlines piaget’s theory. student task- this task requires page 8 of the edexcel psychology gcse textbook. The task involves students writing, explaining and drawing ilustrations to help them understand key concepts used in Piaget’s theory. (The table is included in the booklet, a screen shot is on the power point) key question - student assessment. The question is included on the powerpoint, along with the answer, students should self mark this afterwards. strengths and weaknesses of Piaget’s theory. Students are giving the different explanations and they have to decide whether they are strengths or weaknesses. They should do this using colour coding. All instructions are on the power point. Extension question included. plenary- students should try to work out the key terms on the powerpoint.
A-level psychology [edexcel]- Milgram's variation studies

A-level psychology [edexcel]- Milgram's variation studies

This is an A-level psychology lesson which focuses on the social psychology unit. The lesson is based on Milgram’s variation studies. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 13 slides on the power point. This lesson requires students to have a basic understanding of Milgram’s original baseline experiment. Included: Starter, methods recap. Students to complete a short answer question. Title page- encouraging students to recap what they already know about Milgram. Overview of Milgram’s original experiment. Introduction to the variation studies- short video clip. Link provided on the power point slide. Explanation of the three variations: rundown office block, telephone instructions and instructions from an ordinary man. Results also included. Questions for students to think about included on the pp slides. Summary of the variation studies. Transformation- storyboard task. Reading task, students will need access to the A-Level edexcel textbook to complete this. I have not attached a scanned copy as it is not my work. However, if you would like this, please email me on amyfo7@live.co.uk and I can send it over.