Extremely useful GCSE and A Level revision materials for both students and teachers. They have served me well in my courses and I hope they can be of benefit to you too!
Extremely useful GCSE and A Level revision materials for both students and teachers. They have served me well in my courses and I hope they can be of benefit to you too!
A bundle of thorough revision notes and wider listening!
These notes will help you learn and revise Component 3 (Appraising) content for the A Level Music exam, specifically concerning the area of study:
Area of Study 1: Vocal Music
This resource includes:
Historical and stylistic context of the set work and key vocabulary.
Detailed key information regarding all musical elements relevant to the set work: sonority, instrumentation, texture, structure, melody, harmony, tonality, rhythm, metre, tempo and dynamics.
A* examples to give you an in-depth knowledge ready for essay and listening questions in the exam.
Relevant wider listening comparisons (both similarities and differences) which will be essential for higher level responses to an exam question.
Possible ways of revising this material include:
Highlighting key words in the notes
Write an essay question and see if you have remembered all the points and examples listed
Listening to the wider listening suggestions and seeing if you can recognise the key features listed and compare them to the piece
These notes are also really good for making revision cards from
They have served me well in my A Level music course and I hope they can be of benefit to you too!
There’s also plenty more where this came from, so please check out my other resources.
This powerpoint presentation is for modules in the AQA A Level French specification:
Le role du benevolat
Une culture fiere de son patrimoine
Fantastic revision resources which includes:
Recommended specification points to guide students learning
Detailed slides with francophone examples
Key quotes list, essential for any student studying Joffo’s “Un Sac de Billes”.
They have served me well in my A Level French course and I hope they can be of benefit to you too!
There’s also plenty more where this came from, so please check out my other resources.
The Medicine & Drugs sub-topic is an integral part to the GCSE Biology course, so revise it here with:
Key definitions and notes about sports drugs, ecoli, pathogens, the body’s lines of defence, the transmission of pathogens and how to prevent it, antibiotics, viruses, pandemics, MRSA, white blood cells and bacteria.
An informative PowerPoint presentation about sports drugs, suitable for class presentation. The key statistics and facts given are crucial and suitable material to revise from.
An accompanying script to the PowerPoint allowing it to be presented to a class.
Short biographies of Semmelweis and Edward Jenner, both key figures in this topic.
This has served me well in my GCSE course and I hope it can be of benefit to you too!
There’s also plenty more where this came from, so please check out my other resources.
A bundle of thorough revision notes and wider listening!
These notes will help you learn and revise Component 3 (Appraising) content for the A Level Music exam, specifically concerning the area of study:
Area of Study 3: Music for Film
This resource includes:
Historical and stylistic context of the set work and key vocabulary.
Detailed key information regarding all musical elements relevant to the set work: sonority, instrumentation, texture, structure, melody, harmony, tonality, rhythm, metre, tempo and dynamics.
A* examples to give you an in-depth knowledge ready for essay and listening questions in the exam.
Relevant wider listening comparisons (both similarities and differences) which will be essential for higher level responses to an exam question.
Possible ways of revising this material include:
Highlighting key words in the notes
Write an essay question and see if you have remembered all the points and examples listed
Listening to the wider listening suggestions and seeing if you can recognise the key features listed and compare them to the piece
These notes are also really good for making revision cards from
They have served me well in my A Level music course and I hope they can be of benefit to you too!
There’s also plenty more where this came from, so please check out my other resources.
This powerpoint presentation is for modules in the AQA A Level French specification.
Fantastic revision/teaching resources which include:
Recommended specification points to guide students learning
Detailed slides with francophone examples
They have served me well in my A Level French course and I hope they can be of benefit to you too!
There’s also plenty more where this came from, so please check out my other resources.
The Plants & Photosynthesis sub-topic is an integral part to the GCSE Biology course, so revise it here with:
Key definitions and notes about plants and photosynthesis.
A detailed report on plant organs, plant requirements and deficiencies, leaf adaptations, specialised cells, the photosynthesis equation, limitations of photosynthesis, how to increase photosynthesis.
A comprehensive evaluation of photosynthesis.
This has served me well in my GCSE course and I hope it can be of benefit to you too!
There’s also plenty more where this came from, so please check out my other resources.
The Atoms & Elements sub-topic is an integral part to the GCSE Chemistry course, so revise it here with:
Key definitions and notes, including:
Mixtures and Compounds
This has served me well in my GCSE course and I hope it can be of benefit to you too!
There’s also plenty more where this came from, so please check out my other resources.