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English A Level: Gatsby vs pre-1900 poetry jealousy essay
An A Level English exemplar essay for a jealousy question comparing The Great Gatsby, Who So List To Hount and The Scrutiny.

AS/A Level Psychology: Section B areas and perspectives
Notes on the social, cognitive, developmental, biological and individual differences areas, as well as on the behaviourist and psychodynamic perspectives. Covers the assumptions, a core study which relates to the area/perspective, a debate linked to the area/perspective and strengths and weaknesses of the area/perspective, all of which are backed up with evidence from core studies.

OCR AS Level Psychology Research Methods PDF
Concise revision notes on everything students need for the AS Level OCR Psychology, Research Methods paper.

English: Pre-1900 poetry links to The Great Gatsby
English A Level, Love Through the Ages, Pre-1900 poetry (14 poems from Wyatt to Dowson) linked to Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby', with quotations.

Feminine Gospels, Duffy: The Light Gatherer, poem analysis
Poem analysis of Duffy's 'The Light Gatherer'.

History, Russia: making of a superpower essay plan
An A Level essay plan explaining the extent to which Russia could be considered a superpower by 1953.

Tudor Rebellions 1489-1601
Rebellions during the Tudor period from the reign of Henry VII to the reign of Elizabeth I.

History A Level, Tudors: Elizabethan government essay
An exemplar essay for A Level History, the Tudors, Elizabethan government. Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of Elizabethan government.

History, Tudors: Elizabethan society/culture and economy essay plan
A level essay plan for Elizabethan society/culture and economy and the extent to which English people benefitted under Elizabeth in regards to these ideas.

Feminine Gospels, Duffy: The Woman Who Shopped, poem analysis
Analysis of 'The Woman Who Shopped' by Duffy.

History, Tudors: Elizabethan foreign policy with Spain, France and Ireland essay plan
A level essay plan evaluating the success Elizabethan foreign policy with Spain, Ireland and France.

History A level: Russia, Soviet Foreign Policy 1924-41 essay plan
An A level History essay plan for Soviet Foreign Policy from 1924-1941, determining whether Stalin followed a Zig-Zag policy in response to events outside the USSR, or the Stalin Doctrine with influence of events from inside the USSR.