GCSE AQA Biology Triple Science Pathogens revision sheets Higher Tier (Grade 6-9)
GCSE Biology Triple Science different pathogens revision sheet.
This 3 page pdf document with exam tips is designed to help with revision of the AQA GCSE specification for Triple Science looking at the different pathogens that are required for the specification.
Students have information on the different disease required for the specification. This includes: HIV, measles, TMV, black rose spot, malaria, salmonella and gonorrhoea.
This particular revision sheet can be used for both foundation and higher students.
Exam tips are included to enable students to pick up more marks than they would if just learning the information. Where appropriate links are made to other parts of the specification.
GCSE AQA Biology Triple Science Topic 2 Infection and Response revision sheets Higher
This is a set of 9 revision sheets covering all of the areas of Topic 2 infection and response.
The pdf document with exam tips is designed to help with revision of the AQA GCSE specification for Triple/ Separate Science looking at the second topic from the specification - infection and response. The resources cover the higher paper content.
The pdf contains all the content required for the specification, broken down for ease of understanding. There are complementary diagrams and exam tips are included. This enables students to maximise the number of marks they can achieve. Where appropriate links are made to other parts of the specification to increase understanding of context.
Monoclonal Antibodies Powerpoint GCSE AQA Biology Triple Science Higher Tier (Grade 6-9)
This is a digital resource
A Powerpoint with the content for AQA GCSE Biology Triple Science on monoclonal antibodies.
The powerpoint recalls antibodies and lymphocytes before moving onto the production and uses of monoclonal antibodies.
Recall questions and a summary task are included.