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Building Strong Structures WW2 Shelter
A unit of D&T lessons linked to a World War 2 topic. We had been looking at Anderson shelters and the end product was to build a strong structure that would protect an egg. The lead up lessons looked at using materials and differing techniques to create strong structures to complete different challenges.

Bumper addition and subtraction pack
Differentiated addition and subtraction worksheets, investigations and games covering mental strategies, formal methods, money problems, real life problem solving, arithmagons. Year 3 and Year 4 Upper KS2 revision

Bumper multiplication pack
Differentiated worksheets for short multiplication, long multiplication, multiplication using the grid method, mental multiplication, worded and numerical problems involving multiplication and Smart notebook teaching slides. I have compiled similar packs dealing with addition and subtraction, multiplication and division which are available for a small fee.

April Fool
I used to use this with my class to make sure they read questions carefully. It also doubled up nicely as an April Fool.

Cube and Prime numbers Smart Notebook teaching slides
Work out first cube numbers using multiplication and the Prime numbers up to 100 using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Bidmas and Brackets Smart Notebook teaching slides and challenges
Bidmas teaching slides that include examples to work through as a class. Board work is included along with adding brackets and operations challenge.

Reasoning puzzles
A selection of reasoning and logic puzzles that I have used as whole class exercises and discussions. Some with answers!

Parallel circuit investigation
Differentiated worksheets on building a parallel circuit with Smart notebook teaching slides. This free resource is part of my electricity pack.

Differentiated worksheets covering a dissolving experiment with accompanying Smart notebook teaching slides. This free resource is part of my properties of materials and changing materials pack.

Differentiated ordering fractions worksheet
Differentiated worksheet ordering fractions by converting them to fractions with a common denominator. Secondary activity ordering fractions by converting them to decimals using a calculator. This free resource forms part of my bumper fraction pack.

Differentiated division problems with a remainder
Children need to decide if the remainder needs to be rounded up or down by putting the division calculation into the context of the worded problem. This free resource is part of my bumper division pack.

Differentiated money problems worksheets involving addition and subtraction
Differentiated money problems involving addition and subtraction suitable for year 3. This free resource is part of my bumper addition and subtraction pack.

Homophones there, their and they're; to too and two
Smart notebook teaching slides and class task for the homophones there, their and they’re and to, too and two.

The Apostrophe
Differentiated work sheets covering apostrophe for possession and contraction. Smart notebook teaching slides covering possession, contraction, its and it’s whose and who’s and o’clock.

Bumper fraction pack
Differentiated fraction decimal and percentage worksheets, homework and teaching slide Smart notebook resources. Covers KS2 Topics include -
Making/finding equivalent fractions
Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers
Finding fractions of numbers and quantities
Adding fractions
Subtracting fractions
Converting fractions into decimals and percentages
Reducing or simplifying fractions to lowest terms
Comparing fractions, decimals and percentages

Bumper division pack
KS2 division differentiated worksheets, homework tasks and Smart notebook teaching slides. Covering short bus stop division, long division, expressing remainders as fractions and decimals and worded division problems. Some worksheets for lower ks 2 involving repeated subtraction and creating arrays.

Sentences and clauses worksheets and teaching slides
Worksheets on clauses and sentences including simple sentences, compound sentences and multi-clause sentences including main clauses, subordinate clauses and relative clauses. An accompanying Smart Notebook file runs alongside the work helping children remember what makes different clauses and sentences. Areas covered include topics such as simple, compound and complex sentences, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, main, subordinate and relative clauses, using commas in complex sentences.

Properties of materials and changing materials pack
Differentiated worksheets and investigations covering properties of materials and changing materials including Smart notebook teaching slides. Topics include reversible and irreversible changes, sieving, dissolving, fair testing, states of matter, thermal conductors and insulators, separating materials investigation and properties of metals.

Electricity pack
Differentiated worksheets covering KS2 electricity topics including electrical symbols, investigating number of bulbs and voltage of bulbs in a circuit, switches, conductors and insulators , series and parallel circuits with accompanying Smart notebook slides