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Useful websites - all subjects
Here is a list of some websites that I have found very useful! I hope there might be something new there for you :)

Year 1: Reading and Writing numbers to 20
Three differentiated worksheets to match numbers to 10 (LA) 20 (MA) or 30 (HA) with corresponding name written in words.

Rob Biddulph Blown Away activity Year 1
Comprehension activities for Year 1 on ‘Blown Away’ by Rob Biddulph.

Reading incentive
I designed this for my Year 3 class to persuade them to read a wider variety of genres. Once they had read a specific genre, their parents signed it off in their reading diary and they earned a sticker for their booklet. The stickers were printed onto sticky labels.

Identifying and representing numbers
My Year 2 pupils had experienced using objects to represent numbers before having a go at this activity.

Fractions finding half of a set of objects , reasoning activity
I used this resource for my year 2 class when looking at fractions.

Anthony Browne - Into the Forest
The plan is for Year 3 English but can be adapted for other year groups. I’ve included the planning for ideas on how to use the resources.

Adding and Subtracting 1, 10 and 100 from 2 and 3 digit numbers
I used these worksheets for my Year 2 class. There are 3 strips on each page to be cut and stuck into books or given to pupil to copy and complete.