I am a KS2 teacher, Primary Maths Specialist, mum of two and music lover! Lots of maths resources with a sprinkling of English and music planning and display resources. Thank you for looking at my resources; I hope that they help you in some small way to take back the weekend!
I am a KS2 teacher, Primary Maths Specialist, mum of two and music lover! Lots of maths resources with a sprinkling of English and music planning and display resources. Thank you for looking at my resources; I hope that they help you in some small way to take back the weekend!
This resource includes two sets of worksheets providing pupils with the opportunity to practise solving worded division problems and written methods for division.
The first set has a Fairground theme and includes three worksheets at different levels. The second has a space theme (created to fit in with our IPC ‘Mission to Mars’ topic) and also includes three worksheets at different levels.
In each set the first sheet is aimed at middle ability pupils, the second at less able pupils and the third sheet is for higher ability pupils. Answers for all six worksheets are included.
All worksheets require pupils to round their answers up and down, answer multi-step problems and to use written methods of division with decimal numbers.
I originally did this with my Year 6 pupils, but it would also be suitable for Year 5 and Year 7 pupils.
Resource provided in PDF format and also Word format for editing.