Unit 4 of the AQA textbook - la culture francaise / le patrimoine francais
65 slides explaining what is le patrimoine + lots of examples + text on the Notre Dame de Paris fire (should we rebuild the cathedral? Why?How?)
Two different versions of the text: original or shorter depending on how long you can spend on this topic
Whole lesson on unit 2 - la cyber société
Including :
powerpoint (15+ slides) wiht main grammar and vocab point related to the unit
2 articles for students : “Amazon: payer avec la main” + “TikTok: bannie ?!”
teacher’s notes
Whole lesson on Unit 2 of the AQA curriculum - Quelle vie pour les marginalisés ?
whole lesson on powerpoint
text on the burkini debate
teacher’s notes
Unit 1 of the AQA textbook - La famille en voie de changement
10+ slides including important grammar and vocab points
whole lesson on a powerpoint document
teacher’s notes
video on “l’évolution de la famille depuis les années 50”
Unit 6 of the AQA textbook - La politique et l’immigration
10+ slides including important grammar and vocab points and a video debate between Marion Maréchal Le Pen & Alain Juppé (slide 10 click on image)
Two documents on “les différentes solutions proposées par les partis politiques”, all the policies from the 2017 & 2022 french presidential campaigns
Full lesson on Unit 6 of the AQA curriculum - Le cinema francophone (20+ slides)
Included: 1 powerpoint + teacher’s notes, 2 articles + revision questions
Article 1 on le festival de Cannes
Article 2 on the history of cinema
Full lesson on unit 5"la musique francophone"
Includes: whole lesson on a powerpoint, teacher’s notes and transcript of the video about quotas on French radio
Full lesson on criminality in France. Includes PowerPoint, my notes, an activity to do mid-lesson to review the first part (Quelle attitude vers la criminalité ?) and a list of questions to evaluate the lesson.
Reviews welcome!