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History Planning; Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
Unit of planning focuses on the significance of Guy Fawkes, chronological understanding, time lines, and Year 2 NC objectives of asking questions, researching, writing in role, events beyond living memory, significant historical events, differences between then and now, using key vocabulary.

Art Planning; Remembrance Sunday and Bonfire Night
A week worth of Year 2 Art planning focusing on curriculum objectives linked with learning about Remebrance Sunday and Guy Fawkes/ Bonfire Night. Objectives include using charcoal, paint, knowledge of primary and secondary colours, using types of pencils to create pieces of art. The Remembrance Sunday Art links to a contemporary female Artist and uses her style as inspiration for the children’s art.
Oracy links embedded into planning.

Geometry: Properties of Shape
Year 2 E-Book made via Book Creator App.
Ideal for Remote Learning or classes with access to tablets/iPads.
In line with WR Maths planning; Spring Block - Week 7
I export these books to pdf to post online via Showbie for children to access at home and at school.

Guided Reading
Guided Reading
VIPERS skills; Vocabulary, Inferencing, Prediction, Explaining, Retrieving, Summarising.
Year 2 Expected Resource, however would also be useful for any less able Year 3 children, or to challenge able Year 1 children.
This unit focuses on instructions as the main reading text.

Guided Reading
Guided Reading
VIPERS skills; Vocabulary, Inferencing, Prediction, Explaining, Retrieving, Summarising.
Year 2 Expected Resource, however would also be useful for any less able Year 3 children, or to challenge able Year 1 children.
This unit focuses on instructions as the main reading text.

Guided Reading
Guided Reading
VIPERS skills; Vocabulary, Inferencing, Prediction, Explaining, Retrieving, Summarising.
Year 2 Expected Resource, however would also be useful for any less able Year 3 children, or to challenge able Year 1 children.
This unit focuses on instructions as the main reading text.

Guided Reading
Guided Reading
VIPERS skills; Vocabulary, Inferencing, Prediction, Explaining, Retrieving, Summarising.
Year 2 Expected Resource, however would also be useful for any less able Year 3 children, or to challenge able Year 1 children.
This unit focuses on the retelling of the fictional story of Red Riding Hood.

Home Learning - Guided Reading 1
Guided Reading
VIPERS skills; Vocabulary, Inferencing, Prediction, Explaining, Retrieving, Summarising.
Year 2 Expected Resource, however would also be useful for any less able Year 3 children, or to challenge able Year 1 children.
This unit focuses on familiar settings, and the text is taken from a fictional text, ‘A Present for Paul.’

Y2 Home Learning Maths - Measurement
Measurement recap
*two books available for those who require additional support and those who are working at/above expectations. This is that to support those who require support.

Counting Along 10s 20s 50s
Learn Its
Doubling 2d numbers (without crossing 10)
Solving Repeated Addition

CLIC revision activities
It’s Nothing New
Quick revision steps for children to recap skills. I change the CLIC steps weekly and we complete one activity per step, per day.

Statistics - pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams
Used in Year 2 class, objectives linked to NC and based on White Rose Maths Scheme
Could be used for Year 3s working below or GD Year 1 children

Shape - 2D and 3D
Used in Year 2 class, objectives linked to NC and based on White Rose Maths Scheme
Could be used for Year 3s working below or GD Year 1 children

Multiplication/ Repeated Addition
Used in Year 2 class, objectives linked to NC and based on White Rose Maths Scheme
Could be used for Year 3s working below or GD Year 1 children