
The World's Wife - Duffy (IB Language and Literature 2021)
A series of lessons on Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘The World’s Wife’, planned for the IBDP Language and Literature course (for first examination in 2021). This unit was taught as preparation for the students in the IO Oral Examination, therefore this is a focus on Global Issues explored within the poems. The unit title is: ‘Representations of Identity and Gender’.
Please note - Powerpoints were originally created on Google Slides and therefore there may be some slight formatting features that need fixing in Powerpoint.
Lesson Powerpoints for the following 10 poems:
Little Red Cap
Mrs Sisyphus
Mrs Aesop
Mrs Midas
Medusa (with a worksheet for groups/students to explore some secondary reading about interpretations of the myth of Medusa)
Delilah (with an article about masculinity to connect)
Anne Hathaway
Pilate’s Wife (with a question task sheet)
The Devil’s Wife
In addition, a worksheet for students to research the context for the poems before studying them is included.
Lesson Powerpoints include a clear lesson question (e.g. How does Duffy explore the consequences of greed and avarice in ‘Mrs Midas’?. There is usually guiding questions for student annotations, and often ideas for global issue connections or optional Learner Portfolio task ideas.

IB Extended Essay Resources
This is a bank of resources I have created in my role of Extended Essay Coordinator. These would be useful for any EE coordinator, or supervisor, for the IB. It contains:
Powerpoints for students:
Intro to the IB
Formulating a research question
Plagiarism and referencing
Training for supervisors:
Supervising the extended essay
Viva voces and supervisor comments
EE guide for students
Supervising the EE guide for staff
Moderation cover sheet

IGCSE Language B (Edexcel) Unit 1
This is the first of three Year 10 Edexcel IGCSE Language B units. The unit is thematically linked by the topic ‘All Around the World’.
It covers:
Reading skills such as skimming, scanning and comprehension
Identifying implicit and explicit meanings
Language and structure analysis of an unseen text
Answering Language B exam paper questions (Questions 1-6)
Linked imaginative writing skills and tasks
Included in this resource is:
A SOL template for a 6 week unit: 3 weeks of reading skills, 2 weeks of imaginative writing and 1 week of poetry (from the Edexcel IGCSE Literature anthology)
Slides to cover approximately 17 lessons
Assessment resources for a Question 1-6 practice (Edexcel IGCSE Language B)
Please note that the poetry slides for the final week of the unit are not included in this resource pack as they are not my property to share.
The resources were originally created in Google Slides / Docs and therefore there may be some minor formatting errors

The Hate U Give Unit
This is a series of lessons based on the novel ‘The Hate U Give’ by Angie Thomas. This scheme was created with mixed ability Year 9s in mind, and would be suited to Year 9 students and above.
Originally created on Google Slides so there may be some slight formatting fixes needed in Powerpoint
The presentation features lessons to run alongside the reading of the novel as a class, with questions, key skills for literature analysis and starters that develop students’ spelling, punctuation and grammar. As this unit is literature focused, the main tasks include: quotation hunts as well as analysis of characters, themes and quotations. There is an mini-assessment opportunity (exploring how setting is created by Thomas) and final assessment question options. There are also some writing activities included.
The start of the book (Chapters 1-12) is covered extensively as the study of this section sets up the enjoyable reading of the later chapters of the novel. Later chapters are not covered individually, but there are resources specifically for Chapter 22 and 23, as well as a silent debate task and potential final assessment questions. This would make a great starting point for building or developing your own scheme on the novel if you wished for greater depth of the later chapters.
There are opportunities for independent, paired and group work embedded in the lesson presentations, as well as research.
Challenge and extension tasks, as well as sentence starters to support weaker students, are included with all activities.
The overview document (SOL) is not been included but can be easily created from the LOs.

IB Language and Literature (2021) - New Paper 1
A series of lessons for introducing IB Language and Literature students to the new Paper 1 exam (first examined in 2021). This resource is appropriate for both SL and HL students.
The main lesson Powerpoint guides students through approaching an unseen text (using the WWF text included), planning a response using a guiding question and understanding how the mark scheme is applied. There is a model essay response for students to read and grade before writing their own. A new text (RSPCA - with similar features to the WWF text) is included for students to attempt their own Paper 1 response.
Included resources:
Lesson Powerpoint (lasts approximately three lessons)
Paper 1 rubric for SL and HL
WWF text
Model response to the WWF text and guiding question
RSPCA text

Outstanding Sophisticated Punctuation Lesson
A recently observed lesson which was graded 'Outstanding'. Taught to high ability Year 9 group. Would also work as exam skills refresher for KS4 pupils.
Powerpoint goes through a range of sophisticated punctuation devices, explaining how and when they should be used.
There is also an opportunity for students to have a go at using each device, with unpunctuated sentences for students to complete (students can come up to the board to show where they would put the punctuation too).

IGCSE Language B (Edexcel) Units
Three units for the IGCSE Language B specification for Edexcel.
These cover the skills for Section A and B in the exam, including reading unseen non-fiction, comparing ideas and perspectives, directed writing and some imaginative writing skills.

End of Term Summer Quiz 2016
This is an end of term quiz for lessons in the run-down to the summer holidays. Includes 2016-related picture rounds, film round, music round and English round (which can be removed if not relevant!). Some rounds have been adapted from other shared resources.
Music round links to a Spotify playlist, or you can simply Youtube the tracks/tracks of your choice.
Please use, adapt and review!

1984 Complete CIE Unit (IGCSE) CAIE
This is a complete set of lessons for George Orwell’s 1984. It is aimed at GCSE-level students and was created for the CIE IGCSE Literature course specifically, but could easily be adapted to other assessment requirements or IB-level.
Please note - these lessons were originally created on Google Slides and there may be some formatting and presentation that needs editing when downloading as pptx
12 Powerpoints (these mostly last from 1 - 4 lessons).
Structured around the ‘Big Questions’ (knowledge-based) of the text.
An extract booklet for annotation practice.
Some revision resources, such as a theme quotation grid, and more.
Some ideas/activities have been adapted from other resources available on various websites. An overview document (SOW) is not included.

1984 Themes Quotation Grids
This resource contains seven quotation grids for students to complete, for different themes in the novel 1984, George Orwell.
This was created for IGCSE Literature (CAIE / CIE) students but could easily be used for IB Literature/Language and Literature too.
The themes included are: Manipulation, Language and Communication, Violence, Loyalty, Rebellion and Revolution, Memories and the Past, Individual vs Society/Collective.
For each theme, there are four different ways of considering the theme and a box for students to consider how the theme relates to the modern day (their lives). This is an excellent revision tool for students.

IB Language and Literature: Part 2 Language and Mass Communication SOW
This is a series of lessons for IB Language and Literature Part 2: Language and Mass Communication. It can be used for both SL and HL classes, and may also be relevant to A-Level courses. It covers key concepts and learning outcomes of the IB course, whilst tapping into modern day issues and encouraging open discussions in class. Each ‘lesson’ presentation could last from one - three lessons depending upon the depth, detail and discussions that take place within your classroom. I taught this as a three - four month unit, including assessment opportunities.
It covers the following topics:
Advertising - deconstructing ads, exploring subtext and analysing gender in advertising.
Political Campaigns - analysing political speeches and other famous speeches, analysing political ad campaigns (opportunity for FOA based on students creating their own ads for a political candidate)
Media, Bias and Newsworthiness - applying news values, detemining the newsworthiness of various news stories, post-truth case study and alternative facts case study.
Some resources have been adapted from InThinking ideas for lessons. I am unable to attach all resources due to copyright reasons (e.g. all ads used for analysis etc.) Please get in touch if there is anything specific you would likethat is mentioned in the presentations but not included after purchase.

IGCSE Language B (Edexcel) Unit 2
This is the second of three Year 10 Edexcel IGCSE Language B units. The unit is thematically linked by the topic 'Adventures, Survival and Dangerous Experiences’. It covers:
Reading skills such as skimming, scanning and comprehension
Drawing comparisons between perspectives in a text and between texts
Comparison response skills
Included in this resource is:
A SOL template for a 2 week unit
Slides to cover approximately 10 lessons
A booklet containing all necessary reading and activities (many texts are accessible freely from the Edexcel website and included in this booklet)
The resources were originally created in Google Slides / Docs and therefore there may be some minor formatting errors

T. S. Eliot Macavity The Mystery Cat lesson
A series of activities to explore the poem Macavity (poetic devices, creating a 'Wanted&' poster for Macavity).
Used with a mixed ability Year 7 class.

IB Language and Literature Part 1: Language and Power
This is a series of lessons for Part 1: Language in Cultural Contexts of the IB Language and Literature course. They may also be relevant to A-Level English Language.
These lessons are focused on the topic of Language and Power. Although listed as three lessons, these are likely to last 6-8 lessons depending on the pace you move and depth you cover in class. The topics covered are:
Standard English vs Non Standard English (using a Dizzee Rascal/Jeremy Paxman interview)
Language and Immigration
Language and Immigration with a case study focus on Australia.
There are assessment opportunities throughout which could be set as homework tasks. Challenge tasks are also embedded. Some resources have been adapted from InThinking ideas for lessons.
There is also a final assessment included: preparation for a Paper 1 exam using two texts on immigration as sources.

IGCSE First Language Paper 1 (2020)
These resources are a series of lessons for introducing the CIE IGCSE English First Language Paper 1 exam to students. The main lesson Powerpoint guides students through how to answer the main questions in the exam (excluding 2a-c) using the CIE specimin paper - Project Mammoth - which can be downloaded from their website.
Main lesson Powerpoint (planned to last 4-5 lessons depending on how long activities take learners and whether you include self/peer assessment of work).
Model responses for Question 1(f) - Project Mammoth and Question 2(d) - Abracadabra past paper.
Worksheets for completing Questions 1(a-e) for two exam papers (these were created for students to complete on Google Docs during remote learning and can make it easy to set for homework).
An activity for students to consider the form and language for the different text types they could be asked to write for Q3.
Not included:
Copies of the exam papers or mark schemes due to copyright. These can be found and downloaded from the CIE website (papers used are the 2020 Specimin - Project Mammoth - and Paper 22 from the May/June 2017 exam series, which features the text ‘Abracadabra’.

IGCSE Language B (Edexcel) Unit 3
This is the third of three Year 10 Edexcel IGCSE Language B units. The unit is thematically linked by the topic ‘Growing Up, Relationships and Death’. It covers:
Comparison skills between two non-fiction texts
Directed writing skills (for Section B of the exam), including adapting writing for different forms and purposes.
Included in this resource is:
A brief SOL template. Note that we teach this unit alongside thematically linked poetry from the IGCSE Literature anthology. I have not included these lesson slides as they are not my property to share.
Slides to cover approximately 8 lessons
The resources were originally created in Google Slides / Docs and therefore there may be some minor formatting errors

Parasite Film Analysis (IB L&L Body of Work BOW)
These lessons have been prepared as a non-literary body of work for the IB Language and Literature (assessed from 2021) course.
This is suitable for both SL and HL students and addresses the main learning question: In what ways does Bong Joon-ho issue a social commentary on class, status and wealth in ‘Parasite’? It would be a suitable pairing for any texts dealing with cultural traditions, social class, status, wealth, ambition, and many more!
Please note - these slides were originally created on Google Slides and there may be some presentation/formatting that needs to be edited when using Powerpoint.
Worksheet for students to complete when viewing the film (can be set for homework).
24 Powerpoint lesson slides (this content is designed to last 2-3 hour long lessons).
Resource sheet with stills from one scene of the film for an annotation task.
The slides begin with an activity for students to complete whilst actively watching the film (can be set for homework prior to class). Then slides cover some basics for film analysis and conventions - including camera angles - followed by an activity applying this knowledge to stills from a scene from ‘Parasite’. Then, the slides guide through some analysis of key features of the film such as setting, camera angles, contrast, symbols and motifs. Students are encouraged to consider the director’s purpose and connect the film to Global Issues in preparation for the IO. Finally, there is a list of suggested Learner Portfolio actvities for students to complete at the end of the series of lessons.
Storyboard resource can be found here.

An Inspector Call's final speech
A worksheet guiding students to think about the Inspector's final speech.
Making links to the political context and including except from a Thatcher speech.
Includes annotating of two short passages and some written responses.

Romeo and Juliet CIE Unit (CAIE IGCSE)
This is a set of complete unit of work for Romeo and Juliet, aimed at IGCSE-level students. This is specifically designed for the CAIE IGCSE Literature course, but could be easily adapted to other exam boards. This was taught to a high-prior attaining class.
Please note - these lessons were originally created on Google Slides and there may be some formatting and presentation that needs editing when downloading as pptx
14 lesson Powerpoints (activities within Powerpoints may last between 1 - 4 lessons).
Structured through answering the ‘Big Questions’ (knowledge-based) of the text.
Additional documents for contextual information.
Example exam questions (CAIE-style).
Challenge and extension activities throughout.
Some ideas/activities have been adapted from other resources available on various websites. The overview (SOW) is not included.

IB Language and Literature: Language in Cultural Context Unit
A series of lessons for the IB Language and Literature course. These lessons are suitable for Part 1: Language in Cultural Context. These can be used to prepare students on the new course for Paper 1 too. Lessons cover the topics of:
Language and Identity
Language and Community
Language and Social Relations
Language and Stereotypes
There are suggestions of tasks in preparation for students completing WT1 or FOAs throughout (old course - can be adapted for learner portfolio tasks!). Some resources have been adapted from InThinking ideas for lessons.