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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
ego / nafs - what this is and how to transform it.

ego / nafs - what this is and how to transform it.

A selection of readings from different cultures and religions. The ego is limited. To achieve spiritual progress we need to feel the whole world as our own and all people as members of our family. This requires the limited ego (which separates and divides us from others) to be transformed into the 'divine ego&' which feels that the entire world is part of our own existence...
readings on Caste System and the oneness of God

readings on Caste System and the oneness of God

responding to a great video about an Indian who is caring for the destitute - https://www.facebook.com/groups/212329012138235/permalink/598115910226208/#!/photo.php?v=754295981250483&set=vb.326280940802638étype=2étheater and responding to his mention that some Brahmins criticise him.
European Jesus

European Jesus

A ppt slide show of 21 images of Jesus from a European perspective. It is in process as many images are not the right shape for a ppt slide so I will have to adjust them in Adobe. But it does give a great idea of the way that Christians everywhere think of Jesus as their Brother, as their Friend, His divine aspect is beyond the confines of one time or place, one nation or race. They can and they do, wherever they live, whatever their race or culture, claim Jesus as their own.
Black Jesus, African Jesus

Black Jesus, African Jesus

This is a Power Point with 40 slides - all images of Jesus from an African perspective. It gives a sense of the way that Christians everywhere think of Jesus as their Brother, as their Friend, His divine aspect is for all, beyond the confines of one time or place, one nation or race. Christians everywhere can and do claim Jesus as their own.
Pregnancy and Abortion - readings and perspectives

Pregnancy and Abortion - readings and perspectives

The first of these readings is from my June 27th 2013 blog, reflecting on the pregnancy of my cat I plan to add other inspiring or insightful readings related to pregnancy, abortion, sex and family life. I may also add the group-work / role-play notes I have used with success when exploring this topic with GCSE classes
Quakers - The Religious Society of Friends

Quakers - The Religious Society of Friends

An overview of Quakers and some of the important issues that they take a stand on - Peace, Simplicity, The Environment etc. A great denomination to use to highlight the diversity that exists within one religion. Quakers also don't have the outer sacraments as they take the view that all of life is sacramental and the outer sacraments invite hypocrisy.
how RE can reduce prejudice and models of religion

how RE can reduce prejudice and models of religion

This is a series of anecdotes and reflections from a book I am writing called 'Sunlight and Shadow, Spirituality at Work in School.&' Uploaded as a resource in response to a teacher asking about anti-Semitism, it begins with reflections on a class visit to a synagogue and then explores the question of &';Why are there so many religions? Sri Ramakrishna's models of God and other models which explore the concept of oneness and diversity in religion are also included.
Symbolism in Buddhism - especially the lotus

Symbolism in Buddhism - especially the lotus

material here from several different websites - will save a lot of time but still needs some unpicking. The Lotus symbolism explained in different ways, including symbolism of the colour. Lotus in Chinese art -
Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer/Inter-Faith

Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer/Inter-Faith

Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer - readings from the Guardian Obit... 'his universalist focus continued to result in wonderful works, such as the mass Sollemnitas in Conceptione Immaculata Beatae Mariae Virginis and the Requiem... Drawing its texts from Sufi poetry, the Catholic Mass, the Koran and Hindu words from the Upanishad, Tavener explained that 'the essence of the Requiem is contained in the words &'Our glory lies where we cease to exist&';'... a story about a 'journey' and becoming 'one with God'.
Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

2 Dec (1) - Nov 28 (2) - 29th (Ma's birthday.) Both with photos 13 - 16 Dec our Nelson Mandela prog, 17 - 21st bit from Deepak Chopra and Christmas Day Radio 26- 28th - daughter in India + Chopra insights on relationships. Jan 7th, update, family, Chrisn/Muslm orgs working with ex-gang-Members 14th work + half-milliion mark 15 - 19 Jan inc sponsors for son? and &'tummy trouble.&'; 9th Feb hospital and poems. 13th - 20th Feb inc photos 23rd a long blog inc resource on Sala/God interfaith events + photos + poems. March 14-18 includes bits from Liverpool RE Confrnc 18 - 21 new job?
The Problem of Evil and posters to aid reflection

The Problem of Evil and posters to aid reflection

A video shared on an RE Forum with my thoughts on the matter - ideas to stimulate thought and discussion. also links to more videos. I plan to add to this and create some activities to go with these resources. some pictures to print out as posters to encourage thought and reflection on this subject.
Blog part 11 starting on 1st July

Blog part 11 starting on 1st July

the latest in the series. the one on 2nd and 5th describes the workshop I gave at the 12th International Conference on Children's Spirituality - and some observations that my friend has seen when taking children around the St Julian of Norwich Shrine and at Walsingham. This would be useful when exploring Spiritual Experience and religion in today's world. more later
Blog for October 2012

Blog for October 2012

in haste - the prev site is full so starting another. Sorry not a regular blog at the moment, Life is a bit hectic. Bella-the kitten who just caught a mouse at Mums is sitting on my knee purring like a steam engine, very proud of herself. Love and Peace DurgaMata
Enrichment ideas - all sorts + some RE ones

Enrichment ideas - all sorts + some RE ones

In response to a request for ideas for an enrichment day or week - I have just copied some pages from a range or websites in response to a general search on google. I will edit and add to these. Also a copy of the thread from the RE forum. Again I will add to this when others respond with their ideas. I would always love to come and work with any school on a project like this. Passion for RE and Enthusiasm in boundless measure, me!! All the best
Prayer and Healing - the 4 Ho'oponopono prayers

Prayer and Healing - the 4 Ho'oponopono prayers

I gathered this material in response to a request for a lesson about prayer. A friend has found this really powerful - using it effectively in relation to several problems in school and at home. With the inspiration of the question on a thread about how to make a lesson on prayer more experiential and less theoretical - I was inspired to spend a few hours researching into it. I aim to add to this resource - and especially add more links to videos from youtube which could be used in class. I suggest you introduce this in lessons about - Prayer, forgiveness and the existence of God.
This is an email conversation with my MP

This is an email conversation with my MP

I am uploading it for other RE teachers to share and perhaps discuss. The email is mostly about the importance of RE and the English Bacc but covers some other subjects too, I feel passionately concerned about the current threat to RE posed by its exclusion from the English Bacc so I am happy for others in Management and Governors etc to read this. And please never give up the fight.