Explore “Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach” with this 23-slide PowerPoint! Learn keywords, adjectives, and grammar (An Chopail). Enjoy interactive activities like fill in the blanks and Réamhfhocail Chomhshuite notes and questions. Perfect for students in 3rd year or even 5th Year ordinary level.
A worksheet for the short story Spás.
Junior Cycle Irish.
1st Page: Fill in the blanks summary activity
2nd Page: Character analysis + fill in the blanks.
This is a Katfish short story revision booklet don rang Gaeilge. With 8 pages of notes and activities, it is perfect for students in 3rd Year. Inside, you’ll find:
Story-related keywords and adjectives.
Detailed notes on suíomh an scéil.
Handy writing phrases.
A summary in a fun fill-in-the-blanks format.
Insights into Mothúcháin an scéil.
Questions for students to attempt.
Exploring technology’s role in the story and its role in the life of young people.
Engaging True or False activity.
A PowerPoint that can be used when reading the novel cúpla with students in class.
73 slides in total.
Content for every chapter.
Guess keywords from images,
practice verb tenses,
weigh tech pros/cons with examples,
and describe social media activities.
A perfect worksheet or test for JC students to complete once finished with the topic of teicneolaíocht.
Jeaic ar Scoil revision booklet don rang Gaeilge. The perfect booklet for students in 2nd and 3rd Year JC. The booklet is a mixture of notes and activities for students to attempt.
The booklet contains:
Scéal an dáin (achoimre)
Réamhfhocail activites
Teicnící filíochta; Íomhánna
Fíor nó Bréagach
PowerPoint on the topic An Scoil.
Designed for 12 - 16 year olds.
Key vocabulary
Favourite and least favourite subjects
School uniform
Aimsir Láithreach activity: the verb Caith
Réamhfhocal ‘Le’ activity: Is maith liom, is fuath liom
Error spotting activity
A booklet for the novel Cúpla for JC Gaeilge.
Booklet includes notes for:
Tús an scéil
An carachtar is fearr leat: Éile
An carachtar is fearr leat: Sharon
Ceist: Ar thaitin an scéal leat?
Buaicphointe an úrscéil
Críoch an úrscéil
A powerpoint about na réamhfhocail and how to use them.
réamhfhocal agus an t-alt.
Grammar activities can also be found in the powerpoint.
12 slides in total.
This is a Stadelaíocht revision booklet don rang Gaeilge.
It is perfect for students in 2nd and 3rd year JC.
The booklet contains:
Eochairfhocail activity
Achoimre activity (líon na bearnaí)
Aidiacht Shealbhach activity
Íomhánna an dáin
Téama an dáin
Teicnící filíochta
Fíor nó Bréagach activity
Teicneolaíocht buntáistí agus míbhuntáistí activity
PowerPoint about the characters in the novel Cúpla.
Máiréad Uí Bhraonáin
Timmy Ó Braonáin
Notes and Questions can be found in the PowerPoint along with useful phrases.
A worksheet for students on An Aidiacht Shealbhach.
Suitable for all ages.
Activities on the worksheet include:
Fill in the blanks.
Fill in the tables.
Circle the correct answers.
Correct or incorrect.
Worksheet for the topic ‘Mo Theach’.
Perfect for students in 1st Year.
Worksheet includes:
Vocab section
Translation activity
Name the rooms of the house activity
Réamhfhocail activity (Líon na Bearnaí)
Learn Irish masculine nouns easily with this helpful worksheet. You’ll find clear explanations and practice activities to understand and use masculine nouns correctly as Gaeilge.
Learn Irish feminine nouns easily with this helpful worksheet. You’ll find clear explanations and practice activities to understand and use feminine nouns correctly as Gaeilge.
A PowerPoint for the topic Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach.
A useful PowerPoint for revising the chapter.
Activities include:
Réamhfhocail Do, Ar agus Ag.
Translation activities
Keywords activities
Uimhreacha Pearsanta activites
Speak about your favourite movie, food and singer.