Rounding Large Numbers
These are two pages of rounding tasks for more able pupils in upper primary and for all ability levels in KS3. The first deals with numbers up to ten thousands, the second with numbers up to hundred millions.
11+ Missing digits: multiplier
Often found in 11+exam papers, otherwise straightforward four-rules number crunches will be ‘shuffled’ to test the candidate’s depth of understanding.
These questions also provide reinforcement of times table recall.
Divisibility rules
In the 11+ papers even very able candidates will fall short if they can’t use speed strategies. Knowledge and familiarity with divisibility rules for x10, 5, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 4 are essential. These questions, in Word or PDF, test the rules that incorporate using the sum of the digits.
11+: Missing digits: divisor
Often found in 11+exam papers, otherwise straightforward four-rules number crunches will be ‘shuffled’ to test the candidate’s depth of understanding.
These questions also provide reinforcement of times table recall.
Square Numbers and their Roots
In tackling 11+ papers even very able candidates will fall short if they don’t have speed strategies. Knowledge of and familiarity with square numbers is essential. These questions, in Word or PDF, provide practice in recall.
Division with Remainders
A set of 8 worksheets covering times tables x2 to x9. They can be completed by hand of on a PC/tablet. They can also be easily tailored.
Finding Factors KS2
This is a prompt sheet to encourage the use of strategy to find all the factors of a given number. Ideally a warm-up activity in the form of a race, the primary objective is to encourage a systematic approach, and also involves practice in divisibility rules, square roots and square and prime numbers.
Place Value PowerPoint KS2
These are PowerPoint whole class/group activities to develop and reinforce understanding of, and mental dexterity with, place value and larger numbers.
The first is to check basic grasp of HTU.
The second deliberately bypasses consideration of ‘thousands’ as the next column after units, tens and hundreds, and moves instead to the more logical step: HTU of thousands.
Follow-up 6 digit and 9 digit resource packs will shortly be available to purchase.