Film Study ~ ‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’ Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around discrimination and tolerance. Based on the book “Wild Pork and Watercress” Barry Crump the film is about Ricky Baker - whose turbulent childhood / sense of abandonment leads to delinquent ways. Foster parents Bella and Hector take him on and Ricky finds his ‘family’. Throughout the film, as Bella dies and the blokes ‘go bush’ looking after family takes centre stage in a range of ways, sometimes quite comedic.
Film Study ~ ‘Whale Rider’ Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around discrimination, tolerance and Leadership, also aspects of Maori Culture.
Film Study ~ ‘Wonder’ Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around discrimination and tolerance. Based on the bestselling novel ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio the film is about a 10 year old boy, August Pullam, who was born with the craniofacial condition Treacher Collins syndrome, which causes facial disfigurement. August has thus far been home schooled but this year is starting to attend public school. (Grade 5) How he and his family cope and rise above the way he is treated attending school makes for an interesting and informative watch.
Film Study Jumanji: Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around relationships and tolerance. Suitable for level 3-4 of the NZ Curriculum or equivalent (age 9-12 years)
‘Jumanji’ 1995 American film directed by Joe Johnston. Screenplay written by J Hensleigh, G Taylor and J Strain. Based on the Jumanji book by Chris Van Allsburg.
Theme: family, relationships, fantasy / adventure
Abstract: The story focuses on a board game that releases jungle-based hazards with each turn the players take. Alan Parrish became trapped inside the game for 26 years while playing with his friend, Sarah Whittle. When new house occupants Judy and Peter Shepherd find the game, they begin playing and release the now-adult Alan. After tracking down Sarah, the quartet decide to finish the game in order to reverse all of the destruction it has caused.
Christmas Thinkers Keys - Literacy / IT Unit
Level 3-4 of the NZ curriculum
Processes and strategies: Students will: Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confidence to identify, form, and express ideas. By using these processes and strategies when speaking, writing, or presenting, students will show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences, use language features appropriately, showing a developing understanding of their effects, organise texts, using a range of appropriate structures.
NZ Mathematics Curriculum level 3 Number knowledge. In a range of meaningful contexts, students will be engaged in thinking mathematically and statistically. They will solve problems and model situations that require them to know basic multiplication and division facts. Includes squares, square roots, factors as fast finisher / challenge activities. Editable allows for Google classroom use.
This game is intended to reinforce / practice money concepts. Students will; recognise note values ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100), be able to identify and compare the values of different units of NZ currency, use a range of strategies to complete payments and give change with whole numbers, engage in everyday events involving exchange of money for goods and services.
Multiplication Basic Facts Resource: NZ Mathematics Curriculum level 3 - Number knowledge
In a range of meaningful contexts, students will be engaged in thinking mathematically and statistically. They will solve problems and model situations that require them to know basic multiplication and division facts. Resource is editable to allow for use in Google Classroom.
Links to New Zealand Curriculum: English: Level 3/4 Purposes and audiences. Show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences. Language features. Use language features appropriately, showing a developing understanding of their effects. Teacher Notes: Emphasis is on creative thinking and concise instructions using action verbs.
Links to New Zealand Curriculum: English: Level 3/4 Purposes and audiences. Show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences. Language features. Use language features appropriately, showing a developing understanding of their effects. Teacher Notes: Emphasis is on creative thinking and descriptive writing.
NZC Mathematics level 3: Number and Algebra Strand
Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Indicators: Students will; use a range of strategies to give change with decimal numbers
Mathematics level 2 and 3: Number and Algebra Strand
Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions. Students will; recognise coin and note values ($1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100), be able to identify and compare the values of different units of NZ currency, use a range of strategies to add whole numbers.
At level three as above and use a range of strategies to add whole and decimal numbers.
New Zealand Curriculum Level 4/5 Visual Art and Technology (Designing and developing digital outcomes) Lesson: Digital Pop Art. Need access to computers with Word and MS Paint for students to complete lesson. Power point includes a model, written directions and a ‘how to’ step by step screencastify video that takes you through the process.
Film Study ~ ‘City of Ember’ Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around community and enviromental aspects. Theme: When a global catastrophe looms, ‘Ember’ an underground city is constructed to shelter survivors. A small metal box is created with instructions on how to leave the city in 200 years when the catastrophic effects to the planet are past. The box’s significance is forgotten. It opens by itself after 200 years, but goes unnoticed. Several decades later, Ember’s generator begins to fail, and food, medicine and other necessities are in dangerously short supply. Two youngsters find the box and work out a solution for the group of survivors.
Film Study - Blindside: Integrated literacy unit level 5/6 of the NZ curriculum. (Junior secondary) Reading (read / watch techniques using sub titles - useful for readers needing support), writing, viewing, listening / discussion. Also covers aspects of the Health curriculum - relationships; tolerance, discrimination, tolerance. The Blind Side is a 2009 American docu-drama film written and directed by John Lee Hancock, and based on the 2006 book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis. The storyline features Michael Oher, an offensive lineman who plays for the Baltimore Ravens of the NFL. The film follows Oher from
his impoverished upbringing, through his years at Wingate Christian School, his adoption by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, and on to his position as one of the most highly coveted prospects in college football.
Film Study Zathura: Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around relationships and tolerance. Suitable for level 3-4 of the NZ Curriculum or equivalent (age 9-12 years)
‘Zathura a Space Adventure movie directed by Jon Favreau, book written by Chris Van Allsburg, screen play by David Koepp
Theme: The ‘Spiritual’ sequel to Jumanji, a young boy finds a mechanised board game that takes him, and his siblings, on a space adventure. With each move in a game a new ‘issue’ arises, putting the three children in dangerous situations. The theme of the story explores the brothers’ fractious relationship (the parents are divorced – the boys compete for Dads love and attention) They need to work together to finish the game and get home safely.
Film Study ~ Narnia - The Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around discrimination and tolerance. Suitable for level 3/4 of the NZ Curriculum or equivalent (age 9-12 years)
Literacy Unit: Film Study ‘Chasing Great’ the Richie McCaw documentary. level 4-5 of the New Zealand Curriculum. Integrated literacy unit covering aspects of English: Listening, reading, writing and viewing plus health / relationship / leadership and values objectives. Suitable for use with inquiries themed around leadership and values. Genre: Documentary / Biography / Drama / Sport
Theme: The documentary follows Richie from humble rural beginnings through to achieving at the highest level in international sport. The message is inspiring; that ‘Ordinary’ people can achieve Extraordinary things. The doc takes a narrative format with personal insights, leadership skills, the challenges of sport at top level and how they were overcome, plenty of rugby footage, includes a range of international rugby players, plus some amazing New Zealand landscape footage as a bonus.