Students should understand the importance of the skeleton and why a skeleton is needed.
Students should be able to label bones of the body.
Includes worksheets: questions from activate and design your own skeleton
Student should be able to:
Make an informed judgement about embryo screening by evaluating in detail the economic, social, and ethical issues.
List advantages and disadvantages of embryo screening.
Suggest reasons why embryos might be screened.
Students should understand the process of cell division and why cell division needs to take place. They should also understand the process of the cell cycle.
Students should understand the importance of starch in plants
Students should understand how starch is used and the method on how to test for starch
Exam questions included.
Students should understand what anaerobic respiration is, to understand the difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration and explain muscle fatigue.
Includes AfL quiz, revision mats and tasks.
For mid-low ability KS3 students.
THey should understand the phases of the moon and eclipses.
Contains who wants to be a millionaire and crossword for challenge.
Students should understand the importance of contraception and how to evaulate hormonal/non-hormonal methods of contraception.
Exam question attached, also to put learning into practice.
Students should be able to state examples of genetic diseases. Students should state symptoms and the genetics behind inheriting these diseases, making reference to recessive and dominant alleles
Students should understand the importance of food testing. They should be able to complete the required practical, using relevant reagents to test for: starch, simple sugars, lipids and proteins.
Students should understand what a pathogen is and the various types of pathogens and their mode of action, comparing bacteria and viral method of action.
Students should be able to:
• discuss the human and financial cost of these non-communicable
diseases to an individual, a local community, a nation or globally
• explain the effect of lifestyle factors including diet, alcohol and
smoking on the incidence of non-communicable diseases at local,
national and global levels.
Students should be able to understand the principles of sampling as
applied to scientific data in terms of risk factors.
MS 2d
Students should be able to translate information between graphical
and numerical forms; and extract and interpret information from charts,
graphs and tables in terms of risk factors.
MS 2c, 4a
Students should be able to use a scatter diagram to identify a correlation
between two variables in terms of risk factors.
MS 2g