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I am an ESL and French teacher at the gymnasium.




I am an ESL and French teacher at the gymnasium.
Jobs. Listening and guessing game.

Jobs. Listening and guessing game.

Jobs. Listening and guessing game. The students have to listen to the phrase and then guess the the job of different people. There are 26 jobs to be guessed. The ppt can be opened at any computer or MAC.
Comparatives and superlatives. Flashcards. Matching game.

Comparatives and superlatives. Flashcards. Matching game.

Comparatives and superlatives. Flashcards and a matching game. This pdf file includes cards with adjectives and adverbs in comparative and superlative forms. The students have to match the picture with an adjective or an adverb in comparative or superlative form, then they have to complete the sentence using the adjective or an adverb in one of these forms. The pdf file includes following adjectives and adverbs: fast slow big rich little good bad many strong useful heavy sad old young short loud funny fat cold hot © 2018 SKOOL AID PRODUCTS. This purchase is for you and your classroom. Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system, or for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. Please have other teachers purchase their own copy. If you are a school or district interested in purchasing several licenses, please contact me for a district-wide quote. solonshikova.mar@mail.ru
Guess the musical instrument.

Guess the musical instrument.

Guess the musical instrument. Listening game. The students have to listen to the sound and then guess the musical instrument. There are 39 sounds to guess. This game is useful for intermediate level students and can be opened in any PC or MAC.
Les animaux

Les animaux

This ppt is created for French learners and contain a lot of different activities related to the theme "Animals"
Les prépositions de lieu.

Les prépositions de lieu.

C' est une dipositive faite pour réviser le point grammatical Les prépositions de lieu . Elle contient deux jeux et s'addresse au jeune public du niveau élémentaire. Cette ppt contient le son et l'animation.
Household chores.   Game on Present Continuous.

Household chores. Game on Present Continuous.

This presentation is made in order to review the theme “Household chores” and grammar point “Present Continuous”! The students have to listen to the sound and guess what the people are doing. This game can be useful for ESL intermediate learners as well for native speakers.
TV programmes.

TV programmes.

This presentation is made in order to review the words related to the theme “Television”. The students have to listen to audio file and then guess the TV shows. It’s useful for intermediate level students. It includes sound and animation.
Life in the future and modern gadgets.

Life in the future and modern gadgets.

This is the pack of activities about life in the future and modern gadgets. It includes lesson plan and different activities about this theme ( listening activities, video worksheets, presentation, fortune teller cards etc). The students will learn how to make; predictions about the future; talk about modern gadgets; learn how to make a short survey about gadgets; practice Future Simple. It’s useful for ESL students.
Sport sounds. Listening game.

Sport sounds. Listening game.

Sport sounds. Listening game. Te students ave to listen to the sounds and then guess which kind of sport it is. There are 16 sounds to guess. This presentation is useful for elementary level students. It can be opened in any new version of Power Point.
Clothes. Washing day. Powerpoint game.

Clothes. Washing day. Powerpoint game.

Clothes. Washing day. Powerpoint game. This ppt is made in order to review the vocabulary related to the theme “Clothes”. The students have to guess some clothes by reading the definition and then wash these clothes following some instructions. This game is made for intermediate level students. The ppt includes sound and animation. Enjoy this game!
Food games.

Food games.

Food games. Vocabulary review. This is a set of activities related to the theme Food. The set includes following games: Crossword Scrabble The students have to find hidden words. Make a portrait using fruit and vegetables ( 2 games) Describe the picture
Comparatives and Superlatives in French

Comparatives and Superlatives in French

Сomparatives and superlatives in French. Games and logic puzzles. Comparatifs et Superlatifs en Français. Jeux et problèmes logiques. The powerpoint includes different activities for grammar point Comparatives and Superlatives in French. The set contains: Listening game. The students have to listen to the poem with the superlatives and then have to answer the questions asked in the poem. Games with words. 4 Logic puzzles. These activities are made for intermediate level students.