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Andrew's maths resources

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I am a specialist Primary Maths teacher in a large teaching school. I have several decades of teaching experience and enjoy creating high-quality resources. I try to incorporate a strong visual element into my presentations and worksheets. Thank you for your interest in my resources. I do hope you find them useful.




I am a specialist Primary Maths teacher in a large teaching school. I have several decades of teaching experience and enjoy creating high-quality resources. I try to incorporate a strong visual element into my presentations and worksheets. Thank you for your interest in my resources. I do hope you find them useful.
Percentage of an amount

Percentage of an amount

This is a two page worksheet which focuses on finding percentage of an amount. It uses the "Percentage bubble" method where pupils have to find 50%, 25%, 10% and 1%. They can then use these facts by combining them to find any percentage up to 100%. I have used this successfully with upper KS2 children. The second sheet allows children to select their own starting number to represent 100% and then find a variety of other percentages.
Capacity.  Reading scales.

Capacity. Reading scales.

This is a PowerPoint of a theme of capacity and reading scales. The slides feature several jugs containing different amounts of liquid. Pupils are asked to read the different scales and compare different amounts of liquid. There are some SATs style reasoning problems to reinforce learning. This resource is particularly suitable for upper KS2 or lower KS3. Thank you for your interest in mt maths resources. I do hope you find them useful. Feedback is very much appreciated.
Reading and interpreting timetables

Reading and interpreting timetables

This is a PowerPoint presentation on a theme of reading timetables. It is suitable for any Year group in KS2. The presentation shows children part of a railway timetable and asks them a variety of questions which require them to use and interpret the timetable. Clear on-screen annotations show how the timetables should be read. For Year 6 children, there are also some SATs style questions, again with annotated answers. Thank you for your interest in my maths resources. I hope you find them useful.
Compass directions. Treasure maps project.

Compass directions. Treasure maps project.

This is a complete project which looks at compass directions but also brings in super great opportunities for artwork and being creative. Children are presented with a hand drawn treasure map that has recently been discovered. There are also several sets of directions which the children have to follow to locate each treasure. The 8 point compass is used. Children can also "bury" some treasure of their on on the map and write directions. Children are then given a blank parchment and have to design their own treasure map. This is where the creativity comes in! It might be worth showing them a few examples from the internet for ideas. They then have to "bury" their treasure at different locations and wrote instructions. they can then exchange with a friend and find each others treasure. great fun! This is useful for teaching/re-enforcing compass directions. It is also great for Year 6 after SATs and can quite easily last for several lessons. I do it every year and my children love it!
Rounding numbers to nearest 10 and 100.  A game for two players

Rounding numbers to nearest 10 and 100. A game for two players

My children love this game. It reinforces the concept of rounding numbers. Pupils are given a game board which is a grid with random 3 digit numbers. They throw a die three times to generate a 3-digit number. They can choose the order of the digits. They have to round the number to the nearest 10 or 100 depending on the particular game and colour the rounded number n the grid. . Players take turns with the winner being the first to colour a line of four. I have included game boards for rounding 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. The resource is supplied as a WOrd Document aS well as a pdf. The beauty of this resource is that it could very easily be adapted to use larger or smaller numbers, A nice extension would be for children to choose the numbers to place in a blank grid. Which numbers would be best? Thank you for your interest in my maths resources. I so hope you find them useful.
Reading and interpreting line graphs

Reading and interpreting line graphs

This is a PowerPoint presentation which focuses on reading and interpreting line graphs. Several examples of questions are given. Pupils are shown through animations how to read information from a line graph. They are also shown how to interpret reading on a scale and to work out the range between two values. This presentation has been designed in particular for Year 6 pupils and would be ideal for SATs revision. However, it would be appropriate for pupils in upper KS2 or lower KS3.
Using the 12 and 24 hour clock

Using the 12 and 24 hour clock

This is a PowerPoint presentation about the 12 and 24 hour clocks. It starts by showing examples of when the 24 clock might typically be used. Examples include radio alarm clock and airport departure boards. The presentation then shows various common events during the day such as the start of school or lunch time. The time is clearly displayed on a large analogue clock face. Both digital and analogue times are shown.
Regular and irregular polygons

Regular and irregular polygons

This is a PowerPoint which looks at Regular and irregular polygons. It starts by explaining what a polygon is and then presents children with a variety of 2D shapes, asking them to decide which of them are polygons and also which are regular and irregular. Thank you for your interest in my maths resources. I do hope you find them useful.
Reflections and mirror lines

Reflections and mirror lines

This is a two page worksheet on a theme of reflective symmetry. It asks pupils to draw reflected shapes and to identify the line of reflection. It includes drawing mirror lines on for a given formula (eg. X = Y) and to describe different reflections. It is supplied in pdf and Word format and is easily adaptable to change the level of difficulty. It is suitable for upper KS2 and lower KS3. Thank you for your interest in my math resources. I do hope you find them useful.
Reflecting and translating shapes  KS2.

Reflecting and translating shapes KS2.

This is a clear and informative Powerpoint which explains and demonstrates transformation of 2D shapes on a coordinate grid in four quadrants. I created it for my Year 6 Maths class. The shapes move across the grid when they are translated There are 12 slides each with examples. There is also a SATs type question as a plenary
Drawing and interpreting line graphs

Drawing and interpreting line graphs

There are two worksheets here which ask the pupils to firstly draw and then interpret line graphs. In both cases, data is given in the form of a table. The first worksheet gives pupils a template with axes drawn, and space for labels for each axis. The second worksheet asks pupils to draw their own without scaffolding. Pupils are asked to use their line graphs to devise their own questions to share with a friend. The resource is supplied in both pdf and Publisher format for easy editing and customization. Thank you for your interest in my resources. I hope you find them useful.
Multiplying fractions by whole numbers

Multiplying fractions by whole numbers

This is a PowerPoint presentation which explains how to multiply a fraction by a whole number. It is very visual and contains pictorial representations of the process involved. The presentation lead on to the short rule for calculating the answer and invites children to discuss why this rule works. Thank you for your interest in my resources This would be ideal for upper KS2.
Comparing and ordering decimals numbers.  Up to 3 decimal places

Comparing and ordering decimals numbers. Up to 3 decimal places

This is a PowerPoint presentation which explains how to compare two decimal numbers (up to 3 decimal places). It does so by lining them up in a vertical column. It then progresses to ordering a set of decimal numbers. Zeroes are added to empty decimal places so that the numbers have the same number of digits, Thank you for your interest in my maths resources.
SATs Five a day revision. Fluency and reasoning

SATs Five a day revision. Fluency and reasoning

This is a set of 10 worksheets or "Daily check-ups" in pdf format. Each consists of 5 questions. The first four questions have been designed to reinforce fluency in the numbers skills required for end-of-Key-Stage tests for Year 6. The fifth question represents a longer "mathematical reasoning" SATs style question. I use these worksheets as a starter activity in daily maths lesson in the run up to SATs. They could equally be used for homework tasks. Topics covered include place value, negative numbers, BODMAS, fractions, number sequences, percentages various calculations and inverse operations. Thank you for your interest. I hope you find them useful.
Bar modelling examples

Bar modelling examples

This is Powerpoint presentation which is designed to show how bar modelling can be used to solve mathematical problems. It has been used successfully in upper KS2 and lower KS3. I have also used it in an INSET in order to develop a pictorial approach to mathematical problem solving and the bar model method in particular
Fraction of an amount

Fraction of an amount

This is a two page worksheet where pupils are asked to identify unit fractions of different amounts. They colour the required number of objects before writing the fraction fact. The second page shows how a fraction of a amount can be modelled using a bar. Pupils are then asked to draw their own bars to model different fractions. suitable for Key Stage 2. Thank you for your interest in my maths resources
Plotting coordinates in four quadrants

Plotting coordinates in four quadrants

This is a two page worksheet which asks children to plot a set of coordinates in four quadrants. They then have to name the 2D shape which they have created. There are also two blank grids where pupils have to make their own shapes and identify the coordinates. This could then be exchanged with a friend to draw the shape. Suitable for Upper KS2 or maybe lower KS3 Thank you for your interest in my maths resources
Percentage of amounts: an introduction

Percentage of amounts: an introduction

I created this presentation to introduce finding a percentage of an amount to my lower ability Year 5 maths set. I was unable to find anything else online that demonstrated clearly what exactly an percentage of a number means and that didn't over-complicate the subject. There are plenty of visual examples to show how we find a percentage of an amount. The presentation clearly links percentages to fractions. It start by demonstrating percentages on a 100 square and progresses to using different numbers. Simple animations show how a number can be split into different fractions and percentages.