Neurodiversity-Affirming Identity/Self-Awareness Social Story. PDF.
Autism, early intervention, SPED, speech therapy, special education.
Identity and Self-Awareness are important concepts for children and teenagers to understand in order to develop self-concept and self-esteem. This neuro-inclusive social story explore this concept and provides activities to enhance learning.
Story covers:
Different physical characteristics
Different families
Different likes/dislikes
Different types of homes
Different locations
Different communication styles
Different sensory preferences
Incudes 2 activity sheets
Neurodiversity-Affirming Identity/Self-Awareness. PDF.
Autism, early intervention, SPED, speech therapy, special education, back to school.
Identity and Self-Awareness are important concepts for children and teenagers to understand in order to develop self-concept and self-esteem.
A great activity for a new class or back to school!
Card game - identity developing game.
All About Me editable profile page.
Christmas Social Story
Days off school.
Letter to Santa
Santa’s visit
Christmas dinner
Christmas crackers
Sensory needs
Christmas clothes
Communication Passport Editable Template (New School, Starting School) - PowerPoint template to personalize.
Autism, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning, SPED
A great resource to give to a new school so they can learn about how your child communicates, what their sensory preferences are, what makes them happy and sad, if they are on medication or need assistance with feeding/toileting etc.
Teaches children emotions through stories designed for Gestalt Language Processors and visual learners.
Social Emotional Learning, Gestalt language, SEL, ASD, Special Education, neurodiversity-affirming, neuro-inclusive, Early Intervention, Autism, Speech Therapy, Kindergarten.
Four stories - Happy, sad, angry and scared.
(Both in **PowerPoint and pdf **format so they can be used as a presentation or printed off and used as a book.)
Emer is a neurodivergent elephant with sensory sensitivities who changes color depending on her emotions. She focuses on teaching children the basic emotions of happy, sad, angry and scared, how to identify these emotions in themselves/others and how to manage their emotions.
As autistic children tend to learn best with visuals, Emer has been designed to provide children with a clear image of each emotion. The colors help children who struggle with** identifying expressions and body language** to connect Emer’s movements and facial expressions with the relevant emotion.
The stories are also designed using Gestalt Language techniques, simple language, repeated phrases, visuals and colors to make the stories easy for children with** language and communication difficulties** to access and understand. The information in this stories is then repeated in the other stories to help children to consolidate it.
Children can find emotions very difficult to learn and often find learning the whole range of emotions and complex emotions overwhelming, because of this it is important to first build a strong base by focusing on these key emotions.
Hope you enjoy the stories! We would love any feedback!
Teaches children emotions through stories & activities designed for Gestalt Language Processors and visual learners.
Social Emotional Learning, Gestalt language, SEL, ASD, Special Education, neurodiversity-affirming, neuro-inclusive, Early Intervention, Autism, Speech Therapy, Kindergarten.
Emer is a neurodivergent elephant with** sensory sensitivities** who changes color depending on her emotions. She focuses on teaching children the basic emotions of happy, sad, angry and scared, how to** identify these emotions **in themselves/others and how to manage their emotions.
As autistic children tend to learn best with visuals, Emer has been designed to provide children with a clear image of each emotion. The colors help children who struggle with** identifying expressions and body language** to connect Emer’s movements and facial expressions with the relevant emotion.
The stories are also designed using Gestalt Language techniques, simple language, repeated phrases, visuals and colors to make the stories easy for children with** language and communication difficulties** to access and understand. The information in this stories is then repeated in the other stories to help children to consolidate it.
Children can find emotions very difficult to learn and often find learning the whole range of emotions and complex emotions overwhelming, because of this it is important to first build a strong base by focusing on these key emotions.
Four stories - Happy, sad, angry and scared.
(Both in PowerPoint and pdf format so they can be used as a presentation or printed off and used as a book.)
The Emotional Regulation Resources provide you with materials for helping children identify their emotions, communicate and regulate them.
1 ‘Today I am Feeling’ Chart
3 ‘How can you feel better’ Worksheets - angry, sad, scared.
3 Individual Feelings Scales - angry, sad scared - allows children to focus on regulating one feeling at a time.
4 Lollipop Stick Elephants - covers all four emotions. Once made can be used for drama and learning through play.
Triangle Regulation Chart - focuses on trying to feel better.
5 ‘How do you feel’ Circle Chart - 4 charts + make Emer and me template.
Emotions Word Cards - happy, sad, angry and scared.
3 Individual Feelings Scales
Guidance on how to use Better Bag for regulation.
11 pages Resources Guide
EMOTIONAL REGULATION RESOURCES - Helps children learn to identify, communicate, and regulate/mange their emotions.
Social Emotional Learning. SEL, ASD, Special Education, Autism, Speech Therapy, Kindergarten, neurodiversity, neuro-inclusive.
Emer is a neurodivergent elephant with sensory sensitivities who changes color depending on her emotions. She focuses on teaching children four of the basic emotions; happy, sad, angry and scared. The Emotional Regulation Resources provide you with materials for helping children identify their emotions, communicate and regulate them.
1 ‘Today I am Feeling’ Chart
3 ‘How can you feel better’ Worksheets - angry, sad, scared.
3 Individual Feelings Scales - angry, sad scared - allows children to focus on regulating one feeling at a time.
4 Lollipop Stick Elephants - covers all four emotions. Once made can be used for drama and learning through play.
Triangle Regulation Chart - focuses on trying to feel better.
5 ‘How do you feel’ Circle Chart - 4 charts + make Emer and me template.
Emotions Word Cards - happy, sad, angry and scared.
3 Individual Feelings Scales
Guidance on how to use Better Bag for regulation.
11 pages Resources Guide
Hope they are helpful! Any feedback would be great!
It’s a … Animal Coloring Book.
Ideal for gestalt language processors and those who love learning about animals. Autism, early intervention. Speech Therapy.
A coloring book about animals.
Mitigable gestalt - It’s a + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages.
Includes ‘its a’ phrase for stages 1,2,3 and 'it’s a and a ’ for stages 4-6.
Click here to check out our matching 'It’s a…" story!
NEURODIVERSITY DOGS is a series of books, activities and games designed to help children embrace and understand neurodiversity.
Social Emotional Learning. SEL, Special Education, Early Intervention, Autism, Speech Therapy, Kindergarten.
The stories introduce neurodiversity in a fun, relatable way that children can easily understand.
They use visuals, limited language and lots of repetition and rhyme so that they are accessible to children with language and communication difficulties. The dogs are easy to relate to for autistic children as they struggle with sensory issues.
· Social story/Ebook– Do all dogs think the same?
A story explaining what neurodiversity is, how we all think differently and like and dislike different things. It emphasizes how it is ok to be different and encourages children to express their preferences.
Strength Cards - (Anxiety, self esteem, confidence, stammering)
This is a tangible way for your child to learn about their strengths. This activity/tool is great for confidence building and is a great tool to use for children who are anxious, have poor self esteem/low confidence, with autistic children, children with language delays/disorders and children who stammer.
Info Dumping E-Book/Social Story, Autism, Neurodiversity.
Info-dumping is when someone shares their passion about a topic with another as a means of connecting with them. It is a valid autistic communication style which some autistic people like to use. In contrast, neurotypical people may prefer chatting and being more indirect.
This eBook/social story explains info-dumping to children and teenagers in an accessible way and helps them discover how they can understand and use all communication styles to interact with others and build friendships.
What is the problem? Problem Solving Activities.
Social Emotional Learning. Neuro-Inclusive, neuro-diversity
This 16 page resource helps children/teenagers to develop problem solving skills to help them navigate their social world.
Intro to Problem Solving
Worksheets designed to develop skills for interpreting social situations and brainstorming solutions.
Worksheets to help the learner to generalize their skills and apply them to their everyday lives.
Father’s Day Card template! Suitable for all Father Figures!
Step-by-step instructions!
Arts and crafts, coloring, cutting and sticking! Suitable for all ages!
Father’s Day can be difficult for some children. That’s why we’ve created this card which they can give to anyone they love!
Have a Happy Father’s Day!
I see a farm: a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
A variety of mitigible gestalts!
Suitable for all stages but particularly for stages 1 + 2
Don’t worry - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - don’t worry + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly for stages 1 + 2
I love - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!
Let’s go - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!
It’s time for - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!