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I'm an A Level Law teacher. All videos supported by my YouTube and TikTok channels -ReasonableDan.

I'm an A Level Law teacher. All videos supported by my YouTube and TikTok channels -ReasonableDan.
Contract Law - Whole Unit

Contract Law - Whole Unit

5 Resources
This bundle contains presentations, workbooks and application/structure guides for AQA Paper 3A (Contract Law). The full unit is covered within these resources, they are editable and are ready to deliver.
Theft Offences (Theft and Robbery)

Theft Offences (Theft and Robbery)

The bundle contains presentations, workbooks, application guides and summary guides for the theft offences of Theft and Robbery. Created for AQA A Level Law but transferrable to any Level 3 Law or Law-based course.
Tort of Negligence - Complete Topic (A Level Law)

Tort of Negligence - Complete Topic (A Level Law)

Included in this full session kit is the tort of negligence broken down into the constituent elements, with engaging presentations (with student versions), workbooks, application guidance, a model answer for a problem question and some past exam question examples. The workbooks contain basic and challenging questions which can be added into the presentations if needed. Being fully editable means that you have the flexibility in how to use them. Note: these were created for a teacher teaching the AQA A Level Law 7162 syllabus, but are general and transferrable.


The bundle contains materials on sentencing for AQA A Level Law, covering aims of sentencing, types of sentencing and factors affecting sentencing.
Non-Fatal Offences (Assault, Battery, ABH, GBH)

Non-Fatal Offences (Assault, Battery, ABH, GBH)

This bundle contains presentations and workbooks on the non-fatal offences of assault, battery, assault occassioning actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm (s.20 &s.18). Summary and application guides, and past exam questions are also included.
Fatal Offences (Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter)

Fatal Offences (Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter)

Here you will find presentations, workbooks with a variety of activities including practice exam questions, and application guides. The topics include: Murder The partial defence of diminished responsibility The partial defence to murder of loss of control Unlawful act manslaughter Gross negligence manslaughter (updated) These are fully supported by YouTube and TikTok videos, on the ReasonableDan channels.
Criminal Law - Whole Unit

Criminal Law - Whole Unit

8 Resources
This bundle contains presentations, workbooks and application/structure guides for AQA Paper 1 (Criminal Law). The full unit is covered within these resources, they are editable and are ready to deliver.