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Kinetic, Potential Energy and The Law of Conservation of Energy Worksheets

Kinetic, Potential Energy and The Law of Conservation of Energy Worksheets

Are you looking for an engaging resource to teach kinetic energy, potential energy, energy transformation, and the law of conservation of energy? This resource may offer help. It is designed to help your learners: Read about energy types and transformation Play PHET Simulation to explore kinetic and potential energy Solve questions involving kinetic and potential energy and the law of conservation of energy. *** Please check the preview for sample worksheets and answer keys*** The resources include: Energy Worksheet (1 page) Potential and Kinetic Energy PHET Worksheet ( 1 page) P.E and K.E Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page ) The law of conservation of energy Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page ) Answer Keys Part1: Energy Worksheet In this part, students will read about what energy means in science, examples of energy, and how it may be transformed. Students will then describe the energy transformation in three situations on their worksheets. Part 2: Potential and Kinetic Energy PHET Worksheet In this part, students will play an online Phet Simulation to explore how a skater’s potential and kinetic energy are transformed. I have included links and QR codes for easy access to the stimulation, as well as teacher directions and tips. After the exploration, students will answer some questions related to the activity. Part 3: P.E and K.E Calculation Worksheet Here, students will solve calculation questions involving potential and kinetic energy. Answer keys included. Part 4: The law of conservation of energy Calculation Worksheet In this part, students will solve calculation questions involving the law of conservation of energy. Answer keys included. The worksheets can be used as stand-alone or with your existing resource. Grade Level: Grades 7 - 10 I am confident this resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching toolbox. It is fun, engaging, and requires little prep time, which is a win for the teacher. Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.


Are you looking for an engaging and low-prep resource to teach work ( force x distance) and power ( work ÷ time )? This resource might be just what you need. It will provide your students the opportunity to : learn the meaning of work in science calculate work-related questions investigate and calculate their power when walking up a staircase read about power, horsepower, and James Watt calculate power-related questions ***Please see the preview for sample worksheets and answer keys *** The resources include: What does work mean Worksheet (1 page) Work Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page) Power Worksheet ( 1 page ) Power Calculation Worksheet ( 1 page ) Answer Keys I have included detailed guidelines for the power staircase activity with examples of calculating and measuring variables like distance, force, θ, time, and work done. The activity is fun, easy to do and requires little preparation. The calculation questions will help your students practice solving different challenging problems. The worksheets can be used as stand-alone or with your existing resource. Grade Level: Grades 6 - 9 I am confident this resource will be a great addition to your teaching toolbox. It is fun, engaging, and requires little prep time, which is a win for the teacher. Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Layers of the Earth Worksheets (Middle School)

Layers of the Earth Worksheets (Middle School)

Are you looking for a no-prep resource to teach layers of the Earth? Look no further. This resource will provide the opportunity for your students to: a. read and learn important info about the four layers of the Earth b. learn about each layer’s characteristics, depth, mineral composition, temperature, and weird/amazing facts. The resource may be used as stand-alone or as part of your existing sources of energy teaching materials. ***Please see the preview for sample worksheets and answer keys *** The resource includes: Layers of the Earth Worksheet ( 1 page ) Layers of the Earth Reading Sheets ( 3 pages ) Layers of the Earth Riddle Worksheet ( 1 page ) BONUS worksheet for your early finishers. I have included tips and suggestions to transform the reading into an active style of learning to get students working in teams. I am confident this layers of the Earth resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching “toolbox”. There’s little to no prep time ( which is a win for the teacher) and the activities are engaging for students. GRADE LEVEL: 6 - 9 Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
PANGEA ( Continental Drift ) Middle School Worksheet

PANGEA ( Continental Drift ) Middle School Worksheet

Teach your next Pangea (Continental Drift) lesson with fresh ideas that will engage your learners from start to finish. This resource will provide your learners the opportunity to: Read and learn about continental drift Cut and paste continents to recreate Pangea Learn about the 4 pieces of evidence that support the theory of continental drift ***Please check the preview to see sample worksheets and answer keys *** What’s included in the resource? PANGAEA: The Birth of Continents Worksheet (1 page) Pangaea Cut and Paste Sheet ( 1 page) Evidence of Continental Drift Worksheet ( 1 page ) Answer Key I am confident this resource will be a great addition to your continental drift/Pangea unit. The worksheets will engage your students as they explore how Earth’s continents looked in the past. There’s little to no prep time which is a win for the teacher.


Are you looking for fresh ideas for teaching tectonic plates to your students? This resource is what you need. It will provide your students the opportunity to: 1.read and learn about plates and how they move 2.read and learn about divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries 3.read and learn about The Pacific Ring of Fire 4.Use real-world earthquake data (from 2023) to explore countries most prone to earthquakes. Please see the preview for sample sheets and answer keys What’s included in the resource? 1.What on Earth is Tectonic Plate Reading Sheet (1 page) 2.Post Reading Worksheet ( 1 page) 3.The Pacific Ring of Fire Worksheet ( 1 page ) 4.Answer Key I am confident this resource will be a great addition to your Layers of the Earth unit. The worksheets will engage your students as they explore tectonic plates and earthquakes. There’s little to no prep time which is a win for the teacher. GRADE LEVEL: 6 - 9 Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.


Teach cloud types, names, and history with this engaging resource that will give your learners the opportunity to : Read about the history of cloud names and shapes Identify cloud types in pictures Number the steps in cloud formation Make observations and track clouds for 7 days + cloud identification guide Make a cloud in a jar. ***Please see the preview for sample sheets *** The resource include: a. History of Cloud Names (2 page) b. Cloud Types Worksheet ( 1 page) c. Cloud Identification Sheet ( 1 page) d. Cloud Tracking Activity Sheet ( 1 page) e. Answer Keys f. Teacher Guide A) History of Cloud Names Worksheet : In this part, students will learn about how clouds came to have their names and the scientist who pioneered the naming of clouds. Afterward, they will answer some comprehension questions. B) Cloud Types Worksheet: In this part, students will number the correct steps in cloud formation C) Cloud Tracking Activity In this part, students will observe and identify the different clouds in the sky for 7 days using the cloud identification sheet as their guide. At the end of day 7, they will try to find patterns about which cloud types increase the chance of rain. D) OPTIONAL EXTENSION: Cloud in a Jar In this optional extension activity, students will make a cloud in a jar. I have included a list of materials and procedures in the resource. This resource will help you and your students explore cloud types in a fun and engaging way. There is little prep time too which is a win for the teacher. I truly believe this resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching “toolbox”. GRADE LEVEL: 6 - 9 Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Weather Fronts And Weather Forecast

Weather Fronts And Weather Forecast

Are you looking for an interesting resource to teach weather fronts and forecasts? This resource has your back. It is designed to give your students the opportunity to: a. describe and illustrate the 4 types of fronts; cold, warm, stationary, and occluded fronts b. identify their symbols c. predict the weather using data from weather maps Please check the preview to see sample sheets and answer keys The resources include: 1.Types of Fronts Worksheets (2 pages) 2.Weather Forecast Worksheet ( 1 page) 3.Answer Keys 4.Teacher Guide A) Types of Fronts Worksheets: In this part, students will define and illustrate the 4 types of fronts. They will also describe how each impacts the weather. On the next page, students will use information from a weather map to predict the weather in a fictional country. B) Weather Forecast Worksheet In this part, students will read a weather forecast for another fictional country. They will use data from the weather map to complete the worksheet. I am confident this weather fronts and forecast resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching weather unit. It requires little prep time for the teacher. The activity will engage your students and help them read weather maps in a fun engaging way. GRADE LEVEL: 6 - 9 Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.


Are you looking for a unique way to teach Earth’s Waters? This resource may be your answer. It will provide your students the opportunity to: 1.read about salt water , fresh water, water usage and water scarcity 2.read and gain insight about tech solutions currently being employed to address the problem of water scarcity 3.collaborate in groups 4.practice their presentation skills The resource includes: a. Where’s Earth’s Waters Reading Sheet (colored and B&W version) b.Post reading Worksheet (colored and B&W version) c.Soultion to water scarcity Reading Sheet d.Pitching Worksheet e.Answer Key Please see preview for sample worksheet and answer key A) Where’s Earth’s Waters Reading Sheet In this part, students will read key information about salt and fresh water, water usage and scarcity. After reading, students will complete a fill in the blank activity related to the reading passage. They will also complete a word search activity about related terminologies. B) Solution to water scarcity reading sheet In this part, students read about 5 technological solutions currently being explored to solve water scarcity. After reading, students will be either assigned or choose one of the 5 solutions and prepare a “pitch” to convince a hypothetical audience why their selected tech should be the top priority to solve the water scaricty problem. I have included “questions from the audience” that students will answer. Afterwards, they will present their “pitch” to the class. I have included additional suggestions and tips in the teacher guide. I truly believe this resource will be an awesome addition to your Salt and Fresh Water unit and help your students explore such an important topic through activities they will love. There is very little preparation time which is a win for the teacher. Grade level: Grade 7 - 9
Energy Efficiency And Conservation Worksheets And Activities

Energy Efficiency And Conservation Worksheets And Activities

Looking for an energy efficiency and conservation resource that is sure to engage and challenge your students with a real world connection? This resource may be the answer to your prayers. It will provide your students the opportunity to: a. Answer questions and learn the difference between energy efficiency and conservation and examples of both. b. Solve calculation questions about energy efficiencies of some household appliances c. Design a brochure to educate a family member or a teacher about how they can reduce their electric bills. Please see preview for sample sheets, answer keys and sample brochure. The resource includes the following: 1.Energy efficiency and conservation worksheet (1page) 2.Energy efficiency calculation questions (1 page) 3.Brochure sheet (1 page) 4.Blank brochure (1 page) 5.Answer Keys Please find detail information in the preview. I sincerely believe this resource will be a great addition to your energy efficiency and conservation unit and help your students explore a topic that is becoming increasingly important for us all. There is very little preparation time involved, which saves the teacher valuable time. Grade level: Grade 6 - 9
Back To School Middle and High School Activities (Fist Day of School)

Back To School Middle and High School Activities (Fist Day of School)

Looking for a Back To School resource that provides multiple activity choices yet easy to execute on the first day of school? Look no further. This Back to School resource will offer your new students the opportunity to reflect, set goals, engage in get-to-know-you and STEM challenge activities. It includes : Back to School Score Card (1 page) Back to School Goal Setting (1 page) First Day of School: This or That ? (colored and B&W - 2pages) Paper Tower Game : Things we have in common Back to School Find Someone Who… Back to School STEM Challege Teacher Guide ***Please see preview for sample sheet *** The activities are divided into 3 sections: REFELECTION & GOAL SETTINGS: In this part, students will complete a “score card” by answering 12 refelction questions. Students also get to set goals for the new semester. GET TO KNOW YOU ACTIVITY: In this part, students and teachers will participate in the following get-to-know-you activities: This or That ? What do we have in common: Paper Tower Game Find someone who … These activities are great ways for students to break the ice while learning about one another. STEM CHALLENGE: In this part, student work in groups to solve a STEM challenge. I have included details, possible solutions and suggestions in the resource. These activities will be a great addition to your Back to School tool box. They are easy to implement and require little materials and prep time which is a win for the teacher. I truly wish you a successful new semester filled with happiness, adventure and good health! Grade level: Grade 6 - 12 Please consider following my shop for future updates and free downloads here : EAZYSCIENCE STORE . Thank you in advance.
Weather, Climate And Weather Instruments Activities and Worksheets

Weather, Climate And Weather Instruments Activities and Worksheets

Are you looking for an engaging resource to teach weather, weather instruments, and weather instruments? This resource got you covered. It contains diverse active learning style activities and will offer your students the opportunity to: Match weather instruments to their names and functions Label statements as either describing weather or climate Complete word search activity about weather elements Complete to crossword activity about extreme weather events Read stories about extreme weather events and complete post-reading questions Collaborate to solve a STEM Challenge about extreme weather ***Please see the preview to check sample sheets and answer keys *** I have included a detailed description, alternative activities, and guidelines in the Teacher Guide. I have included a sample rubric/score sheet for the optional STEM challenge I truly believe this weather and climate resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching “toolbox”. The activities are easy to do, require little prep time, and are fun and engaging for students. GRADE LEVEL: 6 - 9 Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out to eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.


Turn your next Action Potential lesson into easy rather than complicated with this carefully designed resource that will sure to excite your students. The resource simplifies the often dreaded and complicated topic of action potential into logical steps. You students will get the opportunity… Understand key terms related to action potential Learn about phases of action potential Learn about synaptic transduction(transmission) for excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. What’s included in the resource? Action Potential Crossword Worksheet Action Potential worksheet ( Part 1 ) Action Potential worksheet ( Part 2 ) Answer Key Teacher Guide ***Please see preview to check sample worksheets *** The crossword worksheet: This part allows students to learn definitions of key terms by completing a crossword activity. The fun nature helps to reduce the intimidating perceptions that many students have about the topic. It is also perfect for your early finishers and great for review. Action Potential worksheet 1 and 2 In this part, students explore the following: How signals travel along an axon of a neuron (action potential ) How signals travel between neurons ( synaptic transmission/transduction) I have included answer keys and teacher guide to help the lesson successful. ***Please check preview to see answer key *** I am confident that this resource will be a great addition to your action potential unit. It requires little to no preparation which is a win for the teacher. Students will get to explore a beautiful yet often misunderstood ( and dreaded) topic in an engaging way. I know this action potential resource will prove valuable to you now and for years to come. GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12 Thanks and have an wonderful class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Acids, Bases and Buffers (pH) Reading and Worksheet Activity

Acids, Bases and Buffers (pH) Reading and Worksheet Activity

Make your next acids, bases (alkali) and buffer lesson a blast with this simple yet engaging resource that will allow your students to learn about: what acids and bases are role of buffers in maintaining ideal pH range learn about the impact of acid rain on forest, ocean life ,human health and monuments Please check preview to see sample worksheet What’s included in the resource? 1.Acids, Bases(Alkali) and Buffer Reading Passage (colored and B&W) 2.Post Reading Worksheet 3.Answer Key The Reading Passage and Post Reading Worksheet: The passage provides students with background information about properties of acids and bases(alkali), their examples and the pH scale. Students will also learn about how buffers neutralize extra hydrogen and hydroxide ions to keep pH levels at optimal range. After the reading, students will complete a worksheet. This resource is perfect for homework assignment and self study. You may also use it as part of an ongoing lesson to supplement your existing acid base teaching materials. I have included sample Answer Key to guide you. See preview for answer key I am confident that this will be a perfect addition to your acid and base(alkali) unit. There’s little to no prep involved which is a win for the teacher. GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12 Thanks and have an wonderful class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Sense Organs Multiple Activity Bundle + Free Task cards

Sense Organs Multiple Activity Bundle + Free Task cards

4 Resources
Teach the 5 sense organs with this comprehensive and multiple activity packed bundle to engage your students from start to finish. It’s a 4 in 1 bundle that offers variety of opportunity to explore these vital senses in engaging ways. You can get it at a generous 20% off of the comboned prices of all the resources. Students will have a chance to : label beautiful images of each sense organ learn about parts and functions of these organs complete cross word activities complete fill in the blank activities practice treading for key information review or self evaluate using 24 task cards ( includes optional question sheets) These resources may be used as stand alone resource or as part of your existing resource. They provide multiple choices for the teacher and they’re easy to use. Please check preview for details and sample sheets I have included all answer keys and teacher guides in the resource too. I am confident that this will be a wonderful addition to your sense organ unit and offer your a multitude of resources to engage and excite your students. GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12 Thanks and have an wonderful class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Sense Organs Task Cards + Bonus Question Sheets

Sense Organs Task Cards + Bonus Question Sheets

Looking for a quick way to evaluate your students’ mastery of the 5 sense organs or review after the unit? This resource has you covered. Included in it are: * 24 task cards with multiple choice questions Optional Test sheets with the 24 questions Answer Keys Please see preview for sample sheets and answer keys 1.The task cards: These are 24 beautifully designed cards with M.C questions that students can work through on their own. Student may work individually or in teams. It’s great for collaboration, group evaluation or review. 2.BONUS : The Question Sheets: These may be used instead of the task card. It contains the same 24 M.C questions on the task cards in a traditional A4 paper style test. It’s quick, low prep way to evaluate you students at the end of the unit without having to make the cards. I have included all answer keys in the resource. I am confident this low prep sense organ task cards will be a perfect tool to have at hand as you explore our 5 senses in your class room. The cards may be laminated for long term use. GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12 Thanks and have an wonderful class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Sense Organ ( Sense of Sight/Vision) Multiple Activity Lesson

Sense Organ ( Sense of Sight/Vision) Multiple Activity Lesson

Looking for a print and go resource to teach the sense of sight/vision as part of your sense organ unit? Look no further. This resource covers all the essential concepts and information on the topic of vision in animals. It may be used as part of an ongoing lesson or as end of unit review. Please see preview for sample sheets Students will have the opportunity to: label the parts of the eye read for key information about sense of vision compare and contrast the human eye to a camera learn about eye disorders and correction learn about survival benefits and limitations of the sense of sight What’s included in this resource? Parts of the eye worksheet ( colored and B&W versions) Vision in Animals Reading Sheet Post Reading Worksheet Answer Keys Please see preview for answer keys I am confident this resource will be a great addition to your sense organ unit by providing engaging ways for your students to explore this often complicated topic. There is very little prep time needed which is a win for the teacher. GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12 Thanks and have an wonderful class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class. Check out similar resource here: Sense Organs ( Smell, Tatse & Touch ) Multiple Activity Lesson
Sense Organs ( Smell, Tatse & Touch ) Multiple Activity Lesson

Sense Organs ( Smell, Tatse & Touch ) Multiple Activity Lesson

Teach the sense of smell, touch and taste with this fun and engaging resource. It is designed to inject excitement and laughter into the learning process while also helping students to learn important concepts. Topics covered include: structure and parts of the tongue structure and parts of the skin olfactory structure and the nasal cavity taste buds survival benefits of each sense organ receptors : chemoreceptors,thermoreceptors and so on. Please see preview for sample sheets Students will have the opportunity to: learn through experience collaborate with others use their senses to determine unknown items 1.The Activities: Each of the three sense organs ( smell, taste and touch) have one fun activity for students to explore further. Smell: Students smell 6 unkown items and predict what they might be. Taste: Some students taste food with their eyes closed and predict what they might be. Touch: Pair of students touch unkown objects hidden in a box and predict what they might be. What’s included in the reource? 1.Sense organ worksheets ( colored & B&W versions) 2.Activity guide and tips 3.Answer keys 4.Teacher Note I am confident this resource will be a wonderful addition to your sense organ unit. Students will have fun while learning through collaboration. There’s very little preparation involved which save valuable time for the teacher. GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12 Thanks and have an wonderful class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Sense Organ : Sense of Hearing and Balance Worksheets

Sense Organ : Sense of Hearing and Balance Worksheets

Teach the sense of hearing and balance with this multiple activity lesson that offer opportunity for your students to : label the outer, middle and inner ears learn about the process of hearing sounds read about how the vestibular system maintains balance answer critical thinking questions about the sense of hearing and balance ***Please check preview to see sample sheets *** What’s included in this resource? Parts of the Ear worksheet (colored and B&W) Reading passage : Ear, hearing and balance (colored and B&W) Post reading question sheet Answer keys Teacher Guide The Parts of the Ear Worksheet: In this part, students will label parts of the outer, middle and inner ears and complete a fill in the blanks activity to learn about the process of hearing. The Reading Passage: In this part, students read a short passage about the ear, the vestibular systems and how our sense of balance or imbalance occur. After reading, students will answer 5 critical thinking questions that will challenge them to explore the topic even further. I have included all answer keys in the resource to help guide you. I believe this will be a great addition to your sense organ unit and will provide opportunity for your students to learn about this topic in an engaging way. There is little time involve in preping for it which is a big win for the teacher to save valuable time. GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12 Thanks and have an wonderful class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.


Are you looking for a resource that’s complete, streamlined and engaging to teach energy flow in ecosystem, entropy and enzymes? This multifaceted resource got you covered. What topics are covered? Entropy in Living Systems Energy and transformation flow in ecosystems Enzyme structure and functions Active sites, substrates and product Lock and key Theory Factors that affect enzyme activity Cofactors and Coenzymes 2 Enzyme experiments to investigate effect of temperature of enzymes Competitive and Non competitive Inhibition What’s included in the resource? A 45+ power point slides (with notes) 2 page enzyme lab sheet 1 page worksheet 1 page word search 24 task cards Task sheet Answer keys Experiment direction and list of materials Useful video links Teacher Guide Please see preview for sample work and answer keys The Power Point Presenation: The 45+ slides contain all the information on the topics. It is clear, beautiful, animated and has “pause and think” questions embeded at various stages of the presentation. This offers opportunity for think-pair-share and boost students’ enagement. I have included slide notes and tips to guide the teacher. The Experiments: Students will conduct 2 experiments, make observations and arrive at their own conclusions. There are 2 EDITABLE labsheets that go along with these experiments. I have included details in the preview. Check it out. Worksheet, Word search and 24 task cards: The worksheets has questions that will force students to think outside the box. It will help students to explore the topic at a deeper level. The word search activity can be useful for early finisher type of activity. Finally, the 24 multiple choice task cards are great for end of unit review or evaluation. I have included all answer keys too. Check preview for more details. I am confident this resource will be a great addition to your energy flow and enzyme unit and help your students explore and understand the connection between energy and metabolism in a fun engaging way. GRADE LEVEL: 9- 12 Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
Prokaryotic Vs Eukaryotic Cell And Cell Surface Area

Prokaryotic Vs Eukaryotic Cell And Cell Surface Area

Looking for an engaging resource to teach prokaryotic vs eukaryotic cells? And also explore the question of why cells are so tiny? This resource got you covered. It provides opportunity for your students to: learn about the structure and parts of the 2 types of cells conduct simple experiment to investigate cell surface area. collaborate with others make observation and arrive at their own conclusions Please see preview for sample sheets and details What’s included? Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell Worksheet (1 page) Cell Surface Area Lab sheet (2 pages) Answer Keys Teacher Guide List of materials Tips and Suggestions The materials used in the experiments are all easy to obtain and the experiment itself is simple yet allows students to visually confirm the concepts they are learning. I whole heartedly believe this prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell resource will provide tremendous value and help your students learn more and stay engaged throughout the lesson. GRADE LEVEL: 9- 12 Thanks and have an awesome class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.