Three practical art activities inspired by Vanessa Bell’s art with a particular focus on colour.
Mixing paint to create Vanessa Bell’s colour palette.
Painting lines and shapes over different base colours.
Creating an abstract composition using several colours, geometric shapes and lines.
Students learn about Paul Klee’s painting Park near Lu. They create an artwork using warm and cool colours as well as the letters of their name.
Worksheets are provided to record information about the artist and to describe art elements of line and colour that Paul Klee used in Park near Lu. Instructions to create an artwork are also included.
The following files deal with the Art Element Line.
Students describe lines found in man-made objects and natural forms.
They observe line in artworks by John Constable, David Hockney, Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinsky.
Several Art appreciation worksheets, collage making and drawing activities are also included.
10 more pages added-
Abstract Line Collage Self-Reflection
Revision worksheet What is Line?
Creating a Class Line Collage and Class Line Collage Activity Checklist
Observing and responding to artworks by Lowry and Vincent van Gogh
1. Autumn Leaves Collage. This art activity involves mixing primary colours to make secondary colours then using the painted paper to create a leaf collage.
2. Process samples and animal collage.
Pop Art Activities
After observing selected art works by Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, students produce a still life collage and a computer generated image. Instructions on how to make a collage and how to create a new social media logo are included in this file.
Five Practical Art resources related to colour.
Abstract Colouring
Van Gogh & Matisse Interiors Line and Colour
Vanessa Bell Inspired Art
Art Colouring Pages. Images Inspired by famous artists
Colour and Shape
A practical art activity suitable for Primary School students in Years 4, 5 and 6.
Inspired by the paintings of Pablo Picasso, students will create their own cubist artwork.
This resource includes instructions, drawings and an example of a completed picture.
This bundle includes ten Art resources for students in Years 4 to 7. The activities are inspired by many famous artists including Matisse, Picasso, Van Gogh, Vanessa Bell, Roy Lichtenstein, Paul Klee, and Kandinsky. As well as John Constable, David Hockney, Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinsky, Lowry, Salvador Dali, André Derain, Paul Cézanne and Joan Miro
Resource Titles
Art Colouring Pages. Images inspired by famous artists.
Colour and Shape
Elements of Art LINE
The Visual Arts Observing Creating Reflecting
Van Gogh & Matisse Interiors Line and Colour
Vanessa Bell Inspired Art
Making and Oberving art. Collage, Painting and Drawing.
Practical independent activities for upper primary school students. Line abstract designs for early finishers in the visual art class. There are 16 different designs and 2 sample artworks. Ideas on various ways to use the templates are also included.
The following files include Art Appreciation worksheets related to two interiors and a painting activity for Years 4,5 and 6. Students observe and respond to paintings by Vincent Van Gogh and Henri Matisse. They compare the art elements of line and colour and write a description about one of the images. During the art making session the students draw and paint a Matisse inspired interior. Finally the class find out more information about the artists by using books or suitable websites to answer several questions which include place of birth, art movements and influences. They also complete a time line worksheet.
1. ART ANALYSIS WORKSHEET ( graphic organiser)
While analysing art works, students record observations and information related to the art elements, art principles, style, technical skills, energy states, mood and emotional states. This can be used as a preliminary activity to write an art critique.
After studying The Elephants by Salvador Dali, students create their own Surrealist artwork.
Students evaluate their own artwork.
Instructions to create an oil pastel, inspired by the artworks of Wassily Kandinsky.
This practical art activity is designed for the upper primary class and focuses on line and colour.
The following resource includes twelve art colouring pages for art students and for fast finishers.
These original drawings were inspired by various famous artists.
There are two Pablo Picasso inspired cubist art works; two Paul Klee inspired drawings and two
Van Gogh style works.
In addition is a drawing similar to Kandinsky’s art; a line drawing in the style of Joan Miro’s art; an interior still life drawing inspired by Roy Lichenstein’s work; a drawing of apples on a table reminiscent of Paul Cézanne’s still life paintings; a landscape inspired by one of André Derain’s artworks and an interior similar to Henri Matisse’s work.
This practical art activity is designed to assist students to create a collage of an aerial beachscape.
Students will form ideas after observing an artwork by Fred Williams from the Tate Gallery website and by looking at various aerial beach photographs from the internet. They will use torn out coloured paper from magazines to represent water, waves, sand and rocks.
Instructions to create a paper collage inspired by the cutout artworks of the artist Henri Matisse.
Images and step by step instructions on how to make a collage from a spoon shape.
Year 4- 6 students observe and respond to a drawing by Pablo Picasso and an African mask.
Page 1. Internet links to images , learning focus and procedure.
Page 2. Student worksheet deals with describing types of lines and shapes used in the artworks and making comparisons between the two images.
These Art activities are a culmination of the study of works by Seurat, Monet and Van Gogh and their painting techniques.
During the first art session, students experiment with different brush strokes.
The following activity involves cutting shapes from the painted sheets of paper and arranging them on a large piece of cardboard to create a class mural.
A free practical art activity.
Students observe Joan Miró’s art then add more lines, coloured shapes and objects on a worksheet to complete a Miró inspired artwork.