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Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."




Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."
Persecution of Christians in Rome Primary Source Activity(Roman Empire)

Persecution of Christians in Rome Primary Source Activity(Roman Empire)

Persecution of Christians in Rome Primary Source Activity teaches students about the hatred and disgust of Christians during the religion’s early years in the Roman Empire. Through the writings of Roman historians Tacitus and Lucian, students get an inside look about Roman thoughts on Christians AND their persecution by the Emperor Nero. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money & make it easy on yourself by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire Ancient Rome unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get Ancient Rome Unit Bundled. Related: • Ancient Rome Video Questions - Youtube Video Link included • Ancient Rome PowerPoints • Fall of Rome Mini-Book Project • The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis • Bread and Circuses Infotext & Primary Source Analysis • Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes • Rome Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Rome Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Civil Rights Movement Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Assessment (U.S. History)

Civil Rights Movement Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Assessment (U.S. History)

Civil Rights Movement Unit Bundledincludes Civil Rights Movement PowerPoints, primary source doc worksheets, an activity, warm-ups, exit tickets, crossword puzzle review, a Kahoot! review game, and editable assessment, all bound together by daily lesson plans. The Civil Rights PowerPoints with presenter notes are packed with primary source documents, stunning visuals, and 9 embedded video clip links. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about the Civil Rights Era. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. I have used this for both AP U.S. History and regular classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint lecture, a primary source activity and an exit ticket. Topics include Brown v. Board Education 1954 Plessy v. Ferguson Thurgood Marshall Chief Justice Earl Warren Southern Manifesto Emmett Till Governor Orval Faubus Little Rock 1957 Cooper vs Aaron Montgomery Bus Boycotts 1955 Rosa Parks Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Rides, Albany Movement 1961 Birmingham, AL 1963 Letter from a Birmingham Jail March on Washington 1963 Medgar Evers Civil Rights Act 1964 Freedom Summer 1964 Selma March 1965 Voting Rights Act 1965 Northern Desegregation - De facto Segregation Malcolm X Stockily Carmichael Black Power Black Panther Party The Movement’s Legacy This package contains: • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmup or Bell Question PowerPoints • Civil Rights PowerPoints with Video Links & Presenter Notes • Dr. Martin Luther King's, "I Have a Dream" Speech with Discussion Questions • Civil Rights Heroes Chalkboard Activity • Non-Violent Resistance and SNCC Training Manual Worksheet • Freedom Summer Primary Source Activity • Civil Rights Movement: Successes & Failures Data Analysis • Martin Luther King Video Link & Video Questions • Literacy Test with Discussion Questions • Civil Rights Movement Crossword Puzzle Review • Kahoot! Review Game - students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test More on the way! "Follow me" to be the first to learn about more great stuff! Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook. File under: Civli Rights Movement Unit Civil Rights Unit Civil Rights Lesson Plans Black History Lesson Plan
World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis (WWII)

World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis (WWII)

World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis takes students to the end of World War II. Students learn about the costs of war through lives and money by analyzing data on a chart. Students then to informational text describing the Nuremberg Trials and MacArthur’s occupation of Japan. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. This is also perfect for substitute teacher plans. A key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War 2 unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War II Unit Bundled. Related • The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII) • Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis • Oppenheimer v Heisenberg: Race for the Bomb Video Guide - Video WebLink Included • World War II Timeline Activity • World War II Rise of Dictators Informational Text Analysis • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War II PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes • World War II Crossword Puzzle Review • World War II Unit Bundled More awesome stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas! File Under: World War II World War 2 WW2 WWII
World War I Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis (WWI or WWII)

World War I Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis (WWI or WWII)

World War I Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis takes students to Germany 1923. Students analyze Hitler’s speech on the Treaty of Versailles and learn treaty’s affects on the German people as well as its contribution to Hitler and birth of World War II . Some knowledge of the Treaty of Versailles is required for the understanding of this document. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. For younger students however, a teacher's guidance is suggested. This is also perfect for substitute teacher plans. A key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War I unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War I Unit Bundled. Related • World War I Map Activity & MAIN Causes • Trench Warfare & Modern Weapons of War Text & Graphic Analysis • World War I Timeline Activity • World War I PowerPoint • World War I Crossword Puzzle Review • World War I Unit Bundled More awesome stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas! File Under: World War I World War 1 WW1 WWI WWII WW2 World War II World War 2
World War I Map Activity & MAIN Causes

World War I Map Activity & MAIN Causes

World War I Map Activity and MAIN Causes of WWI takes students to Europe 1914 to discuss the M.A.I.N. causes of World War 1(Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism). Then students learn about the alliance system through a map activity. No other maps from the book are needed, just thee colored pencils or crayons. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. This is also perfect for substitute teacher plans. A key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War I unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War I Unit Bundled. Related: • World War I PowerPoint • Trench Warfare & Modern Weapons of War Text & Graphic Analysis • World War I Timeline Activity • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War I Crossword Puzzle Review • World War I Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
French Revolution: Napoleon Video Questions with Video Link

French Revolution: Napoleon Video Questions with Video Link

Napoleon Conqueror Video Questions with Video Link This video has been edited down to 30 minutes to focus on Napoleon’s relations to the French Revolution. Video shows Napoleon's rise to power, his revolutionary reforms and how Napoleon built an empire in Europe. The handout comes with an optional second side with a video link and QR code of the video link for absent students or homework. An answer key is provided. Worksheet has 25 questions covering the 30 minute video. Save some money by grabbing this video guide with the entire French Revolution unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get French Revolution Unit Bundled. Related • French Revolution Powerpoint • French Revolution: Declaration of Rights of Man Primary Source Analysis • French Revolution Timeline • Causes of the French Revolution Informational Text • French Revolution Crossword Puzzle Review • French Revolution Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
World War II Crossword Puzzle Review (WWII)

World War II Crossword Puzzle Review (WWII)

World War II Crossword Puzzle Review includes - 25 Terms and 25 clues plus optional word bank. This is a perfect activity for reviewing before a test, as homework or for substitute plans. This includes two puzzles, one with a word bank and one without. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War 2 unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War II Unit Bundled. Word Bank concentration camp Kristallnacht Fascist Party lebensraum Gestapo blitzkrieg Holocaust V-J Day totalitarianism Weimar Republic Nuremberg Laws Poland Final Solution appeasement nonaggression pact Battle of the Bulge D-Day V-E Day Douglas MacArthur Joseph Stalin Manhattan Project Dwight Eisenhower Manchuria Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini More Great World War II Stuff! • World War II Rise of Dictators Informational Text Analysis • Oppenheimer v Heisenberg: Race for the Bomb Video Guide - Video WebLink Included • Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis • World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis • World War II Timeline Activity • The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII) • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War II PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes • World War II Unit Bundled More awesome stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas! File Under: World War II World War 2 WW 2 WW II WW2 WWII
Renaissance PowerPoint & Reformation PowerPoint + Video Clips + Presenter Notes

Renaissance PowerPoint & Reformation PowerPoint + Video Clips + Presenter Notes

Renaissance and Reformation PowerPoint with video clips and presenter notes covers the birth of the Renaissance leading to the Luther and Protestant Reformation. This 31 slide Powerpoint is packed with beautiful graphics, engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide and can act as a cheat sheet for details you may forget. Some slides have maps and discussion questions to help engage your students. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit including these PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review and assessment. Go to The Renaissance Unit Bundled. Topics Covered RenaissanceThe works of de Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael Origins of the Renaissance Italian Renaissance Humanism Humanities Classicalism - Perspective Niccolò Machiavelli Northern Renaissance Albrecht Dürer Hubert van Eyck Thomas More Shakespeare Johannes Gutenberg - Printing Press Protestant Reformation Martin Luther Certificates of Indulgences Justification of Faith Pope Leo X Lutheranism John Calvin Predestination Theocracy John Knox King Henry VIII “Bloody Mary” Elizabeth I Anglicanism Related: • Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text • Niccolo Machiavelli's, The Prince Primary Source Activity • Renaissance Trading Card Project & Scavenger Hunt • Luther’s 95 Theses Primary Source Worksheet • Renaissance Video Guide, Key and Video link • Protestant Reformation Chart • Renaissance Crossword Puzzle Review • The Renaissance Unit Bundled More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest! File Under: Renaissance Renaissance PowerPoint Renaissance PPT Protestant Reformation PowerPoint Reformation Powerpoint
Rome PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes (Ancient Rome)

Rome PowerPoint with Video Clips + Presenter Notes (Ancient Rome)

Ancient Rome PowerPoint with Video Clips and Presenter Notes covers the rise of Rome from a republic to an empire, the birth of Christianity and Rome's fall. Ancient Rome PowerPoint is packed with maps, primary source documents, stunning visuals, and embedded video links, everything you need to keep your students engaged. This 30 slide PowerPoint also includes presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide and can act as a cheat sheet for details you may forget. Some slides have maps and discussion questions to help engage your students. Save some money by getting this product along with the entire unit. Go to Ancient Rome Unit Bundled. Topics Covered Geography of the Mediterranean Rise of the the Republic - Latins, Greeks, Etruscans - Republic - Patricians, Plebeians, Slaves - Twelve Tables (Twelve Tablets) - Consuls, Senate, Dictator - Legion - Punic Wars - Hannibal - Imperialism Fall of the Republic - Julius Caesar - Octavian/Augustus Caesar - Pax Romana - Caligula, Nero - Trajan, Hadrian - Marcus Aurelius - Hadrian’s Wall Roman Achievement - Greco-Roman culture - mosaic - engineering - aqueducts - colosseum - Galen - Roman Law Rise of Christianity - Judea - Jewish Revolt - Messiah - Jesus - Christianity - Paul - martyr - Emperor Constantine - Edict of Milan - Emperor Theodosius - Pope, Bishops, Patriarchs -Roman Catholic Church v. Eastern Orthodox Church Fall of Rome - causes of Rome’s Fall - German Barbarians Related: • Ancient Rome Video Questions - Youtube Video Link included • Fall of Rome Mini-Book Project • The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis • Bread and Circuses Infotext & Primary Source Analysis • Persecution of Christians in Rome Primary Source Activity • Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes • Rome Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Rome Unit Bundled More stuff on the way! “Follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas ! File Under: Classic Rome Rome PowerPoint Roman Empire Rome Ancient Rome PowerPoint Ancient Rome Roman Empire PowerPoint Rome
Ancient Greece PowerPoint w/Video Clips +Presenter Notes

Ancient Greece PowerPoint w/Video Clips +Presenter Notes

Ancient Greece PowerPoint with video clips and presenter notes covers the rise of Greece, Athens, Sparta and Alexander the Great. This 27 slide Powerpoint includes engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide and can act as a cheat sheet for details you may forget. Some slides have maps and discussion questions to help engage your students. Save some money by getting this product along with the entire unit. Go to Ancient Greece Unit Bundled. Topics Covered Greece Geography Minoans and Mycenaeans Homer Trojan War Polis Acropolis Sparta - Helots - Oligarchy - Social Classes Athens - Aristocracy - Democracy - Draco, Solon, Pisistratus, Cleisthenes - Education The Persian Wars - Battle of Marathon - Battle of Salamis - Delian League Golden Age of Greece - Age of Pericles - Art and Architecture - Theater - Philosophy, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle The Peloponnesian War Peloponnesian League Alexander the Great King Philip II Macedonia Hellenistic Culture Euclid, Erastothenes, Hippocrates Alexandria, Egypt Library of Alexandria Pharaoh’s lighthouse Related: • Alexander the Great Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included • Greek Gods Small Group Activity • Ancient Greek Olympics Activity • Aristotle's Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Greece Unit Bundled • Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest File Under: Ancient Greece Greece Greek PowerPoint Greek History History of Greece Greece Powerpoints
World War II Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis(WW2)

World War II Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis(WW2)

World War II Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis Introduces students to the Nanking Massacre using primary source eyewitness accounts from the event. Students learn about war crimes and are exposed to Japans’ debate over the extent and nature of the Massacre. This exercise looks at five primary source documents and an excerpt from a Japanese text book. It is an excellent addition to your World War II Unit. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. This is also perfect for substitute teacher plans. A key is included. Save some money by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire World War 2 unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get World War II Unit Bundled. More Awesome World War II Stuff • The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII) • World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis • World War II Timeline Activity • • Oppenheimer v Heisenberg: Race for the Bomb Video Guide - Video WebLink Included • World War II Rise of Dictators Informational Text Analysis • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War II Crossword Puzzle Review • World War II Unit Bundled More stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! File Under: World War II World War 2 WW 2 WW II
World War II Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test(WW2)

World War II Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test(WW2)

World War II Unit Includes World War 2 PowerPoints, primary source activities, timeline, video and video guided, crossword review, and assessment all bound together with detailed daily lesson plans. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, and continues with PowerPoint notes, primary source document reading, informational text or timeline analysis, and an Exit Ticket. Unit also includes editable assessment-test/quiz, a writing exercise and crossword puzzle review. Everything is put together with detailed daily lesson plans. Just copy and paste to your lesson plans. PowerPoints include video clips & lecture notes to guide you through the presentation. Save Money! Get both World War I Unit and World War II Units combined at World War I and II Double Bundled! World War II topics covered are: Rise of Dictators - Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini concentration camp Kristallnacht Fascist Party, Nazi Party totalitarianism Weimar Republic Hitler's Propaganda Nuremberg Laws Appeasement German Aggression Battle of Britain Operation Barbarossa Lebensraum Final Solution/Holocaust Pearl Harbor America Joins the War - North Africa, Italy, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge Yalta Conference War in the Pacific Douglas MacArthur Manhattan Project Atomic Bomb Harry Truman Hiroshima and Nagasaki *Note: This is a World History centric view of WWII. It does not cover U.S. domestic policy during the war. This is for World History classes, rather than U.S. History classes. For WWII in U.S. History, go to World War II Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Quiz, Project . This Unit Includes  • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmups and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • Six World War II PowerPoints with Video Clips + Presenter Notes • The Surrender of France Primary Source Analysis (WWII) • Nanking Massacre/Rape of Nanking Primary Source Analysis • Oppenheimer v Heisenberg: Race for the Bomb Video Guide - Video WebLink Included • World War II Timeline Activity • World War II Rise of Dictators Informational Text Analysis • World War II Aftermath Informational Text & Chart Analysis • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War II Crossword Puzzle Review • Exit Ticket or Ticket Out the Door • Editable Assessment/Test • Plus Extras! More stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas or World History TpT Store More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest here! File Under: World War II World War 2 WW2 WWII
World War I Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test(WWI)

World War I Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test(WWI)

World War I Unit Bundled covers the the atmosphere in Europe leading up the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, World War I, and finishes with the Treaty of Versailles and its contribution to World War II. This unit includes World War I PowerPoint with video clips and presenter notes. Unit also includes, warm up PowerPoints, informational text documents, including timeline with questions, primary source documents, exit tickets, crossword review, and editable assessment. Everything is put together with detailed daily lesson plans. Just copy and paste to your lesson plans. World War I PowerPoint contains lecture notes that guide you through the notes, helps you to tell the whole story, and verbally assess students. Topics Covered: M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism Alliance System Triple Alliance Triple Entente Imperialism Nationalism Archduke Franz Ferdinand Central Powers Allied Powers Schleifen Plan Stalemate War of Attrition New Weapons of War Battles of Verdun and Somme Western Front - Eastern Front Total War Conscription propaganda Russian Revolution Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Lusitania Zimmerman Telegram Armistice President Wilson Fourteen Points Treaty of Versailles Unit Includes • World War I Map Activity & MAIN Causes • Trench Warfare & Modern Weapons of War Text & Graphic Analysis • World War I Timeline Activity • Hitler vs Treaty of Versailles Primary Source Analysis • World War I PowerPoint • World War I Crossword Puzzle Review • And much more not in my store! **Note: The PowerPoint lecture is from a World History centric view of WWI. PowerPoint Lecture is for World History class, rather than U.S. History Class. More great stuff on the way, “follow me” to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at World History Ideas or World History Store.
French Revolution Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test

French Revolution Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test

French Revolution Unit Bundled includes French Revolution PowerPoint with video and presenter notes. Unit also includes, warm ups, informational text documents, including timeline with questions, a primary source document, exit tickets, crossword review, video/video guide, and editable assessment. Everything is put together with detailed daily lesson plans. Just copy and paste to your lesson plans. French Revolution PowerPoint contains lecture notes that guide you through the notes, helps you to tell the whole story, and verbally assess students. Topics covered are: The Three Estates First Estate, Second Estate, Third Estate Reasons for revolution Economic Problems in France King Louis XVI Marie Antoinette The Estates General The Great Fear Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Maximilien Robespierre The New Convention The Directory Reign of Terror Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleonic Code Congress of Vienna Unit Includes: • French Revolution Powerpoint • French Revolution: Declaration of Rights of Man Primary Source Analysis • Napoleon Conqueror Video Questions with Video Link • French Revolution Timeline • Causes of the French Revolution Informational Text • French Revolution Crossword Puzzle Review • And more not in my store! More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest here!
The Cold War Entire Unit

The Cold War Entire Unit

The Cold War Unit Bundled includes Cold War PowerPoints with short video links, primary source readings, maps, and assessment/test, all bound together by daily lesson plans. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, and continues with PowerPoint notes, a primary source document reading or map activity and an exit ticket. Unit also includes a Kahoot! online review game tailored for the exam, and an assessment/test. PowerPoint notes include lecture notes to guide you through the presentation. I have used these lessons with Honors and regular students. Cold War PowerPoints also include youtube links to short videos that engage the students. Topics Covered Origins of the Cold War - Yalta Conference - United Nations - Potsdam Conference - Iron Curtain & Cominform Containment - Truman Doctrine - The Marshall Plan - Berlin Airlift - NATO - Warsaw Pact - Fall of China - Federal Civil Defense Administration - Second Red Scare - McCarran-Walter Act - Alger Hiss, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg - McCarthyism The Korean War Arms Race - Brinkmanship - ICBMs - Sputnik - U2 downing Legacy - Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex speech This Unit Includes: • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmups and Exit Ticket PowerPoints • Cold War PowerPoints • Cold War Map Exercise • Debating NATO Membership Primary Source Activity • Korean War Map Exercise • Red Scare Political Cartoon Primary Source Exercise • Cold War Crossword Puzzle Review • Kahoot! Online Review Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test • Plus extras
Great Depression Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Assessment

Great Depression Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Assessment

Great Depression Unit: This short 4-6 day unit includes Great Depression PowerPoints, primary source readings, crossword puzzle review, Kahoot! review game and an assessment that is completely editable, all linked together by daily lesson plans. You just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, and continues with PowerPoint notes, primary source activity or political cartoon and an exit ticket. I have used this for Honors and regular classes. PowerPoint s and Apple's Keynote files include Lecture notes and embedded video clip links to Youtube. Topics include: - Stock Market Crash - Underlying Causes - Effects of the Crash - Poverty and unemployment - Dust Bowl - Societal Strains - Hoover’s strategy - Hawley-Smoot Tariff - Bonus Army - Election of 1932 - Hoover v FDR This Unit Includes: • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmup and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • includes Great Depression PowerPoints, • Depression Political Cartoon Analysis • Dust Bowl Survivor Primary Source Exercise • FDR Inaugural Adress 1933 Primary Source Exercise • Depression Crossword Review • Online Review Kahoot! Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test More to come. Find me on Pinterest! And follow Teaching Psychology on Facebook and Teaching History on Facebook! File under: Great Depression Lesson Plans
The Great Depression/New Deal Unit - PPTs w/Videos, Handouts, Tests, Project, Writing Assignment

The Great Depression/New Deal Unit - PPTs w/Videos, Handouts, Tests, Project, Writing Assignment

Two Units in One! Entire Great Depression/New Deal Unit Bundled includes Depression PowerPoints and New Deal PowerPoints, primary source handouts, review assessments/tests, and lesson plans - Just copy and paste into your lesson plans. Each lesson begins with a warm-up question, and continues with PowerPoint notes, a primary source document activity and an exit ticket. Both the Depression unit and the New Deal unit end with a crossword puzzle review, an online Kahoot! game, and assessment/test. A project on Social Security is also included as well as a essay on the success or failure of the New Deal. PowerPoint lectures include presenter notes that sets up each slide and guides you through the presentation. PowerPoints also include youtube links to short videos that engage the students. This unit is a combination of my Great Depression Unit and New Deal Unit. Topics include: The Great Depression - Stock Market Crash - Underlying Causes - Effects of the Crash - Poverty and unemployment - Dust Bowl - Societal Strains - Hoover’s strategy - Hawley-Smoot Tariff - Bonus Army - Election of 1932 - Hoover v FDR The New Deal - FDR’s Fireside Chats - First 100 Days - Relief, Recovery and Reform - New Deal Programs - Second New Deal - Social Security Act - Court Packing Scheme - Criticisms of the New Deal This Unit Includes: • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmup and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • includes Great Depression PowerPoints • Depression Political Cartoon Analysis • Dust Bowl Survivor Primary Source Exercise • FDR Inaugural Adress 1933 Primary Source Exercise • Depression Crossword Review • Online Review Kahoot! Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test • New Deal PowerPoints • Frances Perkins and FERA Primary Source Exercise • New Deal Reforms Summary • Social Security Ad Project • New Deal Sucess or Failure Essay Outline • New Deal Crossword Puzzle Review • Online Review Kahoot! Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test More on the way! Follow me & to be the first to learn about more great stuff! Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook.
Renaissance Video Guide, Key and Video link

Renaissance Video Guide, Key and Video link

Video Questions for The History Channel’s, “Engineering an Empire - Da Vinci’s World” documentary. This 44 minute documentary covers the beginning of Italian Renaissance, humanism, and Renaissance architecture. Also included is a weblink to the video so you can play the video online. Video questions are very short and very easy to answer, so your students can concentrate on the video. An answer key is provided with the file. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review and assessment. Go to The Renaissance Unit Bundled. More Renaissance Products! • Renaissance & Reformation PowerPoints • Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text • Niccolo Machiavelli's, The Prince Primary Source Activity • Renaissance Trading Card Project & Scavenger Hunt • Luther’s 95 Theses Primary Source Worksheet • Protestant Reformation Chart • Renaissance Crossword Puzzle Review • The Renaissance and Reformation Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Ancient Rome Crossword Puzzle Review

Ancient Rome Crossword Puzzle Review

Rome Crossword Puzzle Review includes - 25 Terms and 25 clues plus word bank. This is a perfect activity for reviewing before a test, as homework or for substitute plans. This includes two puzzles, one with a word bank and one without. Save some money & make it easy on yourself by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire Ancient Rome unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get Ancient Rome Unit Bundled. Word Bank consul patrician plebeian Hannibal Augustus Caesar republic Twelve Tables Theodosius New Testament Julius Caesar Nero Punic Diocletian Paul patriarch imperialism legion martyr messiah aqueduct Hadrian’s wall Vandals Pope Pompeii Constantine More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis(Ancient Rome)

The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis(Ancient Rome)

The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Informational text Analysis teaches students about all three Punic wars and General Hannibal’s trail of victories throughout Rome. Text continues with Rome’s imperialism and its effects on the future empire. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money & make it easy on yourself by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire Ancient Rome unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get Ancient Rome Unit Bundled. Related: • Ancient Rome Video Questions - Youtube Video Link included • Ancient Rome PowerPoints • Fall of Rome Mini-Book Project • Bread and Circuses Infotext & Primary Source Analysis • Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes • Rome Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Rome Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.