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BIODIVERSITY (+ KEYSTONE SPECIES) Multiple Learning Activity
This product contains 3 very engaging activities to teach biodiversity and keystone species. The activities are carefully designed with elements of active learning and hands-on learning. Both pdf and easel versions are available to give you options.
In activity 1: DEFINE IT/ILLUSTRATE IT: Students define biodiversity, it’s three types ( that is genetic, species, ecosystem diversities). They then illustrate it by coloring to show these types. ( easel version + answer key included)
In activity 2: KEYSTONE SPECIES: Students read an intro passage about key stone species. They then play a DICE ACTIVITY to explore key stone species in the Serengeti. And complete a worksheet related to the activity. (easel version+ answer key included)
In activity 3 : HHMI Biointeactive: This is an extension activity to explore real world examples of keystone species in various habitats around the world. Links and QR codes and accompanying worksheet is included. This activity has its easel version too. ( please check out the preview to see sample work)
My goal is to provide you and your kids so much options that both teaching and learning become easy for you. Also, the activities are sure to catch students interest because of their meaningful nature and active style learning. I believe this will be a great addition to your tool box. Have a great class.

Teach solutions and solubility by challenging your students to design and do their own experiments to investigate if temperature and surface area affect how fast sugar dissolves in water. This resource has been designed to help students develop and build their 21st century skills which includes collaboration, experiment design, critical thinking, data analysis and representation and observation. **Check preview for sample sheets and key
What’s included in this resource?
A complete Power Point Presentation ( with notes on all slides for the teacher )
Solutions Labsheet ( including the advance and general versions)
Post Lab Worksheet ( for students to plot a graph)
Answer Keys
Teacher Guide ( with tips and all guidelines)
Students are introduced to the topic of solutions via the PPT slides in this resource. This provides students the background and help them understand the meaning of solutions in chemistry terms, their examples, types and how to they are made (i.e solute + solvent= solution)
Part 1:
Students are presented with two driving questions;
a) Does increasing or decreasing the temperature affect how fast sugar dissolves in water?
b) Does increasing or decreasing the surface area affect how fast sugar dissolves in water?
They are challenged to design and carry out their own experiments to investigate these questions. All information and guidelines are included in the PPT for the teacher in cluding the post lab activities.
Part 2:
In this part, students are provided with data on the temperature vs solubility of three different types of salts. They use the data to plot a line graph and complete some related questions. Note: I have included a great way to further increase students’ engagement and curiousity during this part in the PPT.
Materia List per group ( * = can be shraed with other groups)
two beakers
sugar granules*
hot water*
cold water*
digital weight balance *
spatula (or glass rod)
Sugar cubes*
All materials are relatively easy to obtain
Grades 7 to 9
Try this student-centered lesson on solubility vs temperature and surface area and see your students enter their scientist mode. It’s always beautiful to observe their involvement and engagement when the lesson feels like their own. I believe this resource will prove valuable to you for many years to come as it has in my own class.
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Teach cloud types, names, and history with this engaging resource that will give your learners the opportunity to :
Read about the history of cloud names and shapes
Identify cloud types in pictures
Number the steps in cloud formation
Make observations and track clouds for 7 days + cloud identification guide
Make a cloud in a jar.
***Please see the preview for sample sheets ***
The resource include:
a. History of Cloud Names (2 page)
b. Cloud Types Worksheet ( 1 page)
c. Cloud Identification Sheet ( 1 page)
d. Cloud Tracking Activity Sheet ( 1 page)
e. Answer Keys
f. Teacher Guide
A) History of Cloud Names Worksheet :
In this part, students will learn about how clouds came to have their names and the scientist who pioneered the naming of clouds. Afterward, they will answer some comprehension questions.
B) Cloud Types Worksheet:
In this part, students will number the correct steps in cloud formation
C) Cloud Tracking Activity
In this part, students will observe and identify the different clouds in the sky for 7 days using the cloud identification sheet as their guide. At the end of day 7, they will try to find patterns about which cloud types increase the chance of rain.
In this optional extension activity, students will make a cloud in a jar. I have included a list of materials and procedures in the resource.
This resource will help you and your students explore cloud types in a fun and engaging way. There is little prep time too which is a win for the teacher. I truly believe this resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching “toolbox”.
6 - 9
Thanks and have an awesome class!
Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Back To School Middle and High School Activities (Fist Day of School)
Looking for a Back To School resource that provides multiple activity choices yet easy to execute on the first day of school? Look no further. This Back to School resource will offer your new students the opportunity to reflect, set goals, engage in get-to-know-you and STEM challenge activities.
It includes :
Back to School Score Card (1 page)
Back to School Goal Setting (1 page)
First Day of School: This or That ? (colored and B&W - 2pages)
Paper Tower Game : Things we have in common
Back to School Find Someone Who…
Back to School STEM Challege
Teacher Guide
***Please see preview for sample sheet ***
The activities are divided into 3 sections:
In this part, students will complete a “score card” by answering 12 refelction questions. Students also get to set goals for the new semester.
In this part, students and teachers will participate in the following get-to-know-you activities:
This or That ?
What do we have in common: Paper Tower Game
Find someone who …
These activities are great ways for students to break the ice while learning about one another.
In this part, student work in groups to solve a STEM challenge. I have included details, possible solutions and suggestions in the resource.
These activities will be a great addition to your Back to School tool box. They are easy to implement and require little materials and prep time which is a win for the teacher. I truly wish you a successful new semester filled with happiness, adventure and good health!
Grade level:
Grade 6 - 12
Please consider following my shop for future updates and free downloads here : EAZYSCIENCE STORE . Thank you in advance.

Weather, Climate And Weather Instruments Activities and Worksheets
Are you looking for an engaging resource to teach weather, weather instruments, and weather instruments? This resource got you covered. It contains diverse active learning style activities and will offer your students the opportunity to:
Match weather instruments to their names and functions
Label statements as either describing weather or climate
Complete word search activity about weather elements
Complete to crossword activity about extreme weather events
Read stories about extreme weather events and complete post-reading questions
Collaborate to solve a STEM Challenge about extreme weather
***Please see the preview to check sample sheets and answer keys ***
I have included a detailed description, alternative activities, and guidelines in the Teacher Guide.
I have included a sample rubric/score sheet for the optional STEM challenge
I truly believe this weather and climate resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching “toolbox”. The activities are easy to do, require little prep time, and are fun and engaging for students.
6 - 9
Thanks and have an awesome class!
Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

NUTRIENT CYCLE ( water, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur,Phosphorus cycles)
Teach the nutrient cycle by letting your students role play as " experts" and engage them with a series of collaborative work, research and model drawing and presentation.
This resource :
a) cover water, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus and sulfur cycles
b) cover human impact on each cycle
And includes:
Power point slides for the teacher
Nutrient worksheet ( colored and black and white versions)
“Expert” notes for students
Tips and suggestion
Teacher guide
****Please check preview to see visuals of PPT, worksheets, student notes and others.
The Activty:
Students are divided into 5 “expert” groups correcsponding to the 5 nutrients covered in the lesson. At their expert stations, they collaborate to complete a worksheet, read information about their nutrients ,discuss how the nutrient is cycled through the ecosystem, draw models to show the cycling and discuss human impact on the nutrient cycle.
I have included PPT guide that;
i) shows precisely how to set up the activity and direct it
ii) has teacher slide notes for the nutrients including; their benefits to living things, where they can be found on Earth, Picture of the cycling process and examples of human impact on the cycle.
After the “expert meeting” activity students will move on to the “expert teaching” activty. I have included PPT slides, notes and tips for the teacher to sucessfully conduct this part.
This resource is carefully designed to allow students to think through models and arrive at their conclusions. There is very little preparation required which saves the teacher must needed time. I believe this will enrich your nutrients cycle unit and will be one to remember for you and your students.
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have a fantastic class.

Are you looking for activities to teach the reproductive system? This carefully designed product includes 6 station worksheets which are certain to keep your students highly engaged. Below are the topics covered :
parts and functions of the male and female reproductive system
Ovarian and menstrual cycles
Ovulation, fertilization and implantation
Fetal development
What do you get from this product?
All 6 station worksheets
Station notes for all 6 stations
Answer Keys
Teacher Guide
As a station activity, groups of students will visit each station for a set time. (I recommend at least 15 minutes per station). When at the station, they will read and discuss the station notes. They will complete the worksheet using information from the study notes. By the end, students would have visited all six stations and explored thoroughly the concepts and topics of the reproductive system.
The activities are diverse from riddles to cut and paste that are sure to keep students interested in the lesson.
I have included all ANSWER KEYS and TEACHER GUIDE. Please check preview to see answer keys.
Grades 9 to 12
I truly believe this will be a great addition to your “arsenal” and add more excitement and fun to your lessons. I wish you a great class. Please reach out with questions and feedback at eazyscience221@gmail.com.

Pull your students’ “heart strings” and get them excited to learn the cardiovascular system with these highly engaging resource. This product includes a 4 part activities lesson (with sub-activities) to explore this important bosy system. Each part can be used as a stans alone or together with others.
Part 1: Trace, Color & Label
In this part, students trace , color the human heart and label the parts. They use red and blue ink to show blood flow from body to heart to lungs. Finally, they explain the process invoved in blowed flow. This is a great way to introduce students to all the biology names which are daunting for many students. The engaging nature ( with images, lists, drawings) of the worksheet makes the learning less daunting for students.
Part 2: Blood Vessels
In this 2nd part, students will learn about arteries veins and capillaries. They will observe and write down some characteristics of all 3 blood vessels.
Next, they will complete a fill in the blank activity related to O2, nutrient and CO2 transport. Finally, students will have a mini research and create a mini poster about atherosclerosis.
Part 3: Pig’s Heart Dissection Lab.
Skip the mess that comes with real hands-on lab by letting your students observe high quality images of a dissected pig’s heart. (Check preview to see images). Students will answer “lab” questions about their observations including comparing the wall thickness of left vs right side of heart. Note: The lab questions can easily be used for real handson lab in case you want the real thing.
Part 4: Inquiry Lab:
Time for some inquiry. Here students will investigate factors that affect a person’s heart rate. There are 2 versions. 1) Caffeine and 2) Exercise as the factors to investigate. In case your school doesn’t allow you to give caffeinated drinks (coffee or coca cola) to students, the exercise (doing jumping jacks) version will come in handy. I have included a step by step teacher guide and student notes for your use.
Note: All worksheets have ANSWER KEYS included.
I believe these diverse activity will put your students “at the heart” of the lesson as they explore the cardiovascular system. There is little preparation needed for the teacher and the materials required can be easily obtained. I hope this resource inspire you and your students for many years to come as it has for my students and I. Please consider following my store for freebies, product update and future uploads. Thanks and have a great class.

Stimulate and increase your students’ engagement with this endocrine system worksheets. They come in 4 versions. Please see preview for beautiful examples.
Organs and glands covered include:
Pineal Gland
Pituitary gland
Adrenal Glands
They can be used as reveiw works at the end the unit or as an intro at the beginning. They come with high quality diagrams, ANSWER KEYS and teacher guide. **Check preview for answer keys.
I am confident this product will provide value beyond what you pay for years to come. Thank you and have a great class:

The nervous system plus station activities is always a win for both teacher and students. This product might be exactly what yo need to keep those young brains hooked and engaged whilst learning about the nervous system. This product includes 5 station worksheet + STATION NOTES (except station 5). These can also be used in solo lessons to suit the teacher’s needs.
Here is what’s included:
STATION 1: Students learn about the 4 brain lobes and write down their functions (+ STATION NOTES)
STATION 2: Students will match the internal parts of the brain to their correct names. They will also predict symptoms that might 4 patients might experience after damaging certain parts of their brains. (+ STATION NOTES)
STATION3 : Students cut and paste information to learn about the organization of the nervous system. They also complete special work to learn about the sympathetic and parasympathetic system and their effect on body reponse. (+ STATION NOTES)
STATION 4: Students complete a doodle note to learn about neurones and glia cells. (+ STATION NOTES)
STATION 5: Mini Lab: Students learn about reflex actions by conducting the patellar reflex and pupil reflex lab. (All procedure included in product to assist students) Note: This station has no notes because it’s mostly lab / practical activity.
Please check preview for sample work.
the produc includes ALL ANSWER KEYS ,TEACHER GUIDE and Teaching Tips.
Keeping students engaged is increasing getting hard in the modern class room. Activities such as these encourages collaboration among students. My students love the active part of this lesson as they get to move and learn at the same time. I believe this product will be a great way to explore this complicated lesson with your students. Thank you for choosing EazyScience. Thanks and have an amazing class!

STATES OF MATTER ( phase change activity)
Teach states of matter with this ALL-IN-ONE lesson that offers the opportunity for your students to explore behavior of particles during phase change, draw models to make their thinking visible, classify items into various states of matter through collaboration.
What’s included in this resource?
a) a beautifully designed Power Point Presentation (with Teacher notes)
b) a phet simulation activity to explore phase change
c) Worksheet 1 ( classifying items individual version)
d) Mini Cards ( classifying items group version)
e) Worksheet 2 (Phase change, Drawing models )
**Please check out the preview to see sample PPT, worksheets and lesson objectives.
Part 1: Classifying Matter
Individual version: Students cut and paste items and group them under solids, liquids, gases and “doesn’t fit into 1 group” and state reasons for their classification
Group Version: Students collaborate to classify items on mini cards under the groups stated above. they will discuss and share reasons for their classification.
Part 2: Phase Change
Students first explore phet simulation to learn about behavior of particles during phase change.
Next, they draw models to represent phase change for different real world exaples. This helps them contextualize the concept and relate to it in a meaningful way.
Materials need :
a device that is connected to the internet. ( smartphone, computers, tablets)
The power point presentation that accompany this resource;
a) covers properties of solids, liquids, gases and plasma.
b) has teacher notes that makes teaching easy and straight forward.
c) has beautiful images, clear key information to teach the states of matter.
d) directions and suggestions to make the lesson successful.
I have included answer keys and teacher guide to help guide the teacher.
**See preview ***
Grades 6 to 9
Turn your states of matter unit into one that you and your students will love. The phet simulation keeps students engaged but also helps them observe for themselves particles movement which leads to long lasting learning. Drawing model gives them a chance to explain natural phenomena through self created models.
I truly believe this resource will be a great addition to your states of matter unit for many years to come.
Thanks and have an amazing class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Get this fun hands-on simulation activity to teach Mendelian Genetics and Hereditary today. This resource is designed to reinforce the concepts of traits, genotype and phenotype in a practical way so that your students are engaged. Please see previews to take a look at sample work.
The resource is in 2 parts:
PART 1: Determining the traits of offspring activity: ****( See video preview)
In this part, students will randomly toss alleles of father and mother onto their table. Then, they will write the alleles each parent contributes to the child for 3 genes- freckle gene, eye color gene, and hairline gene. From the genotypes of the offpring, students will draw the resulting phenotype on the face of the offspring.
PART 2: Punnett square exercise
In this part, students will practice solving mono hybrid and dihybrid punnett square problems to further enhance their understanding. They will have the opportunity to try both monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. This worksheet comes in colored and black and white version
Teacher Guide:
This resource includes a step by step (3 page) teacher guide with pictures to make the allele cards, including how to laminate them.I have also included suggestions and tips to assist the teacher.
Answer Keys:
Answer keys for part 2 inlcuded as well as sample answers for part 1
Grade Level:
This resouce is suitable for grades 7 to 12
Pre-requisite Knowlwdge:
It will be ideal if students have knowledge about mendelian genetics, dorminant and recessive alleles and how to solve mono and dihybride punnett sqaures problems.
Materials for student pair or individual
a. Allele cards (6 in total , 3 for father, and 3 for mother )
b. Hereditary worksheet ( individually, pairs or group)
c. colored pens ( to show phenotypes)
***Please check preview for sample worksheets to see if this resource meets your needs.
Turn your genetics and hereditary unit into an engaging lesson with this resource. My students love them each year and I’m confident yours will too. The preparation time will pay off in money and time as these cards can be reused each year.
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with questions and feedback. Thanks and have an amazing class!

SKELETAL SYSTEM (Activities + Worksheets)
Are you looking for activities that are flexible yet awesome (…like a bone) to teach the skeletal system? This product might offer exactly that. There are 4 worksheets ( or activity sheets) designed to keep the students engaged throughout the lesson. The sheets can be used in any order to fit the teachers needs.
***Please check preview to see sample sheets.
Topics covered include:
Bone structure (macro and microscopic)
Bone classification by shape
Axial skeleton
Appendicular skeleton
Bone cells
Three types of joints
*** Product includes ALL ANSWER KEYS. Check preview to see.
So no need to work your fingers to the bone on this one. I’ve got you covered. I believe these sheets will prove valuable to you and your students now and many years to come. I wish you a great class.

Teaching excretory system doesn’t need to be “toxic” to teacher and students. This product might have just the right activities to excite and engage your students while discovering important concepts in how the excretory system works. The product is a 4 station style activity which can also be used as solo worksheets to suit the teacher’s needs.
Topics Covered Include:
Organs of the excretory system
Parts and functions of the urinary system
Structure of Nephron
Water and Mineral absorption by nephron
Hormone (ADH) effect on unrine production
“Image lab” of dissected sheep’s kidney
Kidney for Cash discussion
**Please check preview for more details and sample work.
I have included answer sheets and teacher guide as well.
I truly believe this product will be add fresh ideas and engagement to help your kids explore this all important body system. Thank you and have a great class:

Are you looking for activities to teach DNA structure, replication and how it was discovered as genetic material. This product could bring the help you need. The activities are designed to engage your students and they incorporate active learning style activities. Please check preview to see
Topics covered include :
DNA discovery timeline Activity
DNA Structure Terminologies Word search
Enzymes’ and proteins’ role in replications
DNA Replication Terminologies
Leading and Lagging Strand Comparison
Eukaryote and Prokaryote DNA Replication
DNA Proofreading and Error Fixing
I have included a complete ANSWER KEYS, teacher guide and student instructions to assist you. Please check preview to see answer keys
I believe these diverse activities will raise your students engagement level and get them excited to learn about this important molecule, DNA. Thank you and have a great class.

Are you looking for an engaging and low-prep resource to teach work ( force x distance) and power ( work ÷ time )? This resource might be just what you need. It will provide your students the opportunity to :
learn the meaning of work in science
calculate work-related questions
investigate and calculate their power when walking up a staircase
read about power, horsepower, and James Watt
calculate power-related questions
***Please see the preview for sample worksheets and answer keys ***
The resources include:
What does work mean Worksheet (1 page)
Work Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page)
Power Worksheet ( 1 page )
Power Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page )
Answer Keys
I have included detailed guidelines for the power staircase activity with examples of calculating and measuring variables like distance, force, θ, time, and work done. The activity is fun, easy to do and requires little preparation.
The calculation questions will help your students practice solving different challenging problems.
The worksheets can be used as stand-alone or with your existing resource.
Grade Level:
Grades 6 - 9
I am confident this resource will be a great addition to your teaching toolbox. It is fun, engaging, and requires little prep time, which is a win for the teacher.
Thanks and have an awesome class!
Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Kinetic, Potential Energy and The Law of Conservation of Energy Worksheets
Are you looking for an engaging resource to teach kinetic energy, potential energy, energy transformation, and the law of conservation of energy? This resource may offer help. It is designed to help your learners:
Read about energy types and transformation
Play PHET Simulation to explore kinetic and potential energy
Solve questions involving kinetic and potential energy and the law of conservation of energy.
*** Please check the preview for sample worksheets and answer keys***
The resources include:
Energy Worksheet (1 page)
Potential and Kinetic Energy PHET Worksheet ( 1 page)
P.E and K.E Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page )
The law of conservation of energy Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page )
Answer Keys
Part1: Energy Worksheet
In this part, students will read about what energy means in science, examples of energy, and how it may be transformed. Students will then describe the energy transformation in three situations on their worksheets.
Part 2: Potential and Kinetic Energy PHET Worksheet
In this part, students will play an online Phet Simulation to explore how a skater’s potential and kinetic energy are transformed. I have included links and QR codes for easy access to the stimulation, as well as teacher directions and tips.
After the exploration, students will answer some questions related to the activity.
Part 3: P.E and K.E Calculation Worksheet
Here, students will solve calculation questions involving potential and kinetic energy. Answer keys included.
Part 4: The law of conservation of energy Calculation Worksheet
In this part, students will solve calculation questions involving the law of conservation of energy. Answer keys included.
The worksheets can be used as stand-alone or with your existing resource.
Grade Level:
Grades 7 - 10
I am confident this resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching toolbox. It is fun, engaging, and requires little prep time, which is a win for the teacher.
Thanks and have an awesome class!
Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.

Lymphatic & Immune System Station Activity
The **lymphatic and immune systems **might be underated but teaching them isn’t any less easy. This product covers both systems (because they’re closely associated with each other) in a 5 station style activity. Each station worksheet begins with background knowledge about the main topic of the station. Students are presented with diverse engaging activities such as cut and pastes, research, opinion pieces and mini poster. The sheets can be used as normal worksheets ( rather than station- style worksheets) to suit the teacher’s needs. Check Preview to see sample work
Topics covered include:
Organs and functions of the lymphatic system
Lymphatic system Vs Cardiovascular system
Primary and Secondary Lymphoid organs
Innate immune system
Adaptive Immune system
Should you fear vaccination? : OPINION PIECE
Immune system malfunctions, disorders and diseases : Allergies, Autoimmune diseases, Organ transplant rejection and HIV/AIDS
I have included a complete **ANSWER KEYS and teacher guide as well. **Check preview to take a look.
I truly believe these activities will prove valuable to you and your students now and for many years to come. Thank you for choosing EazyScience. Have an amazing class.

Human Evolution ( Worksheet and Reading Notes)
Teach human evolution with this print and go resource that provides opportunity for student collaboration, presentation and effective communication. The resource covers the following 5 hominin species:
1)* Australopithecus*
2*) Homo habilis*
3)* Homo erectus*
Homo neanderthalensis and
Homo sapien
The resource includes:
5 activity sheets ( each for one species listed above)
2 page reading sheets ( contains all key info to complete the worksheet ). Teacher guides ( with suggestions. and guidelines)
Answer Keys ( 5 pages, one for each species)
Please check preview to see sample sheets
The Activity Sheet:
Students will research information about 5 hominins and in the process learn about key info such as: period of existence, brain size, average weight and height, location, diet, tool making ability and so on. They will also answer post research questions to further deepen their understanding.
Students may collaborate in small groups or work individually on one species.
The Reading Notes:
Students will find key info about the species to complete the activity sheet.
Optional: The resource presents opportunity for students group to present key info about their assigned species. Details and suggestions are explained in the teacher guide.
Transform your human evolution lesson by encouraging group work among your students. The resource will help you engage your students whilst requiring from you little to no preparation.
I am confident this activity will be a great addition to your human evolution lesson and help your students to understand and enjoy the lesson.
Thanks and have a wonderful class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have a great class.

Plant Life Cycles and Evolution Multiple Activity Lesson
Are you looking for an engaging resource to teach plant life cycles and evolution? This resource got you covered. It provides opportunity for student to:
complete a plant evolution timeline activity
learn and understand charateristic features and evolutionary advantages of bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Solve 30 multiple choice questions about bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Please see preview for sample sheets and more details
What’s included in this resource?
Timeline cut and paste worksheet
“True” plants worksheets
30 Plants Task Cards
Task Sheet
30 Multiple choice test
Answer Keys
Part 1: Plant Evolution Timeline
In this part, students will cut and paste cards to complete to a plant evolution timeline worksheet. This will help students to see the big picture and understand the evolutionary storyline of plants.
Part 2: Four Groups of Plants Worksheet
In this part, students will answer some questions involving bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. They will learn about their life cycles, their characteristic features and their evolutionary advantages.
Part 3: Plants Task card
In this part, students will answer 30 multiple choice questions on task cards involving bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. These cards may be used as a great way to review or evaluate students at the end of the unit.
Part 4: Multiple Choice Test Sheets
This is an optional test sheets with the same questions on the task cards. They may be used instead of the task cards. You may use them to evaluate your students at the end of the unit or assign them as homework.
Check preview for more details.
I am confident this resource will be a great addition to your plants unit and help your students explore and understand the evolutionary storyline of modern plants. There is very little preparation needed on the part of the teacher which is saves valuable time.
9- 12
Thanks and have an awesome class!
Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.