History resources for Secondary school.
All lesson are FREE, so please enjoy and share your own freely too.
Revision packs and work books are low priced (if you really like it then ask your friends to buy copies to and help me out) :)
History resources for Secondary school.
All lesson are FREE, so please enjoy and share your own freely too.
Revision packs and work books are low priced (if you really like it then ask your friends to buy copies to and help me out) :)
This lesson examines the Aztec culture, the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors and the ransacking of Tenochtitlan.
It includes an information hunt, video with questions (link provided for youtube) and discussion.
It is intended to sow some seeds of knowledge for Year 7, to aid future GCSE. If you are teaching about Renaissance era explorers you will see I have several other lessons available.
This resource is free to download, as I believe that teachers should share freely for the benefit of the students we teach. Enjoy.
This lesson is an examination of how/if life changed after the execution of Charles II and looks at the work and life under Oliver Cromwell. Including the Major Generals, Christmas and Drogheda.
TES always screws up the preview, the slides in the downloaded file are in the correct sequence.
A lesson giving details on the situation in Europe and the differing threats of Spain, France and Scotland.
The main task is an information hunt with key questions. I have uploaded a standard question sheet, but it could be easily differentiated as needed.
My thanks to any/all contributors to this resource.
If you choose to modify it please share it freely for the benefit of the students and the teaching community.
A lesson on life at sea for Year 7.
It covers sailors and explorers in the Tudor period with some overlap into the Stuart era.
Here is a lesson looking at what Columbus really did
A lesson on explorers and sailors during the Age of Discovery during the Tudor and Stuart eras
**The actual download is in the correct order. Preview is out of sequence due to some issue with TES***.
This lesson is intended for Year 7, but could be modified for older students.
It is my take on 'je suis le roi'. Students read the cartoon, update the map and write about what happened. When it is done, they get the next cartoon etc.
They should work in small groups 2-4 students per group.
Students can then see the spread of Norman influence as on the map.
WARNING it takes ages to make due to cutting out the tokens, but once you have made it you just top them up when needed every year. I would advise keeping tokens in packs (envelopes).
I hope you enjoy it. Please remember that I have shared this for free, please do so too.
This lesson is about Frank Bright a Jewish man who lives near Ipswich (UK) and survived the ghettos and death camps of the Nazi regime. His story is important and sharing it keeps his experience alive for us to learn from.
The class mates cards are simply cut out and one is placed under each child’s book. When we get to the relevant slide they come up and find their person and then as a class we discuss what happened to them and consider what would it be like if it was their class now.
I hope that Mr Bright does not mind me sharing his story, from my research on him he seems very keen for his story to keep being told. I also thank those History teachers who first reached out and researched his life to benefit the rest of us.
This a lesson covering healers, treatments and causes of disease in the medieval era. It is intended as a lesson to plant some core knowledge in Year 7's prior to doing GCSE later.
I has a range of activities and extension work.
The cards should be cut out and stuck into the boxes on the back of the worksheet, two per box.
My resources may use copyrighted material which I thank the owner for. My resources are shared for free for the benefit of the students. Please honour this.
Enjoy lesson one from a unit on Jack the Ripper intended for Year 8.
It includes differentiation for ability. I have used some resources in particular the information sheet which I believe came from another resource. I thank them for their contribution.
Have fun.
This lesson focuses on life as a slave and how sugar plantations were controlled.
By the end students should be able to compare the plantation hierarchy to the feudal system.
It is intended for Year 8 so it is not overtly graphic. I have used some resources from TES and SHP when building this so I thank them for their contributions.
This lesson looks at the impact of sugar on British society and then goes into an introduction on slavery, what it is and why it happened.
I have made this with a combination of my own and resources from others, I thank them for their contributions.
This is a history lesson for GCSE students based on the new Edexcel spec.
It could also be modified for KS3.
It covers sport, art and culture in Nazi Germany. I have a lesson available on Weimar culture as well.
I envision this as a resource pack activity, but it could also be used as an information hunt.
This resource may use elements of other teachers work or copyrighted materials. I thank them for any/all contributions. My resources are free because that is how teachers should work, support the teaching community rather than profit from it. If you decide to share this please do so freely.
A PowerPoint for GCSE students on Weimar Germany's culture and living standards. Included is an information hunt and resources.
For study with Edexcel, but would work for others
This resource does use youtube and some bits and pieces from text books etc. It is free for all to use. All I ask is that it stays free!
Hi. This lesson looks at the changes to public health in the Industrial Revolution. It covers the work of Jenner, Pasteur, Nightingale, Chadwick and more. The lesson is differentiated for average through to top set and would just need more scaffolding for bottom set.
If the preview is messed up, blame TES. The actual download will be fine.*
It uses an information hunt and has a conclusion/judgement task included.
I have spent a lot of time making this and choose to share it for free to benefit the students and other teachers. If you download this please also respect this by sharing it for free.
This lesson looks at the causes of detente, SALT 1, the Helsinki Accords and SALT 2.
It would ideally be followed up by a second lesson on the subject as this lesson gives an overview of the big events, but does not cover the smaller parts such as the space mission. It should tackle the issue of treaties being dry by using the group activity.
**If the preview is out of sequence it is a TES issue, the actual download will be fine.***
I thank any and all contributors to this resource and as I have shared this resource for free ask that anybody else does so too.
This lesson looks at the various 20th century laws that were introduced to bring about more equality. It has a focus on the Dagenham Women who fought Ford in 1968 over pay and job grading as well as looking at the current issue of the Gender Pay Gap.
This lesson is part of a Year 9 unit on equal rights in the UK.
The part with the big bits of paper is best done with three pieces of A2 size sugar paper.
Lesson on sailors and explorers in the Tudor to Stuart eras
This lesson looks at Pirates and includes a crazy treasure hunt searching for facts and solving riddles. Enjoy (it took ages to make)
Bad jokes and more!
I have used resources from other people for this lesson and thank them for their contributions. My resources are free and always will be. Teachers should work together for the students we care about.
A lesson on the first English colony which was planned by Sir Walter Raleigh. This lesson also covers the mystery behind the second attempt’s failure.
This is part of a unit about explorers in the Tudor era and the early attempts at colonisation.
This resource was made using some contributions from other teachers. I thank any/all contributors for their efforts. My resources are free because I feel that as teachers we should all work together.