
Year 2 Maths- Interpreting Tally Charts
Smartfile starting with a SATs style question, constructing a class tally chart and asking and answering questions about different tally charts. Activity differentiated 2 ways answering questions about tally charts.

Sorting 3D shapes in a Carroll Diagram
Smartfile explaining how a carroll diagram is used. Venn diagram for plenary. Worksheet to cut and sort 3D shapes into- carroll diagram. Guided practice from White Rose to discuss 3D shapes and their properties.

Year 2 Maths Litres
Presentation talking about litres. Converting litres into ml. Deciding whether a container should be measured in ml or l. Activity- cutting and sorting pictures into more than a litre and less than a litre. Uses 1 question from the White Rose Hub.

Missing Number Problems Year 2
Smartfile going through detailed examples of missing number problems with questions on the slides and strategies for children to use. 3 differentiated sets of questions for children to complete independently at the end. Made for Year 2 and SATs revision but could be used in Year 1.

Year 2 Mastery style Maths- Describing 2D shapes and their properties
Year 2 2D shape lesson smartfile.
Mastery Maths style lesson.
Short activities to go through as a class; matching shapes to their names, recognising quadrilaterals and drawing 2D shapes on geoboards.

Year 2 Maths Arithmetic revision (Add, Subtract, Divide, Multiply)
Smartfile revising the four main operations. Worded problems and number sentences to go through as a class before number sentences for children to complete independently. Challenges for high ability children on independent slides.

Year 2 Mastery Maths Balancing Scales
Mastery Maths style Year 2 lesson on balancing scales and comparing mass.
Notebook links to worksheet.
Use of stem sentences.
Needs at least one set of balancing scales.
Uses white rose maths.

Year 2 Maths- Recognising 1/3
Mastery style Maths lesson made for year 2. Introducing children to a third for the first time. Worksheet and smartfile go together. Questions included on the smartfile.

Year 2 Greater Depth Maths Comparing fractions of amounts
Activity made for Greater Depth Year 2 Maths. Children to use <,> and = to compare 1/2 and 1/4 of amounts.

2D shapes on 3D shapes
Smartfile comparing 2D and 3D shapes and spotting 2D shapes on 3D shapes. Activity- Matching clues of 2D shape faces to 3D shape pictures. Challenge- Making nets.

Measuring cm
Showing children how to use a ruler for the first time. Rainforest themed with the book The Great Kapok Tree. Reference to height and length. Estimated lengths. Activity- Measuring height and length and drawing lines of specific lengths. Mastery style Maths.

Measuring ml Year 2 Maths
Introducing volume and capacity and ml as a unit of measure. Mentions l and pints. Show litres to ml. Measuring jugs to read on the smartfile. Questions to ask on the smartfile. Worksheet- Reading different scales on measuring jugs.

Year 2 Mastery style Maths- Describing 2D shapes
Quiz describing the properties of 2D shapes for children to guess.
Activity- Children to cut out the 2D shape and name it before filling in stem sentence or writing the stem sentence in their books. This is a __________ because it has ______ sides and ______ corners.

Temperature Input Year 2 Maths
Smartfile on temperature. What it is, reading different scales and drawing temperatures on thermometers. Questions on the smartfile.

Missing numbers and inverse
Use of bar models and part-whole models to find the missing number and then record 3 more number sentences using the inverse. Questions and stem sentences displayed on the smartfile. Addition and subtraction only.

Change- Money Year 2
Starts with a coin matching activity.
Shows hands full of money and a shop to seaside shop to buy from. You will need to model the calculation after a child has chosen what the class should buy. Purses of money for children to add up and then take away from when they choose an item form the shop.