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GCSE, KS3 and Primary French resources. Choose from 100s of resources, including many with 5* reviews.




GCSE, KS3 and Primary French resources. Choose from 100s of resources, including many with 5* reviews.
French GCSE Role Play: At the hotel Board Game

French GCSE Role Play: At the hotel Board Game

A board game to practice role play statements and questions for the topic of ‘at the hotel’. Great way to revise with Yr11s. All vocabulary needed for this game is available in the GCSE Role Play Booklet/PowerPoint https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-french-role-play-revision-booklet-at-the-hotel-11872725?theme=0 (see my TES shop or click link to purchase).
Diversity Video and Worksheets

Diversity Video and Worksheets

A video featuring a range of faces, foods from around the world, architecture and landscapes and celebrations form around the world. The video opens with a quote about the diversity and closes with the line 'One human race'. The video should provide springboard for discussion and reflection. To follow this up I have produced some worksheets featuring things form the video- 5 versions- food, music, sports, transports and festivals from around the world. They can label and colour these and a lovely quote is included at the top about respecting difference and valuing others.
GCSE French Role Play: At the Hotel PowerPoint

GCSE French Role Play: At the Hotel PowerPoint

PowerPoint to introduce and practise vocabulary for the hotel role plays. Includes nouns with vocab games to consolidate; advanced vocabulary such as questions and complaints and two practice role plays with support and suggested answers.
French Halloween Booklet

French Halloween Booklet

A 12 page activity booklet including Vocabulary (basic list and extended list) Witch profile reading comprehension Read and colour according to description Count the number of pumpkins etc. Voacb recall wordsearch crossword Magic potion ingredients Magic potion recipe comprehension
French Halloween Bundle

French Halloween Bundle

7 Resources
12 page booklet PowerPoint Presentation Haunted House video Zombie Attack Activity Follow me Cards Bingo cards Colouring sheets (colour by French colour) Magic Potion Writing activity Wall words
Cadeaux de Noel Vocabulary Hunt

Cadeaux de Noel Vocabulary Hunt

A word exchange activity which requires pupils to translate 20 Christmas gifts from French to English. They attempt it first on their own, then paired up, then they circulate to exchange answers with pupils around the room. This would lead nicely into writing a letter to Father Christmas. I have a template for this available in my Christmas Bundle or on its own- just search in my shop.
French Christmas Song KS1 Class Song

French Christmas Song KS1 Class Song

A song to the tune of Jingle Bells for beginner learners. Chorus: ‘Qu’est-ce que c’est? De quelle couleur? Il y a combien?’ And 10 lines for individual pupils to shout out ‘une etoile jaune’, ‘sept chausettes roses’ etc. Good practice of colours and numbers and a lovely way for KS1 learners to demonstrate what they have learnt- could even be performed in an assembly.
French Easter Bundle

French Easter Bundle

6 Resources
5 excellent resources - PowerPoint to introduce and practise Easter vocabulary with beautiful graphics - Colour by instruction Easter card to entertain pupils on last lesson (easy for you yet educational for them) - Board Game to reinforce learning and inject some competition onto the lesson - Paper puppet show activity and story Interactive quiz
FREEBIE! French Story: Dans l'espace with You Tube video link

FREEBIE! French Story: Dans l'espace with You Tube video link

A PDF of my simple French Story for young learners. A boy dreams he is an astronaut and visits he sun, moon and stars at night. He also bumps into an alien! There is a link to a YouTube video with audio features- great for non specialists who will appreciate the audio narrative to double check pronunciation. There are follow up resources available to purchase in my TES Shop including a board game, mini books, self correcting puzzles, worksheets and I can statements. Please consider leaving feedback, it really means a lot to me and helps others to make a decision on what to download.
French Place card with question prompts

French Place card with question prompts

Updated Sept 2021 to include new design with up to 5 questions (different versions included with range of questions). A place card for pupils to complete and color. A great way to get to know their names during half term 1 and for them to get to know the 3 first questions: comment t’appelles-tu, quel age as-tu and ou habites-tu? There is space on the back of the card for them to write their answers so they can always see them.
Spanish Greetings Neon Theme

Spanish Greetings Neon Theme

Introduce and practise Spanish greetings with games and activities. This PowerPoint introduces Spanish greetings with single word or phrase slides follwoed by four PowerPoint games. Then there is a listening activity with audio file included, a vocab match up and a comic strip reading and writing activity.
French Paques Easter PowerPoint

French Paques Easter PowerPoint

Introduce and practise French Easter vocabulary with this PowerPoint. Includes; Vocabulary slides Qu’est-ce que c’est game Flying words game Qu’est-ce qui manque game Listening grid with audio Reading activity - unscramble the sentence Writing activity - describe the pictures Noughts and Crosses Please see co-ordinating activities or consider saving money by purchasing my Easter Bundle
French Grammar Booklet: Perfect Tense regular -ir verbs

French Grammar Booklet: Perfect Tense regular -ir verbs

2 x 6-page booklets which explain (in an informal and light tone) how to form the perfect tense for regular -ir verbs and -re verbs. Includes explanation, practice and translations. The booklets are numbered and can be printed off for pupils. They can also be displayed as a PowerPoint or printed off in large format and used as display posters. Great follow-on from the French Grammar Booklet: Perfect Tense regular -er verbs.