Organic chemistry AS mechanisms revision sheet
Revision sheet for AQA AS chemistry mechanisms in O2 ad O3. Free radical substitution, nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions.
GCSE chemistry science combined revision resource, knowledge organiser
Suitable for combined higher and separate
AS Chemistry AQA mechanisms spot the error
Worksheet for spotting the error for AS AQA chemistry organic O3 unit mechanisms for nucleophilic substitution and elimination.
Chemistry Definitions Atomic Structure Matching Card Game
A matching card game for the definitions from unit 1 section 1 on the topic of atomic structure.
Based on the AQA A-level Chemistry syllabus, but likely relevant for other exam boards.
Available in pdf and word document.
Differentiated neutralisation reactions work sheet soil pH key stage 3
Differentiated resource for application of neutralisation reactions regarding soil pH acidity and alkalinity. Used with a mixed ability KS3 year 8 class.
GCSE Chemistry Tests for Gases Matching Card Revision Game
Tests for gases matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the AQA curriculum, also applicable to the OCR and Edexcel curricula.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up
GCSE Chemistry Tests for Anions Matching Card Revision Game
Tests for anions matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the AQA curriculum, also applicable to the OCR and Edexcel curricula.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up.
GCSE Chemistry Tests for Cations Matching Card Revision Game
Tests for cations matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the AQA curriculum, also applicable to the OCR and Edexcel curricula.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up.
GCSE Chemistry Comparing Alkanes and Alkenes Matching Card Revision Game
Alkane and alkene comparisons matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the AQA curriculum, also applicable to the OCR and Edexcel curricula.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up.
GCSE Chemistry Flame Tests for Metals Matching Card Revision Game
Flame tests for metals matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the AQA curriculum, also applicable to the OCR and Edexcel curricula.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up.
A level chemistry halide test matching card game
A level chemistry halide test matching card game.
Describes what would be observed when testing with solver nitrate and then adding ammonia.
Properties of hydrocarbons worksheet
Worksheet with table to be filled in while talking about the properties of hydrocarbons. Also has a few fill in the blank sentences.
Used this worksheet with a mixed ability year 9 group, could be used as revision or starter of a higher ability or older group.
Organic chemistry AS introduction first lesson empirical formula skeletal formula
First lesson for introduction to organic chemistry. Worksheet on empirical and molecular formula. Introduces new functional groups, and looks at skeletal formula. For AQA syllabus. Some of the questions assume students have access to Molymod kits.
Oxygen in the atmosphere - atmospheric chemistry lesson and worksheet
Lesson and worksheet for increasing oxygen in the atmosphere. Part of AQA syllabus. This lesson is designed for a mixed ability year 9 class.
The worksheet and content covers how the atmospheric gases changed over time, a recap of photosynthesis and the role of algae. The plenary and starter contain recap questions on organic chemistry, balancing equations and photosynthesis.
A lot of the tasks have extensions as this was used with a mixed ability year 9 class.
Balancing equations worksheet key stage 4
Balancing equations worksheet for key stage 4, includes complete and incomplete combustion, and cracking.
Used with a mixed ability year 9 class, best used with middle and higher ability year 9, or as revision for year 10 and 11.
Increasing oxygen in the atmosphere key stage 4
Fill in the blank short worksheet used for a mixed ability year 9 class. The worksheet briefly covers atmospheric gases, algae and photosynthesis, and how the oxygen levels increased due to algae photosynthesising.
Revision organiser fill in the blank atmospheric chemistry pollutants and their properties
Used with a mixed ability year 9 class for GCSE atmospheric chemistry. Contains info on carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon particulates (soot), sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
Also includes an extension on the pollution caused by diesel cars.
Oxidation of alcohols OCR A AS level lesson and worksheet
Lesson and worksheet for oxidation of alcohols lesson for OCR A AS specification.
Organic synthesis (aliphatic) OCR AS level lesson and work sheet
Whole lesson and worksheet for teaching AS level OCR organic synthesis. Including game where students compete in teams for points. Also including some past paper style questions.
C12 C13 GCSE Chemistry revision organiser
C12 C13 revision organiser for AQA GCSE Chemistry separate science. On the topics of atmospheric chemistry, pollutants, chemical tests and analysis. Includes gas, anion and cation tests.