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Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."




Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."
Social Psychology: Social Influence Unit- PPTs, Worksheets, Assessment & Video

Social Psychology: Social Influence Unit- PPTs, Worksheets, Assessment & Video

Social Psychology: Social Influence includes Social Cognition PowerPoints, Handouts, Role-play, Quiz, Video Links - Lesson Plans included. This Social Influence Unit has 7-8 days worth of lessons. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint lecture, a review handout or activity and closes with an exit ticket. Unit ends with an assessment that covers everything from the unit. Social Cognition PowerPoints include lecture notes and Youtube links to videos that illustrate real life examples of concepts. This does not cover all of Social Psychology. This is the second of two units that makes up Social Psychology. The first is Social Cognition Unit. Topics Include Social Norms Deindividuation Social Facilitation, Social Impairment, Social Loafing Conformity - Solomon Asch's study - Public Conformity - Private Acceptance Compliance - Foot-in-the-Door Technique - Door-in-the-Face Procedure - Low-ball Approach Obedience - Stanley Milgrim's Study - Factors affecting Obedience - “Captainitis” phenomenon Agression - Various Approaches - Social Scripts Altruism - Social Exchange Theory - Social Responsibility Norm - Kitty Genovese Case - Bystander Affect More stuff on the way! For more great products, visit my store at Big Ideas in Teaching or find me on Pinterest!
Ancient Greece PowerPoint w/Video Clips +Presenter Notes

Ancient Greece PowerPoint w/Video Clips +Presenter Notes

Ancient Greece PowerPoint with video clips and presenter notes covers the rise of Greece, Athens, Sparta and Alexander the Great. This 27 slide Powerpoint includes engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide and can act as a cheat sheet for details you may forget. Some slides have maps and discussion questions to help engage your students. Save some money by getting this product along with the entire unit. Go to Ancient Greece Unit Bundled. Topics Covered Greece Geography Minoans and Mycenaeans Homer Trojan War Polis Acropolis Sparta - Helots - Oligarchy - Social Classes Athens - Aristocracy - Democracy - Draco, Solon, Pisistratus, Cleisthenes - Education The Persian Wars - Battle of Marathon - Battle of Salamis - Delian League Golden Age of Greece - Age of Pericles - Art and Architecture - Theater - Philosophy, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle The Peloponnesian War Peloponnesian League Alexander the Great King Philip II Macedonia Hellenistic Culture Euclid, Erastothenes, Hippocrates Alexandria, Egypt Library of Alexandria Pharaoh’s lighthouse Related: • Alexander the Great Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included • Greek Gods Small Group Activity • Ancient Greek Olympics Activity • Aristotle's Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Greece Unit Bundled • Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest File Under: Ancient Greece Greece Greek PowerPoint Greek History History of Greece Greece Powerpoints
World War I Timeline Activity

World War I Timeline Activity

World War I Timeline takes your students to Europe from 1914 to 1919. Students analyze the timeline and complete a twenty question common core aligned worksheet. This assesses students on the history of the WWI as well as timeline analysis. An optional QR coded timeline is also included for more student engagement. It can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War I unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War I Unit Bundled. Topics include: • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand • Austria Hungary’s declaration of War • Germany’s invasion of Belgium • Gas Warfare • Sinking of the Lusitania • Germany submarine warfare • Battles of Verdun and Somme • First Tanks • Zimmerman Telegram • U.S. enters the war • Armistice Day • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk • Treaty of Versailles Related: • World War I PowerPoint • Trench Warfare & Modern Weapons of War Text & Graphic Analysis • World War I Map Activity & MAIN Causes • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War I Crossword Puzzle Review • World War I Unit Bundled More awesome stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas! File under: Causes of WWI Causes of World War I Causes of World War 1 Causes of WW1 World War One
French Revolution Declaration of Rights of Man Primary Source Analysis

French Revolution Declaration of Rights of Man Primary Source Analysis

Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen Primary Source Analysis teaches students about the French Revolution through primary source document analysis. This short activity focuses on the treatment of of French citizens before the revolution and the role of government. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire French Revolution unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get French Revolution Unit Bundled. Related: • French Revolution Powerpoint • Napoleon Conqueror Video Questions with Video Link • French Revolution Timeline • Causes of the French Revolution Informational Text • French Revolution Crossword Puzzle Review • French Revolution Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Psychology: Consciousness - Sleep and Dreams Project

Psychology: Consciousness - Sleep and Dreams Project

Sleep is an altered state of consciousness that we experience every day. This Sleep and Dreams project gives students an opportunity to research sleep and all of its aspects. Students then present and teach their research to the class. Included is a research guide and rubric for two types of presentations, a PowerPoint/slideshow presentation and a presentation using poster boards. Product includes PDFs and editable Microsoft Word documents for customization for your class. Students will research and present the following topics: • Stages and why we sleep • Dreams Sleep Disorders • Sleep apnea • Insomnia • Night terrors • Narcolepsy • Sleep walking • Sleep paralysis More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at Psychology TpT Store or at Psychology Lesson Ideas!
Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test

Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test

Ancient Rome Unit includes Ancient Rome PowerPoints with video clips and presenter notes. Unit also includes, warm up PowerPoints, informational text documents with questions, primary source lessons, maps, exit tickets, crossword review, Kahoot! review game,a project, video/video guide, and editable assessment. Everything is put together with detailed daily lesson plans. Just copy and paste to your lesson plans. This is an Amazing Deal! PowerPoints include video clip links, and presenter notes. Topics Covered: Geography of the Mediterranean Rise of the the Republic - Latins, Greeks, Etruscans - Republic - Patricians, Plebeians, Slaves - Twelve Tables (Twelve Tablets) - Consuls, Senate, Dictator - Legion - Punic Wars - Hannibal - Imperialism Fall of the Republic - Julius Caesar - Octavian/Augustus Caesar - Pax Romana - Caligula, Nero - Trajan, Hadrian - Marcus Aurelius - Hadrian’s Wall Roman Achievement - Greco-Roman culture - mosaic - engineering - aqueducts - colosseum - Galen - Roman Law Rise of Christianity - Judea - Jewish Revolt - Messiah - Jesus - Christianity - Paul - martyr - Emperor Constantine - Edict of Milan - Emperor Theodosius - Pope, Bishops, Patriarchs -Roman Catholic Church v. Eastern Orthodox Church Fall of Rome - causes of Rome’s Fall - German Barbarians **Kahoot! online review game was created and is tailored for the unit exam. This Unit Includes  • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmups and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • Ancient Rome Video Questions - Youtube Video Link included • Persecution of Christians in Rome Primary Source Activity • Ancient Rome PowerPoints • Fall of Rome Mini-Book Project • The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis • Bread and Circuses Infotext & Primary Source Analysis • Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes • Rome Crossword Puzzle Review • Exit Ticket or Ticket Out the Door Templates • Exit Ticket or Ticket Out the Door Kahoot! Review Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test • Plus Extras! More stuff on the way! “Follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas or World History TpT Store File Under: Classic Rome Roman Empire Rome Ancient Rome Unit Ancient Rome Roman Empire Unit
French Revolution Timeline

French Revolution Timeline

The French Revolution Timeline takes your students to France from 1789 to 1804. Students analyze the timeline and complete a twenty question common core aligned worksheet. This assesses students on the history of the French Revolution as well as timeline analysis. It can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Key is included. Save some money by grabbing this timeline with the entire French Revolution unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get French Revolution Unit Bundled. Topics include: • Estates General • National Assembly • Declaration of Rights of Man • The Great Fear • The National Convention • The death of King Louis XVI • The Reign of Terror • Maximilien Robespierre • Napoleon Bonaparte • The Directory • Napoleonic Codes Related: • French Revolution: Declaration of Rights of Man Primary Source Analysis • Napoleon Conqueror Video Questions with Video Link • French Revolution Powerpoint • Causes of the French Revolution Informational Text • French Revolution Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Ancient Greek Olympics Activity

Ancient Greek Olympics Activity

Ancient Greek Olympics Activity begins with students reading informational text about the ancient Greek Olympics. Students continue by writing a newspaper article from one of three point of views. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money by getting this product along with the entire unit. Go to Ancient Greece Unit Bundled. Related: • Ancient Greece PowerPoints • Alexander the Great Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included • Greek Gods Small Group Activity • Aristotle's Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Greece Unit Bundled • Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest.
World War II Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis(WW2)

World War II Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis(WW2)

World War II Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis Introduces students to the Nanking Massacre using primary source eyewitness accounts from the event. Students learn about war crimes and are exposed to Japans’ debate over the extent and nature of the Massacre. This exercise looks at five primary source documents and an excerpt from a Japanese text book. It is an excellent addition to your World War II Unit. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. This is also perfect for substitute teacher plans. A key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War 2 unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War II Unit Bundled. More Awesome World War II Stuff • The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII) • World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis • World War II Timeline Activity • • Oppenheimer v Heisenberg: Race for the Bomb Video Guide - Video WebLink Included • World War II Rise of Dictators Informational Text Analysis • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War II Crossword Puzzle Review • World War II Unit Bundled More stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! File Under: World War II World War 2 WW 2 WW II
World War II The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII)

World War II The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII)

The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis takes students back to France, 1940. Students learn about the German tactic of blitzkrieg and then are given a front row seat to Hitler just prior to the surrender ceremony with France. This exercise is visually engaging and is an excellent resource to use in your World War II Unit. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. This is also perfect for substitute teacher plans. A key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War 2 unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War II Unit Bundled. More Great World War II Stuff! • World War II Rise of Dictators Informational Text Analysis • Oppenheimer v Heisenberg: Race for the Bomb Video Guide - Video WebLink Included • Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis • World War II Timeline Activity • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War II PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes • World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis • World War II Crossword Puzzle Review • World War II Unit Bundled More awesome stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas or World History TpT Store File Under: World War II World War 2 WW 2 WW II WW2 WWII
Hammurabi’s Code Primary Source Analysis

Hammurabi’s Code Primary Source Analysis

Hammurabi’s Code Primary Source Analysis teaches students about the culture of Babylon and it’s law code justice system through primary source document analysis. This short activity focuses on the treatment of women, the value of property, punishment today and the “eye for an eye” form of justice. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit. Go to Ancient River Valley Civilizations Entire Unit Bundled. More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest here! File under: Code of Hammurabi Babylon Babylonia
World War II Timeline Activity (WWII)

World War II Timeline Activity (WWII)

World War II Timeline takes your students to Europe from 1935 to 1946. Students analyze the timeline and complete a twenty question common core aligned worksheet. This assesses students on the history of the WW2 as well as timeline analysis. An optional QR coded timeline is also included for more student engagement. It can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War 2 unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War II Unit Bundled. Topics include: • Japanese invasion of Manchuria • Italian invasion of Ethiopia • Kristallnacht • Non-Aggression Pact between Hitler and Stalin • German invasion of Poland • Battle of Britain • Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor • Final Solution • Battle of Midway • Battle of Stalingrad • D-Day • Battle of the Bulge • Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki • V-E Day • V-J Day Related: • The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII) • Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis • Oppenheimer v Heisenberg: Race for the Bomb Video Guide - Video WebLink Included • World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis • World War II Rise of Dictators Informational Text Analysis • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War II PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes • World War II Crossword Puzzle Review • World War II Unit Bundled More awesome stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas!
History of Psychology Timeline - 20 Question Worksheet

History of Psychology Timeline - 20 Question Worksheet

History of Psychology Timeline takes your students from 1860 to 1960. It covers the modern approaches and players of psychology. A twenty question common core aligned worksheet assesses students on the history of psychology as well as timeline analysis. Save some money! Get the entire unit on the history of psychology, approaches and subfields and careers, including this timeline, warm-ups, Powerpoints, worksheets, assessment, project and lesson plans at Introduction to Psychology Entire Unit Or head to my Psychology Store for more great products!
World War I PowerPoint - WWI PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes (WW1)

World War I PowerPoint - WWI PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes (WW1)

World War I PowerPoint with video clips and presenter notes covers the atmosphere in Europe leading up the the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, World War I, and finishes with the Treaty of Versailles and how it led to WWII. This 25 slide WWI PowerPoint is packed with beautiful graphics, engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide and can act as a cheat sheet for details you may forget. Some slides have maps and discussion questions to help engage your students. By far, one of the best PowerPoints you have ever seen. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War I unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War I Unit Bundled. Topics Covered M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism Alliance System Triple Alliance Triple Entente Imperialism Nationalism Archduke Franz Ferdinand Central Powers Allied Powers Schleifen Plan Stalemate War of Attrition New Weapons of War Battles of Verdun and Somme Western Front - Eastern Front Total War Conscription propaganda Russian Revolution Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Lusitania Zimmerman Telegram Armistice President Wilson Fourteen Points Treaty of Versailles **Note: This is a World History centric view of WWI. This is for World History class, rather than U.S. History Class. Related • World War I Map Activity & MAIN Causes • Trench Warfare & Modern Weapons of War Text & Graphic Analysis • World War I Timeline Activity • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War I Crossword Puzzle Review • World War I Unit Bundled More great stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas! File Under: World War I World War 1 WW1 WWI
The American Colonies Powerpoint w/Presenter Notes, w/Video Clips + Assessment

The American Colonies Powerpoint w/Presenter Notes, w/Video Clips + Assessment

The American Colonies Unit Powerpoint with presenter notes and 7 embedded video links is a great resource to your American Colonies unit. I have used these with my A.P. classes as well as regular U.S. History classes. Lecture is 24 slides total with presenter notes to guide you through the lecture, help you to tell the whole story, and verbally assess and engage your students. Also included is an assessment that can be used as a test or quiz. It is in PDF and Word formats, so its completely editable. Save money! For the entire unit, including these Powerpoints, warm-ups, primary source doc worksheets, review,assessment, Travel Poster Project and lesson plans, go to The American Colonies Complete Unit. Save time and Save money! Topics include: Brief summary of French and Spanish Colonization Jamestown - Virginia Company - John Smith - John Rolfe - Tobacco - Indentured Servitude - Headright System - House of Burgesses New England Colonies - Puritans, - Separatists, - Pilgrims - Mayflower Compact - William Bradford - Wampanoags - - Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, Salem Witch Trials - Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson Lord Baltimore, Maryland Act of Religious Tolerance James Oglethorpe Native American Relations - Bacon’s Rebellion, The Pequot War, King Philip’s War New Netherlands, New York, Henry Hudson William Penn, Society of Friends More on the way! "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook. File Under: Colonial Times, The 13 Colonies, Colonial America, Thirteen Colonies, The Colonies
Niccolo Machiavelli's, The Prince Primary Source Activity (Renaissance)

Niccolo Machiavelli's, The Prince Primary Source Activity (Renaissance)

Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince Primary Source Worksheet teaches students Machiavelli’s rules on being a Renaissance leader. Excerpts from his infamous book focus on whether it is better to be loved or feared, and a prince’s expertise on war. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. It also makes good substitute plans. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, project, crossword review, video/video guide, lesson plans and assessment. Go to The Renaissance Unit Bundled. More Renaissance Products! • Renaissance & Reformation PowerPoints • Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text • Renaissance Trading Card Project & Scavenger Hunt • Luther’s 95 Theses Primary Source Worksheet • Renaissance Video Guide, Key and Video link • Protestant Reformation Chart • Renaissance Crossword Puzzle Review More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes (Ancient Rome)

Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes (Ancient Rome)

Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes .This multi purpose informational text teaches students about the Romulus and Remus myth and compares it to another birth story, the Aeneas Legend. Through the Aeneas Legend primary source excerpt, students learn how the Romans linked their birth story to the Greeks. Students also explore the Roman/Greek religion and education in Rome. Finally students read about the two classes in Rome, the Patricians and the Plebeians. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money & make it easy on yourself by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire Ancient Rome unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get Ancient Rome Unit Bundled. Related: • Ancient Rome Video Questions - Youtube Video Link included • Persecution of Christians in Rome Primary Source Activity • Ancient Rome PowerPoints • Fall of Rome Mini-Book Project • The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis • Bread and Circuses Infotext & Primary Source Analysis • Rome Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Rome Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Psychology: Psychological Disorders PowerPoints with Video Links & Lecture Notes

Psychology: Psychological Disorders PowerPoints with Video Links & Lecture Notes

Psychology: Psychological Disorders PowerPoint is packed with stunning visuals and 14 built in video clips illustrating disorders, everything you need to keep your students engaged. Four PowerPoints, 45 slides total with presenter notes to guide you through the lecture, help you to tell the whole story, and verbally assess and engage your students. I have used these for A.P. and regular classes. Make it easy on yourself! For these PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, warmups and Exit Tickets, assessment and more, go to Psychological Disorders Complete Unit Topics Covered What is a Psychological Disorder? DSM-5 Anxiety Disorders - Phobic Disorders - Panic Disorders - Generalized Anxiety Disorders - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Stress Disorders Dissociative Disorder - Dissociative Amnesia - Dissociative Fugue - Dissociative Identity Disorder - Depersonalization Disorder Somatoform Disorders - Conversion Disorder - Hypochondriasis - Body Dysmorphic Disorder Mood Disorders - Depression - Bipolor Schizophrenia - Paranoid - Disorganized - Catatonic Personality Disorders - Paranoid Personality Disorder - Schizoid Personality Disorder - Antisocial Personality Disorder - Avoidant Personality Disorder Plus Psychological Explanations for all - Psychodynamic, Learning, Biological approaches. More stuff on the way! For more great products, visit my store at Big Ideas in Teaching or find me on Pinterest! File under: Psychological Disorders Lesson Plan mental disorders
Ancient China Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included! Free!

Ancient China Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included! Free!

Ancient China - Movie Questions for Time Life’s, “Lost Civilizations: China, Dynasties of Power” documentary. Narrated by Sam Waterston, this 35 minute documentary covers the first dynasty of China, the Shang, and the first emperor of China, Chin. It also focuses on oracle bones, the Great Wall, silk and Chinese inventions. Also included is a weblink to the video so you can play the video online. Video questions are very short and very easy to answer, so your students can concentrate on the video. An answer key is provided with the file. More free stuff on the way, follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest here! For more free stuff, visit my store! Early Civilizations Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Egypt Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included! Free!

Ancient Egypt Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included! Free!

Ancient Egypt - Video Guide for Time Life’s, “Lost Civilizations: Egypt: Quest for Immortality” documentary. Narrated by Sam Waterston, this 50 minute documentary covers the discovery of King Tut, the Rosetta Stone, Ramses the Great, the preparations for mummification and burial, the pyramids and the ultimate goal of an Egyptian afterlife. Also included is a weblink to the video so you can play the video online. Video questions are very short and very easy to answer, so your students can concentrate on the video. An answer key is provided with the file. For more free stuff, head to my store Early Civilizations Ancient Civilizations