I am a Geography and Natural Sciences teacher and I produce a large number of resources every year. In this shop you will find resources for teaching GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Environmental Science and Astronomy. ~You will also find A level Biology, Physics and Geography resources.
I spend a huge amount of time on my resources and only ask for a small contribution. Our items will always be on sale.
I am a Geography and Natural Sciences teacher and I produce a large number of resources every year. In this shop you will find resources for teaching GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Environmental Science and Astronomy. ~You will also find A level Biology, Physics and Geography resources.
I spend a huge amount of time on my resources and only ask for a small contribution. Our items will always be on sale.
2 versions of the same worksheet (one for higher ability) on the formation of meanders and oxbow lakes. ANSWER SHEETS INCLUDED.
Worksheet includes 3 tasks
Describing formation using diagrams as prompts
Explaining change in channel shape
Identifying true and false statements
AQA Geography GCSE Revision Mat for Natural Hazards - CLIMATE CHANGE
Comes with answers (apart from case study section - feel free to add this for your school’s individual case study).
This is an A3 resource.
Magentism revision resource with answers.
All the other GCSE revisions mats are available as a bundle here for £3:
Upcoming: Not all revision resources have been uploaded.
This bundle includes worksheets on landmarks formed by deposition and erosion. All worksheets are differentiated and include answers that can be used for self or peer assessment.
wave type
This is a memory-based activity inspired by the popular party game ‘Kim’s game’ to revise the differences between constructive and destructive waves. There are some suggestions of how to use this resource in the powerpoint but it is totally up to you how you use this resource.
wave-cut platform
Worksheet includes a diagram which has to be labeled and then statements that have to be put in the correct order to describe its formation. 3 versions are included for higher, middle and lower ability. Alternatively, to improve recall students could be given the easier version to complete first and then a week later/next lesson could attempt a harder version.
stack sequence
3 versions are included for higher, middle and lower ability. Alternatively, to improve recall students could be given the easier version to complete first and then a week later/next lesson could attempt a harder version.
Answers included.
headlands + bays
Worksheet includes: complete the table to describe headlands and bays; gap fill; complete the diagram.2 versions are included for higher and lower ability. Alternatively, to improve recall students could be given the easier version to complete first and then a week later/next lesson could attempt the harder version.
beaches, sand dunes, spits, bars
2 versions are included for higher and lower ability. Alternatively, to improve recall students could be given the easier version to complete first and then a week later/next lesson could attempt the harder version.
Edexcel A level specification 2015 Topic 7 revision mat for electric and magnetic fields. Made of A3 sheets and comes with answers.
Other edexcel A level revision mats can be purchased for between 1 and 2 pounds. A bundle with all A level topics are available here for £5 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-a2-all-revision-mats-12081167
AQA Geography GCSE Revision Mat for the Physical Landscapes - COASTAL PROCESSES & MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES
Comes with answers (apart from case study section - feel free to add this for your school’s individual case study).
This is an A3 resource.
This is a basic worksheet that explains the phases of the Moon. It comes with an answer sheet.
Update: Uploaded PDF version due to formatting issues. Word one still available for people who want to edit the sheet.
Fun extension lesson. Students design a space ship. Suitable for all ages. I have had A level students designing artificial wombs in centrafuges to ks3 designing huge A2 sized space ships. Includes a power point and lesson plan
A level Particle Physics Revision Mat Topic 8 Edexcel
Covers all specifications points in the Physics Edexcel A level 2015.
Includes markscheme/answer guidance
This resource is on an A3 piece of paper.
2 worksheets that allow KS3 students to identify and rank the problems in shanty towns using a diamond 9 worksheet and then pick out what improvements they’d make using a budget and deciding what/where to spend it. They must already know what shanty towns are before doing these activities. Can be done as individual tasks or in groups for differentiation. Can be done in 1 lesson or over 2-3 if you want to include a presentation of what improvements each group has chosen. Great activities if your student like taking ownership of their work.
AQA Geography GCSE Revision Mat for Natural Hazards.
Comes with answers (apart from case study section - feel free to add this for your school’s individual case study).
This is an A3 resource.
A 35 page question pack made by myself on all things forces. Answers included for all questions Ideal for most specificaitons. Students can attempt many of these questions from finishing ks3. Probably a bit easy for very high ability year 11 sets.
This worksheet asks questions on speed = distance divided by time and wave speed = frequency x wavelength.
The more challenging sheet requires students to combine these equations with unit conversions and standard form.
The supportive worksheet provides the students with formula triangle and removes the need for students to change the units.