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Delenn's Shop

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An experienced practitioner of over 20 years, I specialise in resources for English. I have recently created a number of resources for the new 1-9 English Language and English Literature GCSEs




An experienced practitioner of over 20 years, I specialise in resources for English. I have recently created a number of resources for the new 1-9 English Language and English Literature GCSEs
Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz

An interactive powerpoint Christmas quiz. It has 2 sections on literature (Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol) the rest on fun stuff with a Christmas theme.
Poems from different Cultures Cluster 1 Workbook

Poems from different Cultures Cluster 1 Workbook

A workbook that covers all the poems in cluster 1 of the AQA Poems from different cultures. Designed for lower ability but could be used for revision or cover work. It includes cloze proceedures, comparison grids and preparation for 2 essays.
Living in a Diverse Society

Living in a Diverse Society

Created to fit with OCN units, you can also use it for PSHE at KS3 and KS4. It looks at different groups in society, discrimination and the benefits of living in a diverse society.


Can be used for Y7 looking at what is meant by identity and looking at their own lives and what makes them unique. Could also be used in English to support an autobiographical unit
Fact and Opinion

Fact and Opinion

Designed for SEN KS3 but could also be used at KS2 it explores the differences between fact and opinion culminating in a writing exercise.
Living Independently

Living Independently

An Entry 3 resources that explores some of the issues around living independently including housework, responsibilities and budgets.
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird: Introduction

Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird: Introduction

A powerpoint giving some background information about the Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird. It provides geographical information and some contextual material on the Great Depression and US race relations.
Private Peaceful

Private Peaceful

Looking at the start of the novel discussing Tommo's role in his father's death and his relationship with other characters.
Language change

Language change

Two power-points looking at the importance of Anglo Saxon and French in the development of the English Language. Could be used for homework.
War Poetry

War Poetry

4 Resources
A selection of resources that explore poems about war.
THe Monkey's Paw

THe Monkey's Paw

Gothic short story, copy of the story, power point activities and some starter questions