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Reclaim your time, focus on students and don't slave over resources that already exist. #SaveTeacherSundays #ReclaimTheWeekend




Reclaim your time, focus on students and don't slave over resources that already exist. #SaveTeacherSundays #ReclaimTheWeekend
IB Lang Lit Paper 1 Introduction: UPDATED  NEW SPEC 2021

IB Lang Lit Paper 1 Introduction: UPDATED NEW SPEC 2021

This series of 4 powerpoints and a scaffold introduces the skills needed to be successful in IB Language and Literature Paper 1. These resources are tailored to SL students but have relevance to HL students. The new version takes into account changes to the curriculum relevant from 2021 including the changes to the rubric and updated timings. Students complete a “slow paper 1” as they gain confidence and familiarity with the paper, unpacking each of the key skills so they are clear on the expectations of the examination. These resources work well in conjunction with the specimen paper available on the IB dashboard, this specimen paper is open source, a link has been provided to access it, of course another paper could be substituted to structure this introduction around at the discretion of the class teacher. Polished graphics and design for a seamless introduction making use of dual coding.
Literary Device Train Map Poster

Literary Device Train Map Poster

Literary device tube map based on the Hong Kong train network (the MTR). Students can use a revision resource or reference material. High impact in classrooms and loved by students. Can be printed A4 or A3 size.
Reading Worksheet - Holidays  PRINTABLE

Reading Worksheet - Holidays PRINTABLE

This resource contains two worksheets: Spot the difference narrow reading worksheet. Bad translation worksheet. The activities reinforce the structures needed for the topic of holidays in the preterit tense in Spanish. It is suggested that students complete the spot the difference worksheet before attempting the bad translation sheet. *A narrow reading activity based on Gianfranco Conti’s principles, narrow reading activities are most effective when: They are near-identical in terms of patterns. They contain comprehensible input. They are relatively short. (Conti, 2017).* Find out more here: https://gianfrancoconti.com/2017/07/22/eight-narrow-reading-techniques-that-will-enhance-your-students-vocabulary-and-reading-skills/
A Doll's House - 11 Example Essays

A Doll's House - 11 Example Essays

This resource is a fantastic source of guidance for students and teachers in preparation for the iGCSE World Literature Examination or any essay based task related to the text “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen. Included are 11 example essays which respond to different questions such as: How far does Ibsen’s portrayal of Nora make you admire her? What striking impressions of Nora does Ibsen’s writing create for you? In what does Ibsen make the final scene such a satisfying ending to the play? Responses include analysis of the language of the text and are presented as a printable booklet to distribute to students. The booklet includes some tips on how to make the most of the essays as well as some guidance on remaining academically honest when referring to these essays.
IB Lang Lit Paper 1 Knowledge Organiser

IB Lang Lit Paper 1 Knowledge Organiser

This resource is for educators delivering the IBDP Language and Literature Course for SL students. The pack includes: Paper 1 Knowledge Organsier printable - can be printed for students to test themselves and revise from. Structure strips printable - to be stapled or glued to the margin of a page to guide students in the structure of their response. A scaffolding sheet printable - can be used to plan Paper 1 responses and includes an example introduction. This resource has been developed to target the areas students find consistently challenging in the course and acts as a great starting point for exam preparation and/or revision.
Our County's Good - Key Quotes with analysis

Our County's Good - Key Quotes with analysis

A printable PDF of key quotes from Our Country’s Good paired with analysis colour coded by scene and grouped by theme and character. Over 70 quotes with analysis. A great resource for a closed book examination for IB Language/Literature, GCSE or A Level.
A Doll's House Revision Printables (Adaptable) : Discrete skills focus, fully differentiated.

A Doll's House Revision Printables (Adaptable) : Discrete skills focus, fully differentiated.

This resource includes 5 revision tasks focused on the text “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen. Suggested Use: Students self identify their area of need (analysing quotes, finding evidence, structuring their essay etc) and choose the task which focuses on that individual discrete skill. Students can then work through the other activities from most needed to least needed. Teachers could also identify the area of most need for the student. I usually arrange them on a table and refer to it as “The Revision Buffet”. Students can help themselves to the tasks at their leisure creating inherent differentiation and personalised learning. All resources are ready to print and fully adaptable to other texts. This is a great lesson for catering to a wide range of differentiated abilities.
Revision Clock - A Doll's House (Adaptable)

Revision Clock - A Doll's House (Adaptable)

This revision clock is perfect for last minute exam preparation for Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”. Comes in PDF and publisher format meaning it can be adapted for any text or topic. How to use In a 60 minute lesson, students follow the minute hand of the clock to spend 5 minutes on each activity. The ensures they remain engaged for a full hour and allows them to focus on a variety of areas. Alternatively, you could give them the challenge of completing 5/10 minutes of revision a day for a week/two weeks, or use as 5 minute lesson starters.
Knowledge Organiser - The Cherry Orchard

Knowledge Organiser - The Cherry Orchard

A knowledge organiser which focuses on context of production and reception, especially appropriate for IB language and literature paper 2. Section 1: Plot summary by act Section 2: Context of Production Section 3: Context of Reception Section 4: Themes Section 5: Space for students to make note of key quotations with analysis
Knowledge Organiser - Our Country's Good

Knowledge Organiser - Our Country's Good

This knowledge organiser serves as a revision resource for the play Our Country’s Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker. Section 1: provide information relating to the context of production and context of reception. Section 2: Themes organised in groups for easy relation to the exam question. Section 3: Key quotes, especially relevant in a closed book exam such as IB Language and Literature. (This section provides quotes with analysis, followed by some quotes with space for students to add their own analysis, followed by space for students to select their own quotations.) The quotes are colour coded by theme. With a focus on context, this resource works especially well for IB Language and Literature courses.
Tradiciones de navidad - Spanish Christmas Traditions Lesson - Spanish Lottery Printable

Tradiciones de navidad - Spanish Christmas Traditions Lesson - Spanish Lottery Printable

An introduction to Spanish Christmas traditions starting with the Christmas Lottery. Students watch a 3 minute advert for the Spanish lottery and learn about this tradition. The advert focuses on Justino, a Spanish factory worker who works nights and whose colleagues show great kindness when they win the lottery at Christmas. Students respond really well to this clip as it is similar to the famous Christmas adverts they are used to (John Lewis, M&S, Coca Cola). This leads them on to do some research into other traditions in a mini inquiry project and home learning activity. Includes printable pdf worksheet to support research and inquiry, as well as Spanish lottery tickets to use as a bingo game and AFL tool. Suitable for KS3. My students love this lesson, I hope yours do too!
IB Language and Literature Support Pack: Paper 2 - Printable Structure Strips

IB Language and Literature Support Pack: Paper 2 - Printable Structure Strips

IB Language and Literature support pack for SL, could be adapted easily for HL too (number of texts for HL is 3 not 2). Includes a support PowerPoint which introduces how to answer the question in terms of structure. Ideally the teacher will model a live answer as they go through, though could also be used to support students through an answer. Structure strips also included, these should be stapled or stuck down the margin of the paper the student is working on and works as a quick reference for structure. As with all supports and scaffolding, introduce to build confidence then gradually remove.
Structure Strips - A Doll's House - Essay/Extract Scaffold - Printable & Adaptable

Structure Strips - A Doll's House - Essay/Extract Scaffold - Printable & Adaptable

Structure strips to support extract response essays for CIE iGCSE World Literature Paper 3 Q1 (Extract Question), but adaptable for any literature response/essay. How to use: Students should staple/glue the strip to the top left of their blank page and complete their essay following the structure outlined in the guidance. Students respond very well to this support, as with all scaffolding, use to gain confidence then gradually remove!
A Doll's House - Henrik Ibsen: Act One Reading Companion (4 Lessons)

A Doll's House - Henrik Ibsen: Act One Reading Companion (4 Lessons)

Act One Companion: Lesson by lesson resource which provides activities to introduce and engage with the text further. Asks students to consider the conventions of Naturalistic theater as well as think about motive and true intentions of each of the characters. Introduces ideas about verbal and dramatic irony.
Gender bias, inequality and pay gap lesson

Gender bias, inequality and pay gap lesson

Are students aware of their implicit gender bias? This lesson asks students to consider the bias they hold and directs them to complete the implicit bias test to see if their perceptions match reality. Great discussion stimulus on the topics of pay gap, sexism, stereotypes and gender inequality.
Guide to Paper 2: IBDP Lang Lit HL

Guide to Paper 2: IBDP Lang Lit HL

"A crash course" in Paper 2 comparative literature study for HL students. Includes breakdown of each of the criterion and some activities to encourage students to engage with the mark scheme. IBDP English A: Language and Literature (Higher Level)
IB Language and Literature SL Paper 2 Guide

IB Language and Literature SL Paper 2 Guide

"A crash course" in Paper 2 comparative literature study for SL students. Includes breakdown of each of the criterion and some activities to encourage students to engage with the mark scheme. IBDP English A: Language and Literature (Standard Level)
See, think, wonder - Visible thinking Spanish culture starters

See, think, wonder - Visible thinking Spanish culture starters

Included in a pack of lesson starters which ask students to follow the visible thinking routine "See, think, wonder" to discover more about Hispanic culture. A great way of sparking curiosity and inquiry in the first moments of the lesson and developing critical thinking skills. Perfect for PYP/MYP inquiry based learning classrooms. Ask students only the following questions: 1. What do you see? 2. What do you think? 3. What do you wonder?
Create a Kahoot group project Printable

Create a Kahoot group project Printable

An easy to follow group project which asks students to create a Kahoot Quiz to test their peers. This is a versatile resource which can be used in nearly any subject, I have used this in English and Spanish. Includes: Group roles and Instructions Printable Kahoot question planner