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Carolinemcleggan5's Shop

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In this shop you will find Geography resources for KS3, KS4 an KS5. I have created some IBDP resources for Geography which took hours. These lessons are generally 10 lessons in 1 PPT with all activities, PPTs, worksheets, model answers.. The Majority of the work that I have uploaded is for KS3 but I will hopefully be able to add A Level lessons on by the end of the year. I have also created some 'lighting fires lessons' which aim to engage learners as well as 'literacy based lessons'.




In this shop you will find Geography resources for KS3, KS4 an KS5. I have created some IBDP resources for Geography which took hours. These lessons are generally 10 lessons in 1 PPT with all activities, PPTs, worksheets, model answers.. The Majority of the work that I have uploaded is for KS3 but I will hopefully be able to add A Level lessons on by the end of the year. I have also created some 'lighting fires lessons' which aim to engage learners as well as 'literacy based lessons'.
Edexcell A level taster lesson

Edexcell A level taster lesson

This is a taster lesson for Edexcell A level that could be easily adapted for AQA A level or a GCSE taster lesson with a hazards theme. The first few slides are administrative. The main bulk of the lesson is an interactive game which requires quite a bit of movement. I did this lesson with my year 12s and they absolutely loved it. I hour-100mins lesson needed. Learning objective/WILF (What I’m looking for): WALT: Justify a process of crisis decision making Hazard link: volcanoes
Waves and tides

Waves and tides

Waves and tides Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to) WALT - Identify the causes of tides - Describe wave characteristics This lesson is differentiated using hard, harder, hardest tasks. This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunity
rainfall and flooding including flood hydrographs

rainfall and flooding including flood hydrographs

rainfall and flooding including flood hydrographs Learning objectives WALT: suggest the causes of flooding. To present information graphically. To analyse and interpret graphs using data Complete with modelling and challange as well as differentiated flood hydrograph sheets.
Paper 2 section C water global water consumption

Paper 2 section C water global water consumption

Paper 2 section C water global water consumption This is for GCSE Geography students looking a water as their section C option. This lesson is just linked to the consumption and availability of water. Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: describe the global water supply WALT: describe the global consumption of water WALT: explain the impacts of water insecurity This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunities. The last page is a ‘fill out student sheet’ if you are running short on time.
Geographical time line cards for students to sort and record

Geographical time line cards for students to sort and record

Start of timeline 4.6 billion years ago to present day. WALT: sort information into sequence. Task: You will each be given a set of cards You will need to discuss the chronological (date) order of these statements. Place them in order of earliest to present day and then record them in your books. You may simplify the statements. Differentiation: bold statements for east of use.
Ecosystems and Biomes

Ecosystems and Biomes

Ecosystems and Biomes learning objective/WALT (We are learning to) WALT: present information graphically- analyse and interpret graphs using data-describe the locations of Biomes Main lesson is in smart notebook. Resources are attached to the smart notebook, click the paper clip on the dashboard to view attachments. This lesson has knowledge checks and peer assessment
The nutrient cycle

The nutrient cycle

The nutrient cycle Can I understand the nutrient cycle? Can I explain the importance of the nutrient cycle on the soil? A mystery lesson aimed at teaching students what the nutrient cycle is and how deforestation affects the nutrient cycle. An assessment task is attached with success critera. All resources for the lesson can be found in the powerpoint.
Geography AQA 1-9 Paper 3 fieldwork and pre-release

Geography AQA 1-9 Paper 3 fieldwork and pre-release

This is a revision booster lesson for AQA GCSE students. It has examiners tips, case studies and skills. I used this with my year 11s on the lead up to the exams and they loved it. They found it REALLY helpful. Fieldwork focus is 2 main areas Human QOL in urban areas Coastal mamangmet and its effect on coastal erosion at Walton-on-the-Naze.
The cause and effects of water shortages

The cause and effects of water shortages

The cause and effects of water shortages This lesson includes worksheets, knowledge checks and activities. This lesson has enough content for 100mins. This was taught to my year 8 class. WALT: identify causes of environmental issues. justify a point of view. use evidence. Lesson also includes assessed question with success criteria.
Coastal erosion and erosion landforms

Coastal erosion and erosion landforms

Coastal erosion and erosion landforms Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: Describe how processes shape the coastline WALT: Coasts are shaped by the sea and the action of waves. This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunity as well as and assessment opportunity with success criteria. The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paper clip) on the SNB.
Dubai a coastal area development and location

Dubai a coastal area development and location

Dubai a coastal area This is a lesson used to map and describe th geographical location of Dubai but also to discover why they have managed to develop so quickly. My students are a bit obsesed with Dubai and loved this lesson. There are some exam style comprehension tasks also. Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to) : WALT: Describe the attraction to a coastal city. Explain how areas change over time. Present information graphically The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word.
Britain's varied coastlines

Britain's varied coastlines

Britain’s varied coastlines Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to) : WALT: describe and compare Britain’s beaches The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paper clip) on the SNB. This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunity Students will find that Britain’s beaches vary in terms of rock type, use and popularity.
Detailed SOL for year 8 coasts

Detailed SOL for year 8 coasts

Ideally for KS3 (year 8 ) Geography. Detailed description of 12 lessons with suggested activities. Corresponding lessons available. Link to GCSE 1-9. Students study coastal environments and coastal processes and management which are key topics that are studied at a higher level for the AQA B GCSE Geography syllabus for paper 1 and paper 2. Concepts are systematic and follow sequence. Hard, harder, hardest differentiation activities and success criteria for tasks included. Main lessons involve: Dubai’s coastal development and climate with a Herne Bay comparison Britain’s varied coastline (comparisons of 4 UK coastal areas) Waves and their characteristics and formation Coastal processes and landforms including erosion and deposition Role play on coastal management Coastal management strategies and evaluation.
Climate of Dubai

Climate of Dubai

Climate of Dubai Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): present data graphically. Analyse data The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Students will be able to create a climate graphy for Dubai and add on living graph statements as well as consider animal adaptations for the climate of Dubai. Climate data provided.